Sunday, January 16, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Policy on Renewal


I was thinking about politicians and guns with the most recent horrific events in the Safeway parking lot in Tucson Arizona, and believe that nobody is safe in our culture which has become for the most part Godless and pagan. I wonder if Mr. Loughner could cite even one of the Ten Commandments? That Mr. Loughner could crazy around Tucson for the better part of 21 years and not be on the radar of local law enforcement or the mental health establishment is a sad testimonial to public servants. At least the first Wal-Mart clerk where Mr. Loughner went for his ammunition purchase that morning was suspicious enough to deny him his purchase as to him or her he seemed a bit off and spooky. He got his ammo at the next place without any problems sadly enough.

I was happy to read in the accounts of an armed Safeway patron who ran towards the shooting ready to stop the shooter if he had not already been disabled by a few brave citizens who tackled this kook and by a grandmother who snatched his second loaded clip out of his maniacal manhands, tossing it a safe distance from the tussle.
With 911 and everything that has happened since seems we the people are responsible for our own protection and people are aware that it has always been that way. I hope that each of us would run towards the shooting if events such as those occur in our lives.

As the famous quote goes by Edmund Burke: "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." From the actions of the Tucson good men and women it looks like we are in gear, rev ed up, and ready!

God bless those who were slain and injured and bring peace to their grieving families.

We've come a long way since the Columbine Massacres where the Swat Team sat outside idle for a couple of hours after the two lunatics inside had committed suicide while the teacher bled to death. Talk about running into the action. I know you could not have kept one of the mothers out of that hellhole for two hours if she felt her child was in there. Our Swat Teams need to be more maternal in their response to danger. Remembering what David Farragut said during the Civil War: "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!"

In other news, I was moving some of Mother Maybolt's personal belongings and I found a chest with some of her personal items and letters. In amongst the papers I found over 200 letters written to me by my father. The letters are all unopened and this is the first I have seen of them. These were sent to me by him and they are post marked from all over the country, where ever the carnival was at the time, and I am going to spend a few days reading them. I will share any interesting tidbits from father. I am excited about my find, but sad to think, Mother would keep these missives from me for over 25 years. I know she had my best interests at heart. She always did. I will include these out of Urban Poverty Law Center Business and alert those who have no interest in these letters by a subtitle "Letters To and From A Son of a Bitch". I plan to answer my father after each of his letters as I would have 25plus years ago.

I do not know how this will work, but nothing in life is certain and that is part of the beauty of it all.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

"Throughout all the ages, a kind word spoken at just the right moment has thwarted World Wars. "President Ahmadinejad, who is your nose hair barber, you are looking really, really nice today!" Mother Maybolt, 1922-2008.

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