Well John Caesar McCain has gone and done it. A well earned dirt nap with the stars. As a Naval Aviator he is remembered for being the Spark that lit up the USS Forrestal after a jet afterburner mishap that went terribly wrong. As a tennant at the Hanoi Hilton he was known as "Songbird" to the others in his company of captured service men.
To conservative Republicans he was known as the Maverick! A steer that would not follow the herd and caused trouble for others around him.
I come to bury McCain, not to praise him. The evil men do lives on after their death.
And McCain is a vindictive deadman in his treatment of President Donald Trump. You, Mr. President are not welcome to attend my funeral service. McCain was the last vote needed to repeal Obamacare, perhaps the worst piece of legislation passed by a lame duck democrat cabal without a single Republican vote, until McCain's in 2017.
Way to go McCain! That vote is your legacy. It will be the scarlet letter emboidered on your dinner jacket. "O", Obamacare. You own it. And it is a fitting legacy for a man who came so close to greatness but was not quite good enough to make the grade. No standout at Annapolis, he was a mediocre pilot according to peope who flew with him. War hero? I am with Patton and Trump on this one, where is the valor in capture and torture? Wow, he was captured and he survived. Many others shared his fate, where is their praise?
By the numbers here is how I see Senator John McCain:
1960's bottom percentile of his Annapolis Naval Academy Class
1970's 0.0001% of Naval personel
1980's 1% of the US Senate, 20% of the Keating Five, where in a just world his political career should have ended
1990's 12.5% of the Gang of Eight, more traitorous acts against conservatives where again his career should have ended
2008 50% of the Republican ticket running against Obama and against Sarah Palin, a politician who out shined the Songbird, and was given the treatment by the Deep State Press that saw how she was Trumpian in her appeal to the American patriot and a clear and present danger to the status quo, yes her choice for VP was his greatest mistake, she was a bigger Maverick than Little John whose testosterone was waining by then.
2017 100% of the Republicans who cast the deciding vote against repealing Obamacare, the same man who campaigned on the promise to repeal and replace in his last lying run for the Arizona Senate
2018 0.000000000000000000000137% of the dead. May he rest in peace.
But as I see it the evil this man has done will live on long after his death. He will be forgotten like all the others before him. But the evil will linger like the smell of death on the battlefield of forgotten dreams.
I knew Julius Caesar, and you, John McCain, sir, were no Julius Caesar. You were a Judas Iscariot.
You have betrayed America and you have tried to sell President Trump out for 30 pieces of silver, but giving the Clinton dossier to the FBI will be your biggest act against the republic.
Your animus against President Trump is your petty jealousy rising from the realization that Trump is by far the best politician of our and your generation. He is smart, really, really smart. And he is rich, really, really rich. And Trump is tall, really, really tall compared to you, and this is probably what irritated you the most.
Trump defeated the annointed one in his race to the presidency, and you couldn't even defeat a one term senator with an empty head and a great speaking voice who was running with perhaps the stupidest vice presidental candidate since Abraham Linclon, Joe "This is a really a big fucking deal" Biden.
What were you thinking? It is as though something was pressing on your frontal lobes making rational thought impossible.
Oh, that's right that cancer in your brain may be an excuse for your actions.
I will give you the benefit of the doubt on this one, but the numbers outlined above speak for themselves.
Rest in peace little man, in death you are like all others in your company, but, know this, your honor left you well before your death.
A Maverick without honor is a bum steer. Can you say Obamacare?
I am,
JDM, President Urban Poverty Law Center
By the way I have listed my Mirrow Image Liberal Organization, The Southern Poverty Law Center as a Hate Conseratives Group, they lie. Google has been hobbling my Center since 2017, if you read this blog you fought through the fog, congratulations!
Founded by Jackson Delano Maybolt PhD in 1988, this organization has helped many urban poor tell their stories and improve their lives. Based out of Cedar Grove, TN, the UPLC is quickly becoming a national leader in poverty law and research.New visitors are encouraged to go back to the earliest postings to get the full flavor of our important mission. You will be entertained or you are not thinking right.......www.urbanpovertylawcenter.org.......www.southernpoetrylawcenter.org
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Monday, August 6, 2018
Spy, Spy, Everywhere A Spy, From China, Pakistan, And Palestine My-Oh My
And now we learn Senator Di Fi has been carted all over by a Chinese spy. Can anything shock America anymore? For two decades Yang or was it Ying? pumped gas and that old hag Feinstein for information from the top democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee.
Senato Feinsti, ho mani aircraft carrier in budget?
Oh Ying, you know I can't divulge that.
Senato, I not tell, you know me. I just you driver.
Oh, OK if you promise.
I promise.
Two, now don't you tell a soul.
I not tell, you can trust me.
And the FBI was asleep at the wheel too busy with Church Groups in Waco, Texas and one of the most dangerous white supremacist in Idaho to check out Die-Fi's driver. Federal Bureau of Incompetence?
Debbie W. Schultz ("I see nothing!") hires a Pakistani spy as an IT guy who was probably the only one she could get to make sweet love to her since she is what we refer to in the bars of the South as a double bagger. Her face is terribly asymmetric and displeasing to behold, and by nature man only wants to sire children with a chance of reproduction without a gallon and a half of Jack Daniels whiskey involved and Debbie has a face that could not launch even a single rowboat let alone a thousand ships.
Sir, your wife Debbie W. Schultz has been taken by the Greeks, do you want to launch the navy?
No, why don't we wait and see if they bring her back. I hate to go to all that trouble, rowing all that way, spending all that money if they send her back.
Huma Abedin-Weiner, full blood Palestinian is Hillary's Friday and probably an Arab spy.
And because Trump is clean as the driven snow, Obama and his appointees at State, Justice, and the long arm of the FBI, Comey, had to spy on the Trump campaign since no one was already in place.
Spy, Spy, everywhere a Spy
Driving Senator Di Fi wondering why
Spy, Spy, everywhere a Spy
Even Debbie Schultz's information technical Guy
Spy, Spy every where a Spy
Even Trump's Campaign by Obama's FBI
Spy, Spy, everywhere a Spy
Google, Facebook, andTwitter My-Oh My
Spy, Spy, everywhere a Spy
Emails all in Russia, Putin, what a guy
Spy, Spy, everywhere a Spy
Julian Asange, makes me wanna cry
Spy, Spy, everywhere a Spy
Where oh where was our vaulted FBI
Spying on Americans and not the other guy
Anyway has the FBI fallen to a bunch of third rate bureaucrats who are only there to enrich themselves and play grab ass with the office staff and like the song, "Taking Care Of Business" busy working at nothing all day?
I think we know the answer to that. President Trump needs to appoint a citizens commission to look into the inner workings of our esteemed agencies, with planted spies, bet we could get the Chinese or the Russians or Pakistanis to supply the spies and as we already know no one currently at State, Justice or the FBI would be none the wiser.
I, Jack Maybolt, President of the Urban Poverty Law Center volunteer to head this commission, and of course it will need money, a whole lot of spending money to look into this, say twice the budget of the Honorable special investigator Robert Mueller.
President Trump, sir I am at your service! Leave a message on this blog, it is as secure as any Secertary Clinton used.
I am
JDM, president Urban Poverty Law Center, where we fight for responsible government everyday.
Senato Feinsti, ho mani aircraft carrier in budget?
Oh Ying, you know I can't divulge that.
Senato, I not tell, you know me. I just you driver.
Oh, OK if you promise.
I promise.
Two, now don't you tell a soul.
I not tell, you can trust me.
And the FBI was asleep at the wheel too busy with Church Groups in Waco, Texas and one of the most dangerous white supremacist in Idaho to check out Die-Fi's driver. Federal Bureau of Incompetence?
Debbie W. Schultz ("I see nothing!") hires a Pakistani spy as an IT guy who was probably the only one she could get to make sweet love to her since she is what we refer to in the bars of the South as a double bagger. Her face is terribly asymmetric and displeasing to behold, and by nature man only wants to sire children with a chance of reproduction without a gallon and a half of Jack Daniels whiskey involved and Debbie has a face that could not launch even a single rowboat let alone a thousand ships.
Sir, your wife Debbie W. Schultz has been taken by the Greeks, do you want to launch the navy?
No, why don't we wait and see if they bring her back. I hate to go to all that trouble, rowing all that way, spending all that money if they send her back.
Huma Abedin-Weiner, full blood Palestinian is Hillary's Friday and probably an Arab spy.
And because Trump is clean as the driven snow, Obama and his appointees at State, Justice, and the long arm of the FBI, Comey, had to spy on the Trump campaign since no one was already in place.
Spy, Spy, everywhere a Spy
Driving Senator Di Fi wondering why
Spy, Spy, everywhere a Spy
Even Debbie Schultz's information technical Guy
Spy, Spy every where a Spy
Even Trump's Campaign by Obama's FBI
Spy, Spy, everywhere a Spy
Google, Facebook, andTwitter My-Oh My
Spy, Spy, everywhere a Spy
Emails all in Russia, Putin, what a guy
Spy, Spy, everywhere a Spy
Julian Asange, makes me wanna cry
Spy, Spy, everywhere a Spy
Where oh where was our vaulted FBI
Spying on Americans and not the other guy
Anyway has the FBI fallen to a bunch of third rate bureaucrats who are only there to enrich themselves and play grab ass with the office staff and like the song, "Taking Care Of Business" busy working at nothing all day?
I think we know the answer to that. President Trump needs to appoint a citizens commission to look into the inner workings of our esteemed agencies, with planted spies, bet we could get the Chinese or the Russians or Pakistanis to supply the spies and as we already know no one currently at State, Justice or the FBI would be none the wiser.
I, Jack Maybolt, President of the Urban Poverty Law Center volunteer to head this commission, and of course it will need money, a whole lot of spending money to look into this, say twice the budget of the Honorable special investigator Robert Mueller.
President Trump, sir I am at your service! Leave a message on this blog, it is as secure as any Secertary Clinton used.
I am
JDM, president Urban Poverty Law Center, where we fight for responsible government everyday.
Saturday, August 4, 2018
Sarah Jeong Told Her Mother She Remembers A Previous Life
When Sarah Jeong, newest hire of the NYT, was a small child she told her mother she had vivid memories of a past life. In it she was a mustasheoed male who rose to power in an arian country and died at his own hand with his wife Eva at the end of the second world war.
We now know where to find Adolf Hitler's pitiful racist soul and that God's power for forgiveness is infinite. He is living inside the body of a 30 something American Korean woman sporting in inordinate amount of upper lip hair for her race.
She is branded by her twitter taunts of White Men who piddle like dogs on fire hydrants on the internet.
Heil Jeong, Heil Jeong!
Keep tweeting your venom and you will find a large following there at the NYT and among the liberals who will put you up on their shoulders and maybe you can place some of us deplorables in camps and have them build your war items with our slave labor and we can loose some weight and perhaps die in the process.
Adolf Jeong, welcome back you incredibly stupid waif. Do you at least like dogs?
I am,
JDM President Urban Poverty Law Center
We now know where to find Adolf Hitler's pitiful racist soul and that God's power for forgiveness is infinite. He is living inside the body of a 30 something American Korean woman sporting in inordinate amount of upper lip hair for her race.
She is branded by her twitter taunts of White Men who piddle like dogs on fire hydrants on the internet.
Heil Jeong, Heil Jeong!
Keep tweeting your venom and you will find a large following there at the NYT and among the liberals who will put you up on their shoulders and maybe you can place some of us deplorables in camps and have them build your war items with our slave labor and we can loose some weight and perhaps die in the process.
Adolf Jeong, welcome back you incredibly stupid waif. Do you at least like dogs?
I am,
JDM President Urban Poverty Law Center
Friday, August 3, 2018
On Trump-Putin Secret Meeting Madness In The Main Stream Media
Does Russia's Putin have 33,000 of Hillary Clinton's emails from her secret server? Does China? Does Buddy, the 14 yr old neighborhood hacker have them? Does Julian Asange have them?
The answer to each of those questions is a resounding yes, why yes, they all have them. The hysterical reaction from the MSM about the secret Trump-Putin Tete-Teet blown out of proportion with more nashing of teeth than a Somali picnic is the clue that they fear most the release of these secret emails.
What is in these secret missives these Washington insiders fear most?
Here I will speculate. Does it include the bribery the CF makes to the MSM? Does it include the Pay To Play lists? Does it include bribes paid to the leaders at State, Justice, FBI, and the CIA? Does it include replies from Obama, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Mueller, Rosenstein, Rice, Lynch, and Putin?
Now is there any chance Putin will release them to Trump? Well, yes and no. Putin is not a stupid man and is holding them as insurance just in the unlikely case old Hillary, with failing health, and a bulbous body covered up thankfully by evermore expanding and gigantic moo-moos, manages to run and win the presidency in 2020, and I have already decided her new logo should be "Go With H2O" "Life Requires H2O" well, you catch my drift.
All this foot dragging by DoJ and FBI with the FISA documents is a stall. They hope and pray the Dems pull off a midterm election rout of the Whimsicals who control the republican party, thereby ending the prying eyes of Nunez and his committee.
Anyway back to the MSM hysteria. Trump could make a deal with Putin for the release of the emails but it would have to be a doozy. Give Russia Western Europe and the warm water ports it needs to prosper in the world of Trump's free and fair trade initiative for the emails? Would that be a good trade?
Right now Germany is leaning towards the Bear with its natural gas deals, and most of Europe is anti-American under Trump and has made a huge blunder with its Union in as far as the direction these unelected bureaucrats are taking it.. Their leadership is as inept as Obama and probably just as compromised by big business and monied interests. Is Europe in its present condition worth any amount of American blood and treasure to protect? I doubt it.
Are there even two Europeans willing to lay down their lives for their country? France, no, Italy, no, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, maybe a girl or two left with some viking blood flowing in their veins. Spain, ended bullfights, and with that all hope of manliness. England, no, no man has been spotted on the British Isle since the late 80's when Thatcher proved to have more testosterone than Prince Charles and his co-horts. Belgium, really?
Now Eastern Europe is a different cup of soup. There testosterone survives and is in good supply and Russia will have to bypass these men. They will not submit without a fight.
Anyway the point is the MSM is too hysterical about the Putin Trump secret meeting. I feel this fear stems from what is in the missing 33,000 or more Hillary Clinton, madam secretary's emails.
They, the MSM, could not handle the truth if it ever comes out.
President Trump meet with Putin in secret all you want. We trust you will do the right thing for the American people. We have your back. And has anyone told you how smart you are? Mr. President, you are very very smart. You run circles around your detractors and the enemy press here in America and overseas.
You've got Jim Acosta's panties so tight he can't sit down and cross his legs without castrating himself.
Keep up the good work. America is with you.
I am.
JDM, President Urban Poverty Law Center
The answer to each of those questions is a resounding yes, why yes, they all have them. The hysterical reaction from the MSM about the secret Trump-Putin Tete-Teet blown out of proportion with more nashing of teeth than a Somali picnic is the clue that they fear most the release of these secret emails.
What is in these secret missives these Washington insiders fear most?
Here I will speculate. Does it include the bribery the CF makes to the MSM? Does it include the Pay To Play lists? Does it include bribes paid to the leaders at State, Justice, FBI, and the CIA? Does it include replies from Obama, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Mueller, Rosenstein, Rice, Lynch, and Putin?
Now is there any chance Putin will release them to Trump? Well, yes and no. Putin is not a stupid man and is holding them as insurance just in the unlikely case old Hillary, with failing health, and a bulbous body covered up thankfully by evermore expanding and gigantic moo-moos, manages to run and win the presidency in 2020, and I have already decided her new logo should be "Go With H2O" "Life Requires H2O" well, you catch my drift.
All this foot dragging by DoJ and FBI with the FISA documents is a stall. They hope and pray the Dems pull off a midterm election rout of the Whimsicals who control the republican party, thereby ending the prying eyes of Nunez and his committee.
Anyway back to the MSM hysteria. Trump could make a deal with Putin for the release of the emails but it would have to be a doozy. Give Russia Western Europe and the warm water ports it needs to prosper in the world of Trump's free and fair trade initiative for the emails? Would that be a good trade?
Right now Germany is leaning towards the Bear with its natural gas deals, and most of Europe is anti-American under Trump and has made a huge blunder with its Union in as far as the direction these unelected bureaucrats are taking it.. Their leadership is as inept as Obama and probably just as compromised by big business and monied interests. Is Europe in its present condition worth any amount of American blood and treasure to protect? I doubt it.
Are there even two Europeans willing to lay down their lives for their country? France, no, Italy, no, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, maybe a girl or two left with some viking blood flowing in their veins. Spain, ended bullfights, and with that all hope of manliness. England, no, no man has been spotted on the British Isle since the late 80's when Thatcher proved to have more testosterone than Prince Charles and his co-horts. Belgium, really?
Now Eastern Europe is a different cup of soup. There testosterone survives and is in good supply and Russia will have to bypass these men. They will not submit without a fight.
Anyway the point is the MSM is too hysterical about the Putin Trump secret meeting. I feel this fear stems from what is in the missing 33,000 or more Hillary Clinton, madam secretary's emails.
They, the MSM, could not handle the truth if it ever comes out.
President Trump meet with Putin in secret all you want. We trust you will do the right thing for the American people. We have your back. And has anyone told you how smart you are? Mr. President, you are very very smart. You run circles around your detractors and the enemy press here in America and overseas.
You've got Jim Acosta's panties so tight he can't sit down and cross his legs without castrating himself.
Keep up the good work. America is with you.
I am.
JDM, President Urban Poverty Law Center
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