Friday, March 11, 2016

When Donald Trump Is President, Will His Administration Ignore The Democrat Enclaves Like Obama Ignores Fly-Over Country?

Paybacks, as they say, are Hell! Chicago opened its big arms supported by those broad shoulders for Donald Trump today and slapped the shit out of him. The thugs and the 47% worried they would become forgotten in the slums of Chicago, and poured out in mass to disrupt what otherwise would have been an enjoyable event for the people who decided to support Donald Trump for president.

The 47% made famous by the titan, Mitt Romney, are very, very afraid of a Trump Presidency. Currently, the move-0n.Org and Acorn accolytes have a kindred spirit in the White House in Obama. If Trump is elected that connection is lost, their funding would vanish overnight and many of these free-loading nit-wits would have to pull up their pants and get a real job. Money for aggitating and community organizing will dry up faster than a tear drop in Syria.

Illegal immigrants and Muslims without visas are on a short stay list come January 21, 2017. And worse, the democrat created bastions of misery and poverty may be ignored and left to wither in place in our nation's ghettos built by their democrat leaders and their corruption that chased out the working class and the job producers with high taxes and unending regulations.

There is no need for Trump to subject himself or his voters to rallys in hostile locals. Chicago is Obama's adoptive home town. He was right to call off the event and needs to select his venues with care in the future. Populations high in democrat plantation dwellers such as Chicago and Detroit are no goes. Philidelphia and Washington DC are equally dubious venues. Afterall Trump in not going to win over these voters. His support is with the productive class not with the takers.

The losers of life's lottery are fixtures of the Democrat base. They are promised a scrap during the campaign and then as usual the politicians forget all about them after the vote, much in the same way the GOP promised the TEA Party they would fight Obama if only they had congress and the senate. And then they did nothing after the vote gave them both!

Now Washington will have to contend with Mr. Trump if all goes well in November. Hillary Clinton is not strong enough to win the presidency. She is looking sick, frail, and haggardly. Her fits of coughing portend poor health and if she gains any more weight she will not be able to fit inside that big tent the democrats have put together filled with every shape and form of human anomaly, misfit, and ner do well known to man.

Trump appeals to the everyday American who still believes if you work hard and play by the rules, good things will come to you. He appeals to the American who believes in the rule of law and that it should apply equally to all, voter and politician.

Trump has said he will prosecute Hillary if it is determined she has broken the law. The wheelhouse of politics as corruption is about to get an overhaul. Trump will shine a light on K Street and the shady deals that have bankrupted our Nation. He will tighten America's belt and dump those programs that serve no meaningful purpose.

And will he ignore the poor trapped in the ghettos? No, he is a kind and generous man and will do everything possible to help these people out of poverty.

Bush gave us Obama, and Obama will give us Trump. And with this in mind I am ever so slightly grateful to Barak Hussein Obama. Without his 8 years of petulence and self-serving piety, Donald Trump would still be making deals all over the world, and Jeb Bush would lose to Hillary Clinton next November.

God bless you, Barak Hussein Obama.

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

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