Friday, March 3, 2023

Twinkie Tidwell Bondurant gives everyone a letter. MFSDBSGGGGNNAU. Wonderful!

It's time for everyone to get a letter. The movement of the gender confused is taking way too much attention away from the more important matters we face. My proposal is to apply letters to those people who are not gender confused. Let me start with the family which is the bedrock of all societies. We have mother, father, daughter, Son, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, grandson, granddaughter, Niece, nephew, aunt, uncle. The letters for this group are: MFSDBSGGGGNNAU. Now that is a fine group of letters. These people represent 93% or more of the world. Let that sink in. Enough of the nonsense. Let's move on with our lives. Let's cut out the narcissism. Because that's all it is. I am Twinkie Tidwell Bondurant exchange student and yes I am French but not proud of that. My letters are DSN and one day I hope to be M!

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