Saturday, January 29, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center and Egypt

As President of America's premier Urban Poverty Law Center and think tank, a few words about Egypt seem in order. Though I have not personally been to Egypt, my ex-wife's daughter, Katharine, was there last year with her Spaniard beau, Al.
She has assured us that his last name is not Qaeda, but from the photographs we see posted on face book we are not completely off our guard. She is a beautiful child with blond hair and standing about 5 foot 7 inches tall, with a nice Cleopatra like figure. She wrote that she had throngs of Egyptian men following her and Al, many wanting to snap their photo. She will be 28 next birthday, never married and by Cedar Grove, Tennessee standards, well on the way to becoming an old maid.

First, our sentiments go out to the rioters who lost their lives fighting for a better life, and to their families. My grandmother used to admonish me whenever I had done silly and after some reflection very dangerous things, like the time I was 14 yrs old and took Bill Stones' dare to jump off the railroad bridge crossing the Forked Deer River south of Humboldt in 1967.

It was a thirty foot drop into only 14 inches of water. The fright of the fall caused me to panic and stiffen up. When I hit the bottom of the river, I jolted my lower back as my feet impacted the sandy bottom of the river, driving my legs into my pelvis into my back and the shock up my spine caused me to lose consciousness briefly. When I fell back into the cool water I was revived and found my legs paralysed from the waist down. I am thankful that I did not dive that day. I knew the depth of the water so I knew not to dive.

I crawled out of the water using only my arms, dragging my useless legs behind me. I collapsed on the sandy beach riverside to moan, not able to even attempt standing for over an hour. My four young comrades, none of whom had any medical training, discounted the seriousness of my debility and were prepared to leave me there, beached and unable to move. This was sufficient motivation to get me up and started on my 5 mile hike down the tracks back towards home. The first mile was very painful, but as the miles passed my debility and pain lessened and now I am fully recovered 43 yrs later.

I believe I would have been two inches taller if I had not broken my back in that stupid jump. I still went on to win the Heisman Trophy playing for USC and I starred in a few Hollywood films before I was framed for my ex-wife's murder. I wish had never jumped off that bridge. Live and learn.

Back to Egypt, I feel they are about to jump into a river without first sounding its depth. Jimmy Carter, threw the Shaw of Iran under the bus in the late 70's and we see how well that worked out for the people of Iran and neighbors. Now Jimmy Carter jr without the peanuts, the great community organizer is going to re-organize Egypt into a radical Islamic State like Iran, and we will see a world that is a much more dangerous place in which to live and do business.

Predictions, all currencies will fall v the dollar. Let's face it America is still a safe haven for investments when compared to all others. With the stronger dollar oil will fall as will the price of gold.

How sure am I of these predictions? I believe greater than 50% certain. Will this keep me from buying gold, no. I just hope the commodity price run up for farm products continues into the fall. I would use the money to help pull some of my neighbors up out of poverty. If you haven't bought a farm yet, this will be a great time to do so.

And D.B. Bell, banker extraordinaire, you lost another cow. Larry took the back hoe over and attended to the ceremony last week. Merle Davis said it was a heart attack. On the bright side, we have 8 new calves out in the pasture since new yrs day. Looks like a calf preschool with all the little ones running about! Cattle is money that you can eat.

Jack Maybolt, President
Urban Poverty Law Center

"Strike only to kill when dealing with Kings, for the king's men are ruthless, just ask Anne Boleyn."
Mother Maybolt 1922-2008

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