Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Policy on Letters tafasob


First let me apologize for that last posting. I think it reads like a Peggy Noonan editorial in the WSJ, back when Monica Lewinsky was kneeling before our Knight in Shining Armor in the Oval office. I will insist old Doc Porter check my testosterone levels next check up. I enjoy reading her material, but I would rather be compared to Samuel Clemens than Peggers, no offense.

I opened my father's first letter to me dated October 12, 1979.

"Letters To and From A Son of A Bitch"

Dear Jackson Jr,

I am sorry I have not contacted you before now. It is hard adapting to the carny life when all you have known for the past 25 years is a post office in "Hicksville, USA".

LouLou sends her love and wishes you a speedy recovery. I have enclosed one of her publicity photo shots and chose the one with the great white Burmese Python. I know how fond you were of reptiles when you were growing up. She signed it over her beautiful backside at my insistence so as not to shock you. Do not let your mother see the picture!

We are in Toledo, Ohio today and tomorrow we pull up stakes and head for Evanston, Indiana for a 4 day showing. I have befriended the Clowns and find the smaller ones
to be quite good company. I spent the better part of an afternoon talking to "BoBo"
and find him to be a rather interesting fellow. Very funny, but his political views are far too liberal for my liking. I chalk his liberal views up to too much youth, but if he remains a liberal after age 40, it can only be a mental illness. Time will tell. By the way if you ever entertain any little people, I mistakenly thought I had enough finger foods out as they were all little. Don't let the small size fool you. They eat like linebackers! Had to run out to the 7-Eleven and get more chips and dip.

Meeting with the clowns after the show where we are going to discuss Jimmy Carter's reluctance to use force to free the American Hostages who are held in Iran.

I think the middle east will be trouble for the west in the future. Are you reading the Mark Twain collection I sent you?


Dear Ole Dad/ S. Jackson Delano Maybolt, Sr

Jackson Delano Maybolt, Sr
general delivery
Evanston, Indiana

Dear Dad,

I am reading Mark Twain's work and find it greatly amusing. Thank you for the fine gift. I will not let mother see the pix of LouLou, but between you and me, I see why you are where you are now. I bet that is the luckiest snake in the world! It even looks like it is smiling, I know I would be! She is beautiful.

Thanks for the advice on the feeding and entertaining of little people. You never know when that kind of information could come in handy. I think someday in the future when new and marvelous technologies open up the airwaves, there might possibly be a TV reality series specifically devoted to those amongst us who are severely vertically challenged and talk with funny little voices. We will just have to wait and see about that. That sounds crazy, doesn't it?

I think Jimmy's testosterone level is way lower than Rosalynn's and we will likely have to wait until we get a president with a set of balls, really big balls, to get the hostages released. Just a gut feeling I have. I agree the middle east will be a problem for us in the future. There are a couple of stocks I think you might want to add to your portfolio. Check out Microsoft and WalMart. Buy as much as you can and hold on!


Jack, Jr/ S Jack,Jr

Jackson Delano Maybolt, jr
President Urban Poverty Law Center

Since this blog deals with my father there will be no Mother Maybolt quote so she does not spin furiously in her grave. I respect her too much to dishonor her in any way. jm

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