Friday, March 3, 2023

Twinkie Tidwell Bondurant gives everyone a letter. MFSDBSGGGGNNAU. Wonderful!

It's time for everyone to get a letter. The movement of the gender confused is taking way too much attention away from the more important matters we face. My proposal is to apply letters to those people who are not gender confused. Let me start with the family which is the bedrock of all societies. We have mother, father, daughter, Son, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, grandson, granddaughter, Niece, nephew, aunt, uncle. The letters for this group are: MFSDBSGGGGNNAU. Now that is a fine group of letters. These people represent 93% or more of the world. Let that sink in. Enough of the nonsense. Let's move on with our lives. Let's cut out the narcissism. Because that's all it is. I am Twinkie Tidwell Bondurant exchange student and yes I am French but not proud of that. My letters are DSN and one day I hope to be M!

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Kyle Rittenhouse Lawsuit By A Man Whose Life Was Saved By Kyle. Mr. G Peers To Be A Fool!

Kyle Rittenhouse is being sued in Civil Court by the man who pointed a gun at his head after Kyle was knocked to the ground by a crazed crowd. A few moments earlier a simp ran by Kyle grabbing the business end of Kyle's weapon and tried to pull it away from him. The weapon was tethered to Kyle and Kyle's finger was on the trigger. The shot from the AR-15 was acuated by this tug of war and the barrel was pointed directly at simpy's chest. The resulting projectile blew this goof's heart into a misty mess resulting in the criminal reveler's instant death. Kyle's shot fired in reaction to the threat Mr. GrossK posed caused Mr. G. to drop the weapon after his upper arm reacted very poorly to the 3000ft per second projectile. In that moment Kyle was justified in finishing off Mr. G. But the 17 yr old child showed him mercy. Every concealed handgun class emphasises: shoot until the threat has ended. The threat Mr. G poses because Kyle did not follow the rules includes this Civil Lawsuit. Next time Kyle follow the rules, but I suspect no others will FAAFO with you. You have a good track record in dealing with criminal revelers, goofs, and knotheads. Of the three seeking to end your life that night in Kenosha only Mr. G. remains on earth, he should thank you for not doing the right thing and killing him when you had every right to do so. Mr. Rittenhouse, what would be thought of this case were you a black 17 yr old child chased and threatened by armed Proud Boys? Would we be seeing this case in court? Nope. It is political and anything political is woke bullshit! I hope some judge has the balls (or ovaries) to throw this case out. Maybolt's Law: "Change the race in the case. If it is still a case, go for it." I am Twinke Tidwell Bondurant, guest blogger and exchange student with a mad crush on Kyle, staying with Joseph Robinette Biden Chancre, Jr while attending high school, and yes I am French, but not proud of it.

Friday, February 24, 2023

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Oh My Inclusion Of Nuclear Conflict? Let Go Brandon!

The Biden/Obama regime's ongoing war on Straight White Males is another attack against the founders. If this error prone administration is any indication of what diversity, equity, and inclusion brings, the republic is doomed. The Afghanistan failure was preceeded by a complete economic failure at home witness higher energy costs, double digit inflation, a southern border breeched by millions of poor uneducated souls who will become our brain surgeons, jet pilots, and writers for the New York Times and the Washington Post. Within a decade or two the halls of congress will be filled with these dreamers. Move over OAC, Kamala, and all you straight white pedo's. There is a new kid in town. Our nation will be destroyed by DEI so I recommend we call it what it really is, the Biden/Obama/China's DIE America Plan or DAP! Now, what should patriots who happen to believe in the constitution, God, and family do to resist DAP? Well, a general strike of SWM's might show the DIE America crowd the importance these patriotic family men provide to the stability of this country. And show voters of all races, and sexual orientation the folly of DAP. DAP is pushing the world towards nuclear conflict. Perhaps a stone age lifestyle would be good for Humanity. We have followed these leaders into this techy advanced civilization and now face near extinction with the push of a button controlled on our end by an aged puppet bribed by money and addeled to the ah, ah, ah you know the thing! He could easily loose his balance and accidentally fall on the button. How many weather balloons must be shot down with $500,000 missles before the hollow headed man of Deleware is shown the door by the 25th amendment? Is this the Biden Administration or the Bribed-em Administration? Did he really make 12 to 14 trips to Ukraine in his last year as VP? Do we really have 14 Biolabs there? Is Ukraine the West's washing machine for money, human trafficing, and drugs? Did our pols benefit from a DC to Ukraine to FXT to DC money laundering scheme? If so Sam, old boy, you better get your affairs in order, the piggies will eat you. However, Sam, if justice and the judicial branch are what they seem, you will get off with a short stay at Club Fed where you will not even need a chasity belt or your jaws wired shut. Finally, why is discrimination against Straight White Males not discrimination? If discrimination is legal against one group, it is legal against all groups! So watch out, the push back may be suprising. Americans be careful which group you identify. Play it safe drop your hyphenation. We are not one Hyphenation under God! Just be an American and be thankful everybody has a part to play in keeping this country intact and safe and working for everybody. We must stop the DIE AMERICA PLAN! We must stop pushing for a nuclear show down. The current administration must change course for the good of the world. All I am saying is give peace a chance. Thank you John Lennon! He is worth a Google. I am Joseph Robinette Biden Chancre, Jr, Fellow of the Urban Poverty Law Center since 2017

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Part-Time Door Dash Driver Volodymyr Zelenskyy Lifts Pickles And Thinks President Biden Has Parkinson's Disease

The president has Parkinson's Disease? I watched him walk in Poland along the red carpet while reviewing the troops. His arms do not swing and his gate is shuffling. It is ironic this president, who some might consider a dope, is lacking dopamine? His substantia nigra, or substantia not the N word, snowflakes and Don Lemon, is depleted. Nigra is not to be confused with the term N_gger, which is used to describe people who annoy you. Nor is nigra to be confused with a stingy person who could be called a Niggard. Anyway, take note, president Biden's physician, he walks like a Parksonian. Talks like a Parksonian. Leads like a puppet of globalism with China and the WEF calling the shots. Speaking of shots, can WWIII be that far away? Get ready for the stone age! I got my bow and I have some arrows and I have farm with East Palestine, Ohio contamination free springs. I am Volodymyr Robinette Olesandrovych Zelenskyy,Junior, JD Member UrbanPovertyLawCenter Center For Urban Poverty Law and sometime Door Dash driver. Shhh? I steal pickles.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Can Fentanyl Be Used To Kindly Kill Those Sentenced To Death For Treason Or Is It Too Little Punishment? What Will The Circus Demand? Drawn And Quartered Sounds Bad.

I am not a politician or an attorney nor ever dreamed of becoming either. This treatise will offer a suggestion for our penologist who will undoubtedly seek out a kinder and more ethical application of capitol punishment to the serious crime of treason. It now looks like a lot of goofs in Tech and government are at risk of a treason conviction, which is punishable by death. And lucky for them the more gruesome methods including chopping off heads, firing squads, hanging, the electric chair, and the gas chamber have fallen from favor. Point of order, your honor! It seems thousands of Americans unexpectedly die each year hoping to dull their miseries by ingesting one tiny pill. Fentanyl, yes fentanyl is the answer. It is cheap and plentiful, thanks to President Joe Biden and his open border pilicy(funny play on word?). And more importantly it is very effective in small doses. As little as one pill of street xanax, percocet, or a lortab is enough to kill the largest linebacker on the Georgia Bulldog's football team. It happens every day in this great nation of ours and they just go to sleep and stop breathing with little or no wiggling or even a convulsion. Ok they may vomit and gurgle for a short while, but this is not bad as the person is unconscious through it all. That's All Folks! Yes, I propose the death sentence be carried out with a glass of water and a couple of street pills. Fentanyl from China may answer America's prayer for a kinder way to execute our treasonous traiters. And for those traitors who do not want to risk your fortune hiring lawyers and fighting your convictions see your local pill dealer on any street corner and take a pill and pass your money onto your families. Let your consciences be your guide. I am Hector Chadwick Rodreguez-Ortez IV, grand nephew to UPLC's founder, Jackson Delano Maybolt, and I am 15 years old, going on 16. Uncle Jackson does not know about this post, but since he has died, he won't care. Oops, gotta go, I hear Joseph Robinette Biden Chancre, Jr, coming! Adios, muchachas.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

When will the Congressional Hearings Into Facebook, Yoel Tube, and Google Begin? Lawyers And DC Gossips Rejoice!

OMGosh, todays congressional hearings with the Twitter Trifecta plus one made currie out of Ms. Gadde, pretzels out of Mr. Baker, and Mr. Roth into a "Not to my recollection" ass-Yoel, oh my! The republicans were so effective these three will require corrective surgery where they were ripped new ones. Is it possible they could be charged with crimes against the American public for broaching first amendment rights? Probably not with the current Obama-Biden-Clinton DOJ and the corrupt DC judiciary. But could these three Nit Twits be sued in civil proceedings where the process would be the punishment? Should the executives at Google (which hard shadow banned this site) start to sweat profusely. They will need Billions to pay attorneys. Same at MetaFace. Are legal fees tax deductible? Shouldn't be for crimes against the people and their constitutional rights. Twitter has learned the hard way, "If you lie down with dogs you get up with fleas." Ivermectin can help you with that, but it is poison to parasites so is contraindicated for democrats. I am Joseph Robinette Biden Chancre, Jr, and have never taken a penny from China as fellow of the Urban Poverty Law Center Since 2017 Bonus question: Can the FBI survive this level of corruption? Bonus, Bonus question: Will Biden start a hot war with RU to get Hunter's Crotch-Top off the front page? I hope he would resign first. Or be impeached.

Monday, January 30, 2023


As a right of center happy goof ball blogger I noticed my page views dropped dramatically after 2016. I routinely received over a thousand views per month from countries all over the world. And then something happened. I was down to 30 to 50 per month and have lanquished there since. I was also unable to form paragraphs on this site and spelcek was disabled. I often thanked the thought police at EL-GOO-Gee for their interference mid article. Are there any lawyers who want to take on an evil mind controlling entity for this affront to free speech. Message me at this site if permission from the wicked step mother allows a free flow of information. I am Joseph Robinette Biden Chancre, Jr, Fellow of the Urban Poverty Law Center since 2016

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Just A Question To Ponder: So Who Are Best Leaders For America, Narcisissistic Goofballs Or Serious Representatives?

Can LGBQAEIOU,inc members who go into politics fairly represent the 95% who do not identify as members of that elite club? Do the former have different goals in life? The 95% want to make better lives for their children. What percentage do the former occupy in government? Is it higher or lower than their percentage of the population. Many of the 95% are tied down with raising a family for middle life years and the former are unencumbered by child rearing in most cases. This frees up a lot of time and makes travel with, say, State Department jobs easier. I mean no disrespect only asking if the 95% are getting fair representation from the 5%. I do not mean to imply the 95% are getting fair representation from our current gaggle of non LGBQAEIOU,inc leaders. So my question may be moot. Can a congressman who swears in on a $5 million Superman comic book be taken seriously? Is he just a narcissistic exibitionist goofball or a serious representative? Time will tell. I am Alberto Raphael Santos Garcia,III new fellow of The Urban Poverty Law Center since 2023 (The views expressed in today's blog are not necessarily those of the UPLC, but they may be.)