If these were normal times with Americans in a relationship with representatives who truly cared about middle America and its well being, we would not have had Obamacare foisted down our already full throats by Pelosi, Reid, Obama, Schummer and 58 other democrat senators who marched to their progressive drum beat. These pols have nothing to fear from the voters. They could care less if Americans make more or less money. You see the connection between tax revenues and government spending has been broken, snapped in two, by deficit spending and a Federal Reserve Banking system that will print all the money you talentless hacks request.
Time for Americans to demand more accountability! Schummer, your ephipahny, so eloquently stated last week about Obamacare v economic growth has come 6 years and trillions of dollars too late. You are a pathetic has been. Your keen wit and intellect has probably been sucked out by the brain algae which is said to infect a third of all Americans, most of whom affiliate with your democrat party. Thankfully this infection is progressive and soon you, Reid, Pelosi, Obama, and Hillary will be drooling nimcompoops and nothing note worthy will come out of your mouths that is not tainted by a cracker or a piece of beluga caviar. Your time is limited. If you make it past the next election I will be surprised, because those of us who have not been dulled by the aglae infection know your game and it is off big time.
To improve the American economy it must be inextricably tied to tax revenues immediately. Only then will your algae addled minds realise what is good for the American people is good for its representative government. No more Federal Reserve Bank loans to fill in the deficits. If you need more money, grow the economy like Reagan did and Bill Clinton bragged about. Lower marginal tax rates for corporations, let their overseas money come back into the country tax free and work hard for the American economy.
Time for you algae induced dullards to stop harping on being fair and be smart. A prosperous America is a prosperous world. Immigration needs to be set on the back burner and wait for better economic times. It would be great to hire every North, South and Central American who wants a job here, but unless you intend upon building a great wall of China like structure along our borders both Northern and Southern, I do not see that happening.
Did you ever stop and consider how the Chinese managed to build a wall capable of stopping the Mongols a thousland years ago with no machinery and we cannot muster the desire or the money to build one with all the resouces and equipment we have these days just to keep a swarm of immigrants out?
Mr. Schummer, Put up that wall! It will be the first step towards rebuilding America from the inside out, and will mark Washington's willingness to stop the Obama/Holder plan to destroy her by turning her inside out by erasing our borders and the privileges which come with citizenship.
A country with out priviliges for its citizens ceases to exist. A country without secure borders is not a country. A country with leaders who ingore the will of the people has no leaders. A people who despise the government will soon work against it in every small way possible. Italians have such distaste for their leadership, they all avoid taxation.
And Chuck, can I call you Chuck? This congress and the Obama administration is the most corrupt in our short history. My head swims listing the atrosities, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Lois Lerner and the Tea Party, Eric Holder and the banking scandal, the stimulous to nowhere, the bailout to banks, Gitmo, immigration amnesty, on and on the list goes and where it stops nobody knows.
And how many of these corrupt deals did your body investigate? None not a single one. Well that is about to end when Mitchy "Itchy" Mc Connell and the tea party takes over in January, and I hope you have a good answer for your Algae infected supporters there in New York as to how you could sit back and drool as Obamacare was forced on an unwilling American populace while the economy languished unattended by any adults.
Chuck Schummer, you are pathetic.
Jackson Delano Maybolt President Urban Poverty Law Center
Founded by Jackson Delano Maybolt PhD in 1988, this organization has helped many urban poor tell their stories and improve their lives. Based out of Cedar Grove, TN, the UPLC is quickly becoming a national leader in poverty law and research.New visitors are encouraged to go back to the earliest postings to get the full flavor of our important mission. You will be entertained or you are not thinking right.......www.urbanpovertylawcenter.org.......www.southernpoetrylawcenter.org
Friday, November 28, 2014
Friday, November 21, 2014
Urban Poverty Law Center Laser Focus On Double Secret Amnesty, Or How America Ceased To Be Or Not To Be That Is The Question.
I watched with horror and dismay our non-resident President Barack Insane Obama, explain his tortured reasoning for granting executive amnesty to 5 million illegal aliens. Who, here in America, are living in "the shadows" in plain view of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, and the border patrol and many of our local sheriffs. My question is which of these 5 million of the, by some estimates, 50 millions have won the lucky citizenship lottery?
Is it Paedro or Ricko, Consualo, or Maria? Who will be chosen for the treatment? Will it be first come first serve like the service at the Verizon Superstore or will each democrat politician be able to grant this amnesty via a quota. If Nancy Pelosi is allowed to speak out on this it might go something like this: "We will have to first grant amnesty to see how many new American citizens we have!"
For example, every democrat senator might be able to grant 100,000 permits for legal citizen status, and running the numbers for the new congress assuming there are no last minute democrat steals, ala Al,Dung-Beetle, Franken, D MN, that would use up about 4,200,000 units. These could of course be used as fund raising opportunities for said Senators. I could see most using up a dozen or more on the people who make their beds, and trim their hedges there in Washington.
President Obama must be allocated 300,000 units and of course his first one must go to himself as he was not born here and should not even be holding this office which he has used so successfully against the average American taxpayer. Joe Biden, as vice president, must be given 200,000 units, but because of his family's history of cocaine use, his grants of amnesty must be approved by a 3/4 vote of congress and he will be given regular piss tests to assure sobriety.
Now we are left with 300,000 units and these should be spread out among the Congress and the republicans in the senate, this will give each of these folks, who are soon to hold putative control 2/3 of 3/3 of the government a generous 1,000 citizenship grants each. Still a powerful fund raising tool if you hold out for IT engineers for your rich and powerful pals in Simi Valley.
I can already see the PSA for citizenship. CAll 1-800-EAT-TOCOs if you were unfairly denied US citizenship for M-13 Gang affiliation, Tuberculosis, Leprosy, Dengue Fever, Ebola, Aids, or the heartbreak of psoriasis! The law firm of Holder, Dewey, Cheatham, and Howe are ready to represent your claim, you may be eligible for a cash award!
This is another scheme by the Obama administration for full employment for lawyers and community activists like ACORN, which I hear is playing its hand in Ferguson, Mo anxiously awaiting justice in the Michael Brown case. One can only hope the GJ announcement will be on a cold day so these parasites will have to bundle up and think twice about hurling Molotov Cocktails at our overweight policemen and national guardsmen.
Can America survive this influx of low entry level immigrants who do not share our culture, our language, or our common heritage? Of course she will. But look for the rule of law to be lost somewhere in the translation. All that is necessary for this transformation is for the Americans who make up the fabric of our society to wake up and play by the rules our government has set for themselves. It is every man for himself. What laws?, I don't follow no stinking laws.
If we allow these apes who now control our highest offices to continue to bastardize our institutions through the indoctrination of our children at government controlled schools and student loans, we will become just another third world crap hole, where crime is king and force at the barrel of a gun is the new rule of law.
Oh, its coming alright. The people of each state must make their own decisions. Follow our leader into oblivion or strike a blow for freedom with a Mark Levin convention of the state to reign in these power addled pols.
I am with Mark Levin.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Is it Paedro or Ricko, Consualo, or Maria? Who will be chosen for the treatment? Will it be first come first serve like the service at the Verizon Superstore or will each democrat politician be able to grant this amnesty via a quota. If Nancy Pelosi is allowed to speak out on this it might go something like this: "We will have to first grant amnesty to see how many new American citizens we have!"
For example, every democrat senator might be able to grant 100,000 permits for legal citizen status, and running the numbers for the new congress assuming there are no last minute democrat steals, ala Al,Dung-Beetle, Franken, D MN, that would use up about 4,200,000 units. These could of course be used as fund raising opportunities for said Senators. I could see most using up a dozen or more on the people who make their beds, and trim their hedges there in Washington.
President Obama must be allocated 300,000 units and of course his first one must go to himself as he was not born here and should not even be holding this office which he has used so successfully against the average American taxpayer. Joe Biden, as vice president, must be given 200,000 units, but because of his family's history of cocaine use, his grants of amnesty must be approved by a 3/4 vote of congress and he will be given regular piss tests to assure sobriety.
Now we are left with 300,000 units and these should be spread out among the Congress and the republicans in the senate, this will give each of these folks, who are soon to hold putative control 2/3 of 3/3 of the government a generous 1,000 citizenship grants each. Still a powerful fund raising tool if you hold out for IT engineers for your rich and powerful pals in Simi Valley.
I can already see the PSA for citizenship. CAll 1-800-EAT-TOCOs if you were unfairly denied US citizenship for M-13 Gang affiliation, Tuberculosis, Leprosy, Dengue Fever, Ebola, Aids, or the heartbreak of psoriasis! The law firm of Holder, Dewey, Cheatham, and Howe are ready to represent your claim, you may be eligible for a cash award!
This is another scheme by the Obama administration for full employment for lawyers and community activists like ACORN, which I hear is playing its hand in Ferguson, Mo anxiously awaiting justice in the Michael Brown case. One can only hope the GJ announcement will be on a cold day so these parasites will have to bundle up and think twice about hurling Molotov Cocktails at our overweight policemen and national guardsmen.
Can America survive this influx of low entry level immigrants who do not share our culture, our language, or our common heritage? Of course she will. But look for the rule of law to be lost somewhere in the translation. All that is necessary for this transformation is for the Americans who make up the fabric of our society to wake up and play by the rules our government has set for themselves. It is every man for himself. What laws?, I don't follow no stinking laws.
If we allow these apes who now control our highest offices to continue to bastardize our institutions through the indoctrination of our children at government controlled schools and student loans, we will become just another third world crap hole, where crime is king and force at the barrel of a gun is the new rule of law.
Oh, its coming alright. The people of each state must make their own decisions. Follow our leader into oblivion or strike a blow for freedom with a Mark Levin convention of the state to reign in these power addled pols.
I am with Mark Levin.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Urban Poverty Law Center Believes President Obama Is Grubering American Workers With Illegal Amnesty
Folks, I was driving across Wyoming last week and stopped into a Burger King off I-80 in Rawlings and the service was unusually slow. One of the workers there apologized for the slow service stating the crew had just resigned in mass that day. Are Americans now unwilling to take the good entry level jobs at our fast food outlets? Wyoming is unusual in respect to the job market as it is in an oil and gas boom. But what of the workers who are not fit enough to work the oil rigs? What are they doing?
I believe the government safety nets are too plush and provide enough benefits a very frugal citizen could enjoy a leisured life previously available only for the monied gentry, like the Rockafellers, Kennedys, and the Maybolts. Hunger is a strongly motivating factor in life. Every living creature, from the mighty whales to the tiniest microbes are looking for the next meal. The crows are up early feasting on the night's road kill. The cow will eat grass all night. The EBT card holder will waddle down to Wal-Mart to fill the shopping basket twice weekly and waddle home and feed the hungry children and spend the rest of her day texting or talking on her free phone.
If one of the kids gets sick she hauls em into the emergency room where free care is provided to her sickly spawn. She pays no rent in her subsidized apartment. The light bill and the water and sewer bills are paid on her behalf. For her to make more than is given to her would require her to earn 16$ an hour which ain't coming to entry level jobs any time soon.
The plain facts are Americans, especially the lower socio-economic levels are patronized and pampered by the democrat party which keeps them on the plantation, idle and not working, if you do not consider the effort necessary to waddle over to the voting precinct and pull the levers for your benefactors every two years, work.
Today there are 94 million Americans not working and idle. They are being housed, clothed, fed, entertained, and healthcare provided by either family, friends, or the tax payer. There are jobs out there not filled by these American Idled by the boatloads. Manual labor is only being filled by our friends from South of the border. My pal recently had his roof replaced. The business owner was white, the labor pool was all Mexican..he stated he could not get a white man or a black man to work that hard.
We may not like President Obama's decision to grant amnesty to millions of foreign workers, but if he does not, the work will not get done. Who will roof our houses, who will brick our new buildings, who will cut the grass and pick the trash along the interstates? Obama's illegals already do these menial tasks which are too undignified for our plantation idlers to do. Besides they do not pay enough to match the generous give-aways these lucky lounge-abouts receive.
Obama is a douche bag, but he has to bring in someone who is willing to work for slave wages since the former slaves have revolted and are no longer willing to work to fill their bellies.
Most have been fed so much corn starch they are unfit to work and many do not have the physical prowess to waddle to and from the voting places. Some, if you believe Eric Holder and the president, would not be able to get to the precincts if required to carry something so light as a picture ID.
The country is sliding. The work ethic is shot. The people at the bottom of the economic scale feed off the politician who is at the top of the scale and the great middle of America is parasitized by both. Soon the host will revolt and throw off both forces which are squeezing more and more from fewer and fewer producers.
I am beginning to understand the brutality of the French Revolution.
I do not agree with amnesty, but I understand the necessity.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
I believe the government safety nets are too plush and provide enough benefits a very frugal citizen could enjoy a leisured life previously available only for the monied gentry, like the Rockafellers, Kennedys, and the Maybolts. Hunger is a strongly motivating factor in life. Every living creature, from the mighty whales to the tiniest microbes are looking for the next meal. The crows are up early feasting on the night's road kill. The cow will eat grass all night. The EBT card holder will waddle down to Wal-Mart to fill the shopping basket twice weekly and waddle home and feed the hungry children and spend the rest of her day texting or talking on her free phone.
If one of the kids gets sick she hauls em into the emergency room where free care is provided to her sickly spawn. She pays no rent in her subsidized apartment. The light bill and the water and sewer bills are paid on her behalf. For her to make more than is given to her would require her to earn 16$ an hour which ain't coming to entry level jobs any time soon.
The plain facts are Americans, especially the lower socio-economic levels are patronized and pampered by the democrat party which keeps them on the plantation, idle and not working, if you do not consider the effort necessary to waddle over to the voting precinct and pull the levers for your benefactors every two years, work.
Today there are 94 million Americans not working and idle. They are being housed, clothed, fed, entertained, and healthcare provided by either family, friends, or the tax payer. There are jobs out there not filled by these American Idled by the boatloads. Manual labor is only being filled by our friends from South of the border. My pal recently had his roof replaced. The business owner was white, the labor pool was all Mexican..he stated he could not get a white man or a black man to work that hard.
We may not like President Obama's decision to grant amnesty to millions of foreign workers, but if he does not, the work will not get done. Who will roof our houses, who will brick our new buildings, who will cut the grass and pick the trash along the interstates? Obama's illegals already do these menial tasks which are too undignified for our plantation idlers to do. Besides they do not pay enough to match the generous give-aways these lucky lounge-abouts receive.
Obama is a douche bag, but he has to bring in someone who is willing to work for slave wages since the former slaves have revolted and are no longer willing to work to fill their bellies.
Most have been fed so much corn starch they are unfit to work and many do not have the physical prowess to waddle to and from the voting places. Some, if you believe Eric Holder and the president, would not be able to get to the precincts if required to carry something so light as a picture ID.
The country is sliding. The work ethic is shot. The people at the bottom of the economic scale feed off the politician who is at the top of the scale and the great middle of America is parasitized by both. Soon the host will revolt and throw off both forces which are squeezing more and more from fewer and fewer producers.
I am beginning to understand the brutality of the French Revolution.
I do not agree with amnesty, but I understand the necessity.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Urban Poverty Law Center To Sue Congressman Dr. Jonathan Gruber For Slander: Or Are Americans Really "Stupid"?
According to the US Constitution all taxes must originate in the House of Representatives. Otherwise, a tax is unconstitutional. Can we at least agree on this?
Congressman Dr. Jonathan Gruber, Democrat from MIT, has written the Affordable Care Act, that 2300 page law which was hurriedly passed by the US Senate on Christmas Day, 2010 by all 60 democrat senators. Many of these senators have come up for re-election since that terrible assault against free markets and lost seats in 2012 and in 2014, forced into early retirement by a thinking populace for good cause. Namely, lying to the American people who stupidly elected these rascals to the senate and congress to legislate on their behalf. As Americans are sometimes not paying attention in good times, you can bet they are very astute when something does not pass the smell test.
Let me count the lies which were disseminated to pass this Obamacare plan.
"If you like your insurance plan, you can keep it." President Barack Insane Obama.
"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." President Barack Nowlame Obama.
"Premiums for the average American will drop $2500 a year." Barack Pentane Obama.
"The Obamacare IRS penalty is not a tax." Barack Germain Obama.
"The Obamacare IRS penalty is a tax." Chief Justice John Lawless Roberts.
"The Facts that the 2300 page law, as written, does not allow for people in states without a state insurance exchanges to receive tax subsidies is a typo." Congressman Jonathan Gruber D MIT.
"The law was written to encourage all 57 states to set up exchanges so as to qualify their citizens for the subsidies." Congressman Dr. Jonathan Gruber, D MIT
Mow, Congressman Gruber, I know you are a smart fellow when it comes to writing laws that will fit all 350 million Americans and their various conditions and needs, but your laws seem to have fatal flaws which are only now coming to light with its implementation.
A really smart fellow like you should have known, some states would refuse to set up exchanges as required by your brilliant legislation, passed in the cover of darkness by 2/3's of !/3 of our legislators that Black Christmas in Washington, DC after the famous Lame Hen, House Majority Leader, Nancy Pelosi, quacked "We are going to have to pass Obamacare to see what's in it."
And truer words were never spoken by a sitting congressman or woman.
The elections in 2010 were a vote of no confidence in a single issue before the electorate. It was not closing Gitmo, or the high cost of energy, or the billions wasted on bailouts to big bankers and insurance company giants like AIG or the knowing cover up of large banks bundling and selling toxic loans to unsuspecting rubes all across the fruited plains, something which is still being coverer up by Eric Holder, US Attorney General, Retired who used the full authority and weight of his position to make sure the big banks and their criminal enterprises would not come to light in a court of law, a few billions in fines to the US government in exchange for trillions in profits makes crime seem to pay quite well thank you.
And now how ironic that Mr. Holder finds himself hired by JP Morgan, as a special consultant, earning over $77 million a year. If the current republican senate had any balls they would not vote in a successor to this man until he answers some questions. And if he does manage to get out of government and take this sweetheart deal with the bankers, whom he let run a very profitable criminal enterprise, they should make sure he spends all of his ill gotten gains on legal fees for years to come. That would be sweet justice for this unethical lawyer who has no master but self-serving greed.
But this is another tale. He also needs to be seriously examined for his role in the gun running fiasco known as Fast and Furious, and why his office did not fully investigate Lois Lerner and the IRS mishandling of the Tea Party applications for tax free status.
Wait a moment. What's that, Dr. Jonathan Gruber is not a member of congress and he wrote the law. Well then it is unconstitutional since it is the version put forth by the senate and was never ratified by the congress through reconciliation. Well, maybe Dr. Gruber is correct, the American people are stupid, but this is not going to dissuade me from bringing a class action law suit against Dr. Gruber, because I am just that stupid.
I hope you will join me. Time for Gruber to come clean. Time to put up or shut up.
Sir, you have been served. See you in court.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
"If voting made any difference, they would not let us do it." Mark Twain
Congressman Dr. Jonathan Gruber, Democrat from MIT, has written the Affordable Care Act, that 2300 page law which was hurriedly passed by the US Senate on Christmas Day, 2010 by all 60 democrat senators. Many of these senators have come up for re-election since that terrible assault against free markets and lost seats in 2012 and in 2014, forced into early retirement by a thinking populace for good cause. Namely, lying to the American people who stupidly elected these rascals to the senate and congress to legislate on their behalf. As Americans are sometimes not paying attention in good times, you can bet they are very astute when something does not pass the smell test.
Let me count the lies which were disseminated to pass this Obamacare plan.
"If you like your insurance plan, you can keep it." President Barack Insane Obama.
"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." President Barack Nowlame Obama.
"Premiums for the average American will drop $2500 a year." Barack Pentane Obama.
"The Obamacare IRS penalty is not a tax." Barack Germain Obama.
"The Obamacare IRS penalty is a tax." Chief Justice John Lawless Roberts.
"The Facts that the 2300 page law, as written, does not allow for people in states without a state insurance exchanges to receive tax subsidies is a typo." Congressman Jonathan Gruber D MIT.
"The law was written to encourage all 57 states to set up exchanges so as to qualify their citizens for the subsidies." Congressman Dr. Jonathan Gruber, D MIT
Mow, Congressman Gruber, I know you are a smart fellow when it comes to writing laws that will fit all 350 million Americans and their various conditions and needs, but your laws seem to have fatal flaws which are only now coming to light with its implementation.
A really smart fellow like you should have known, some states would refuse to set up exchanges as required by your brilliant legislation, passed in the cover of darkness by 2/3's of !/3 of our legislators that Black Christmas in Washington, DC after the famous Lame Hen, House Majority Leader, Nancy Pelosi, quacked "We are going to have to pass Obamacare to see what's in it."
And truer words were never spoken by a sitting congressman or woman.
The elections in 2010 were a vote of no confidence in a single issue before the electorate. It was not closing Gitmo, or the high cost of energy, or the billions wasted on bailouts to big bankers and insurance company giants like AIG or the knowing cover up of large banks bundling and selling toxic loans to unsuspecting rubes all across the fruited plains, something which is still being coverer up by Eric Holder, US Attorney General, Retired who used the full authority and weight of his position to make sure the big banks and their criminal enterprises would not come to light in a court of law, a few billions in fines to the US government in exchange for trillions in profits makes crime seem to pay quite well thank you.
And now how ironic that Mr. Holder finds himself hired by JP Morgan, as a special consultant, earning over $77 million a year. If the current republican senate had any balls they would not vote in a successor to this man until he answers some questions. And if he does manage to get out of government and take this sweetheart deal with the bankers, whom he let run a very profitable criminal enterprise, they should make sure he spends all of his ill gotten gains on legal fees for years to come. That would be sweet justice for this unethical lawyer who has no master but self-serving greed.
But this is another tale. He also needs to be seriously examined for his role in the gun running fiasco known as Fast and Furious, and why his office did not fully investigate Lois Lerner and the IRS mishandling of the Tea Party applications for tax free status.
Wait a moment. What's that, Dr. Jonathan Gruber is not a member of congress and he wrote the law. Well then it is unconstitutional since it is the version put forth by the senate and was never ratified by the congress through reconciliation. Well, maybe Dr. Gruber is correct, the American people are stupid, but this is not going to dissuade me from bringing a class action law suit against Dr. Gruber, because I am just that stupid.
I hope you will join me. Time for Gruber to come clean. Time to put up or shut up.
Sir, you have been served. See you in court.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
"If voting made any difference, they would not let us do it." Mark Twain
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Urban Poverty Law Center Strikes A Blow Against Tyranny Breaks Through The Boycott In Semi Valley
I have been in forced exile by the blog spot that did not bark. I so wanted to comment on Kaci Hickup, that nurse who returned with Ebola virons scattered all over her checked luggage and when stopped by Chris Christy in New Jersey and quarantined began to complain loudly like any spoiled lefty who is denied her constitutional rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Well Kaci, you may be harboring an Ebola trap for that lap dog boyfriend of yours, but how do you think the majority of us conservatives feel when your ilk and side of the political spectrum sees nothing wrong with disarming Americans by stomping on the second amendment? Sure you may infect a few of us with Ebola and it would be a tragedy in the short run, but taking our God given rights to protect ourselves? You and your leftist pals are fools to believe in the goodness of mankind. Look in the mirror and ask yourself if you can. Would I want to be with me if I had been in Ebola camps? But you are like too many millennial's these days who believe the rules of nature do not apply to you.
I hope you do not get Eboli but I pray you reconsider your position on public health. If Aids had been properly quarantined in the 80's we would not be experiencing the dearth of interior decorators and perhaps movies and theater productions would have not suffered so of poor quality. We lost a lot of talent with the passing of our 30 something's homosexual friends.
Final insult: You are no Florence Nightingale but you are a nurse, a rather self-centered and fool=hearty one. But our constitution applies equally to the genius and the fool, and both have votes. My advice to you is to never tempt fate and go back to help with those afflicted with Ebola. Pride before the fall?
Now on to the drubbing President Ebola just witnessed. These results are a complete rebuke of his poor leadership, both in style and substance. His remake of America needs remaking. Ninety three millions out of work, fifty-four millions on assistance, and now we need to import millions upon millions of unskilled low wage, for now, workers to trim your hedges and mow your interstates, and make your beds in your fancy hotels?
Really Mr. President, really? I was having trouble keeping my children out of mischief when they were very young and I needed a nanny, looked all over the place none could be had back in 1988, I tried to sponsor a Filipino woman and the state department advised I would have to try harder for an American to fill the position. What happened at state over the past two and a half decades? Is it time to break out the old get an American first letter out to President Ebolo pals?
Well, I just got my first warning my diatribe has been read and censured over at Google Gestapo. I will cut this short and try to break on through.
Congratulations to the Republicans who broke the chain and stopped the bleeding.
Mitch may not be the next majority leader if he does not take his panties off and pull up a pair of real big boy man underpants. Reid has already warned him the voters now expect them to cooperate. Ha ha ha ha ha!
Second red flash from GG Will post in haste.
Jackson Delano Maybolt President Urban Poverty Law Center
Well Kaci, you may be harboring an Ebola trap for that lap dog boyfriend of yours, but how do you think the majority of us conservatives feel when your ilk and side of the political spectrum sees nothing wrong with disarming Americans by stomping on the second amendment? Sure you may infect a few of us with Ebola and it would be a tragedy in the short run, but taking our God given rights to protect ourselves? You and your leftist pals are fools to believe in the goodness of mankind. Look in the mirror and ask yourself if you can. Would I want to be with me if I had been in Ebola camps? But you are like too many millennial's these days who believe the rules of nature do not apply to you.
I hope you do not get Eboli but I pray you reconsider your position on public health. If Aids had been properly quarantined in the 80's we would not be experiencing the dearth of interior decorators and perhaps movies and theater productions would have not suffered so of poor quality. We lost a lot of talent with the passing of our 30 something's homosexual friends.
Final insult: You are no Florence Nightingale but you are a nurse, a rather self-centered and fool=hearty one. But our constitution applies equally to the genius and the fool, and both have votes. My advice to you is to never tempt fate and go back to help with those afflicted with Ebola. Pride before the fall?
Now on to the drubbing President Ebola just witnessed. These results are a complete rebuke of his poor leadership, both in style and substance. His remake of America needs remaking. Ninety three millions out of work, fifty-four millions on assistance, and now we need to import millions upon millions of unskilled low wage, for now, workers to trim your hedges and mow your interstates, and make your beds in your fancy hotels?
Really Mr. President, really? I was having trouble keeping my children out of mischief when they were very young and I needed a nanny, looked all over the place none could be had back in 1988, I tried to sponsor a Filipino woman and the state department advised I would have to try harder for an American to fill the position. What happened at state over the past two and a half decades? Is it time to break out the old get an American first letter out to President Ebolo pals?
Well, I just got my first warning my diatribe has been read and censured over at Google Gestapo. I will cut this short and try to break on through.
Congratulations to the Republicans who broke the chain and stopped the bleeding.
Mitch may not be the next majority leader if he does not take his panties off and pull up a pair of real big boy man underpants. Reid has already warned him the voters now expect them to cooperate. Ha ha ha ha ha!
Second red flash from GG Will post in haste.
Jackson Delano Maybolt President Urban Poverty Law Center
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