Wednesday, March 23, 2016

There Is Something Happening To The Clinton's. Age It Is Not Their Ally.

Bill Clinton stares at notes being read at a Gabby Gifford's Hillary Clinton event, with a droopy left eye and mouth agape. Like a cow chewing its cud, Clinton appeared drugged, confused and older than his 69 and one half years. Donald Trump, who is a contemporary, of Bill and Hill is head and shoulders above Bill Clinton's health, and looks like a billion dollars by comparison to either Clinton.

Did the Clinton's make a pact with the devil for political power and money trading their souls? Is the time to give the devil his due nigh?

Bill Clinton is pre-senile, and I am being generous here. His senility is probably a combination of age and micro embolic events courtesy of the heart lung bypass machine used during his open heart surgery to correct his double cheeseburger clogged coronary arteries. The Russians cool the body down for the same surgery and stop the heart then rush through the bypass and restart the heart and rewarm the body with out the problems of micro embolism. Again the simple way may be the better way.

Hillary Clinton has a frog in her throat that no amount of coughing, screaming or ranting can loosen. This frog only needs to slip down into her lungs and produce the death rattle made famous by a Shakespeare play for her pact to be up with Satan. She has had a stroke, and takes warfarin by reports which is a complicated drug to manage properly making falls potentially deadly in the event of even a minor head injury.

Trump claims she is not vigorous enough to be president... she has no stamina and no qualifications other than being connected to the insiders club that steals from the people and keeps enriching the parasites who feed off Washington's largess. They collect enough in revenues to rebuild America and make LaGuardia Airport into the envy of the third world instead of the filthy 1950's era bus station it currently mimics.

Trump has struck a chord with working class Americans. He is right about the wall, right about immigration and right about Islam and the threat it poses all western civilization. He knows he has a tough fight ahead, trying to convince our young people who have been fed the mushy ideas about all civilizations and cultures being equally noble and worthy of respect. This is a lie. Judeo-Christian ethics trump jungle law and Sharia law in my feeble minds eye, but the lie being sold our little snowflakes in the universities is a warped moral equivalency. That female genital mutilation and honor killings is the equal to baptism is ludicrous. That killing nonbelievers and raping nonbelievers is tolerated in the name of a religion is a nonstarter. A culture that does not recognize your rights to exist and has no laws against killing you is not in your best self interest and needs to be kept at bay, not invited into the neighborhood.

Stop all immigration now! As it is it will take decades to clean up the mess we have here already. Hillary Clinton is the problem. She is a leftist's leftist. She knows her power is strongest if the people of America are balkanized, fighting with each other and not paying attention to what the political elites are up to. Open borders, throngs of barbarians set loose on the populace are the catnip of politicians.

Donald Trump understands the threat these newbies represent. He is the only candidate who has offered any real solution to this pressing problem. He is the antiChrist to the one world order acolytes. The open border cultists billionaires will keep pushing for their world view until a Brussels like event strikes near them. Then a bit of self reflection may convince a few of these numbskulls that people should have a choice of civilizations in which to live. Savagery v civilization with the rule of law and safety with like minded people who band together to create a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Before the experiment in America, the world was a darker place. The Clintons have not moved us towards the light but into darkness. Donald Trump is the light and the best hope for America's survival and renewal.

If Bill and Hillary are taken by satan, another puppet will take her place in the lineage backed by the billionaires, flags will be hung at half mast for a week or two but life will go on. The republic must be destroyed! Without Trump the destruction is on schedule.

I am

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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