Wednesday, February 8, 2023

When will the Congressional Hearings Into Facebook, Yoel Tube, and Google Begin? Lawyers And DC Gossips Rejoice!

OMGosh, todays congressional hearings with the Twitter Trifecta plus one made currie out of Ms. Gadde, pretzels out of Mr. Baker, and Mr. Roth into a "Not to my recollection" ass-Yoel, oh my! The republicans were so effective these three will require corrective surgery where they were ripped new ones. Is it possible they could be charged with crimes against the American public for broaching first amendment rights? Probably not with the current Obama-Biden-Clinton DOJ and the corrupt DC judiciary. But could these three Nit Twits be sued in civil proceedings where the process would be the punishment? Should the executives at Google (which hard shadow banned this site) start to sweat profusely. They will need Billions to pay attorneys. Same at MetaFace. Are legal fees tax deductible? Shouldn't be for crimes against the people and their constitutional rights. Twitter has learned the hard way, "If you lie down with dogs you get up with fleas." Ivermectin can help you with that, but it is poison to parasites so is contraindicated for democrats. I am Joseph Robinette Biden Chancre, Jr, and have never taken a penny from China as fellow of the Urban Poverty Law Center Since 2017 Bonus question: Can the FBI survive this level of corruption? Bonus, Bonus question: Will Biden start a hot war with RU to get Hunter's Crotch-Top off the front page? I hope he would resign first. Or be impeached.

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