Monday, March 28, 2016

Radical Islamic Misbehavior Must Be Dealt The Trump Card Or Nothing Changes

Our guest writer today is my cousin from Moline, Illinois, Marvin MacKabee, PhD. He is a environmental engineer at the junior college there in Moline. He is a bit off and his spelling is not perfect, but whose is these days.

Until these animals who blew up those folks over in Brussels and Pakistan feel some heat for doing what they done, nothing will change their behavior. These godless mongrels kill innocents like Hillary Clinton waddled over Billy's Bimbo's in the 80's and 90's. I am for Trump and I think he said just what needs to be done to stop the bastards in their tracks.

Take the oil, drying up their funding. Take all the middle east and divide up the spoils between Putin and the United States, set up a dictator to rule these nasticons with an iron fist, and fund their government with just enough to keep them up and their military up and running. A good split would be Iran to Putin, Iraq to the US, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait to the US and the remainder in the ME to Putin. This would be more effective than bombing them into the stone age. No money no terrorism.

This is the only thing that makes sense.

I am,

Marvin Mackabee, PhD. cousin to Jackson D. Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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