Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Part-Time Door Dash Driver Volodymyr Zelenskyy Lifts Pickles And Thinks President Biden Has Parkinson's Disease

The president has Parkinson's Disease? I watched him walk in Poland along the red carpet while reviewing the troops. His arms do not swing and his gate is shuffling. It is ironic this president, who some might consider a dope, is lacking dopamine? His substantia nigra, or substantia not the N word, snowflakes and Don Lemon, is depleted. Nigra is not to be confused with the term N_gger, which is used to describe people who annoy you. Nor is nigra to be confused with a stingy person who could be called a Niggard. Anyway, take note, president Biden's physician, he walks like a Parksonian. Talks like a Parksonian. Leads like a puppet of globalism with China and the WEF calling the shots. Speaking of shots, can WWIII be that far away? Get ready for the stone age! I got my bow and I have some arrows and I have farm with East Palestine, Ohio contamination free springs. I am Volodymyr Robinette Olesandrovych Zelenskyy,Junior, JD Member UrbanPovertyLawCenter Center For Urban Poverty Law and sometime Door Dash driver. Shhh? I steal pickles.

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