Sunday, March 29, 2020

2020: So Far Trump Is Running Unopposed

Is President Trump running unopposed this election cycle?

Well, the democrats have not come up with a worthy opponent.  Creepy Slow One For The Money and Two For The Show, Joe Biden is currently in the middle of a brain rot or perhaps the greatest feint ever to avoid answering to his nearly 5 decades of insider dealings which made him and his family a fortune.

The stumbles and mumbles which come out of his dentured mouth from under that hair plugged skull on a daily basis are evidence enough that Creepy Joe appears to be Demented Joe Biden.

A serious party would be looking for a substitute to run against the greatest man to ever hold the office.

That the democrat press and the party are mute to Joe Biden's slide into dementia is telling.

They know Trump cannot be defeated by man but only by law.  The 22nd admendment to the constitution will bring the Trump presidency to a close, or will it?

There have been family dynasties in the presidency before, Adams, Roosefelt, Bush, Clinton (almost), and now the Trumps have a good chance of making the list.

Don Jr, is just as fiery,  popular and bright as his father.  He could make 2024 through 2032 a nightmare for the democrats and its fawning liberal suck-up press.

Middle America knows this.

To answer my question is President Trump running unopposed?

Why, yes he is if you discount the tons of news print, and gnashing of teeth and dentures spouting what a tragedy has befallen our country, the country under president Trump.

Biden is not a serious challenge, he is a dustbin in history place holder.  Given the dubious honor to have been able to run as Trump's challenger in 2020.   He will not be grouped with Lincoln, Reagan or Trump, but with Humphrey, McCain, Dole, McGovern, Romney, Dukakis, and then along came Biden, slow walking Joe, gibberish talking Joe.

In closing I shall quote a Joyce Kilmer poem memorized by me 53 years ago with a surprise ending.

I think that I shall never see
a poem as lovely as a tree
A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed
against the earth's sweet flowing breast

Ah,  ah,  you know the thing!

Poems are made by fools like Biden
He will lose this election and I ain't lying.

Joe Biden Chancre, Sr  Urban Poverty Law Center

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Vice President Biden: Is Yelling "Covid-19" At A Crowded Political Rally Protected By the First Amendment?

Is yelling "Covid-19" at a crowded political rally protected by the First Amendmemt?  Is the venerable AR-14 legal to own in America and protected by the Second Amendment?  Can you own a machine gun in America?   Is the democrat front-runner for president self-aware of his declining mental state?

Is it time for the DNC to have an intervention, call off the primary elections and concede the presidenty to Trump and let him run unopposed?

They may as well, for if they nominate Sundown Joe Biden, the victory party for Trump can begin shortly after the democrat convention and continue on through the fall and winter.

Joe Biden has a lot of baggage collected over his 4 plus decades groping and goofing his way through both congress and the senate and his Peter Principle top finale, Vice President.

Looking at the problems, in no particular order, plagerizing campaign speeches from British politicians,  a benign brain tumor which was removed along with his self-control not to fondle small children and women in public settings,  supporting segregation,  and the worst is the appearance of inpropriety with his family member's million dollar insider deals not available to our family members.

Joe Biden's political career has cratered.   Telling voters who disagree with your gun policies that they are "full of shit" is poor self-control and sure to lose the 2nd amendment vote.   Check with Al Gore about his gun control problem back in 2000.

Say goodnight, Joe, the sun is setting and it is time for you to do the right thing and ride off into that golden sunset and leave the administration of this country in the hands of the most capable and competent Orange Man.

Quit before your disability worsens.

Listen carefully to Kenny Rogers' classic song from your youth, "The  Gambler".

It is time for you to fold them and let Tulsi Gabbard have a shot at it, or that whipper snapper, Bernie Sanders.

Okay,  to answer the question about yelling Covid-19 at a crowded political rally,  it depends on which party you are affiliated with.  Democrats get a pass, and republicans get prosecuted.

Thanks Obama!

Joe Biden, sundowner, groping gaff-bag is your legacy.   You own this.

Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr  Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

The Democrats If Weakness Were A Strength They Would Be Herculean, Candidates For President, Just Wow!

Look at Joe Biden.  A Pelosi-face, taut and smooth in an unnatural way for a 78 yr old geezer.  Face lifts are for pussies!  Google warning up and acknowledged, thank you.  What I meant to say is I love Joe Biden and plan to support his run for president. Warning removed!  But did the anesthesia during his face lift damage Joe?  He definitely is not the same Joe who bragged to the CFR about getting the prosecutor fired in the Ukraine.   And Pelosi seems to be slipping as well, she is a face lift away from complete mumbling?

Joe Biden has a certain look.  His eyes portray the vacuousness seen in senility.  A blank stare looking at no one, and seeing nothing.  The connections are gone.  Alzheimer plaques have invaded his brain and cut him off from the rest of the world.

President Trump is correct.  Joe Biden needs to be placed in a home where he can spend the rest of his time shuffling off to the dining room three times a day and back to his room where he can practice macaroni art and play bingo on friday nights.  He does not need to be fiddle farting around in the oval office wondering where the nearest bathroom is located and where he put his phone down?  Third Google AI warning.  What I meant to say was Joe Biden is the only thoughtful choice to run the country.  Warning removed!

The democrat bench is weak and shallow.  Bernie Sanders, 79, aging well compared to Sundowning Joe, but his old ticker sputtered and hiccupped and had to be cleaned out for even socialists get hardening of the arteries, and all this without a real job ever or any stress.  One wonders how long Bernie would last under the stress of the presidency?  Who or what, will be his Monica when the stress becomes too great?  Second Google Warning.   What I meant to say is I love Bernie Sanders and plan to support him with all my will and money should he be he nominee.  Warning removed!

Google is so stupid!  AI bastard!

Anyway, Joe Biden is not mentally up to the challenge of being an effective president.  Well, yes he would be able to cover for the Obama corruption and the investigations into it would stop.  I hear Biden has started naming his dream team cabinet, John Kerry for Secretary of Corruption, Hildury Clinton for vice president of  graft and bribery,  James Comey for director of the Federal Bureau of Incompetence,  and Peter Strzok and Lisa Page for Secretaries of Departmental Love Affairs and Political Subterfuge.

Sundown Joe Biden is lost.  The democrats need an intervention.  If they nominate this shell for president, they deserve the drumming they will get for not taking the process seriously.  And if they plan to slip in ole Hildury instead of the Sundowner,  a pox be upon them.  She has a serious brain injury and delusional thinking that she has done nothing wrong in her pay for play parlay as SOS under Obama, who did not even know she was doing it.

And Michelle Obama has fewer qualifications to be president than Vlad Putin.  She could not even get a school lunch menu plan together.  How would she do against terror, the border, and would she continue to nominate Supreme Court justices who would carry on the 50 yr war on Black births?

Yes, abortion, its not for everybody.

Will cut this off before the 4th Google AI warning.

Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr.  Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

President Trump Was Assured Of Victory With The Biden Endorsements

That Klobuchar, Buttegeig, O'Rourke, all three suddenly dropped their races for the presidency or unexpectedly endorsed candidate Joe Biden D, Ukraine, is telling.

Everyone on the Left has decided it is hopeless.  The Trump run will essentially be unopposed in November.

President Trump is a national treasure and has raised the hopes of millions and milllions of Americans whose voices were here to fore, lost in fly over country.

Millions of tea party activist who were abused by Obama's IRS and the evil incarnate, Lois Lerner,  and millions of voters who want only for honesty and accountability and the not duplicity we got routinely from Pant Suite Clinton and her phat phony phoundation.

Millions who saw all trade agreements take work and jobs out of the United States and plant it firmly in China.

Millions who saw our energy policies that favored foreign suppliers of OPEC, and were thrilled when  President Trump with a stroke of his pen turn our country from energy dependent to independent in a few short months.

Millions who could not believe Obama would capitulate to Iran and give billions and billions to an enemy.  

Millions who watched Obama and Clinton take a terrible situation in the Middle East and make it even worse.

The choice for the Big D's is which throw away candidate to they have to spare.  I believe all will fail in the attempt to defeat WGL,  Donald Trump.  

President Trump is the Colosus, the Mohamad Ali of politics, steeped in good looks, and blessed with a wonderful political bedside manner, he will be re-elected this fall.

Democrats need to lay back and enjoy the drumming, it will not be a good election for them.

The republicans are set up to run the table in the fall.

The weak media will do everything to damage Trump, but he is unstoppable.

Four years of endless attacks and groundless accusations have not laid a glove on that beautiful face.

Americans can look to having this wonderful leader represent them instead of the vested interests who have made Washington DC the Swamp.

God Bless Donald Trump, and God Bless America!

Joseph Biden Chancre, Urban Poverty Law Center