Monday, October 28, 2013

Mark Twain's Autobiography, Vol II In Jack Maybolt's Library: Twain Speaks Out From The Grave!

I am in my element. Reading my literary Mark's autobiography, volume II. Twain early on waxes on how everything that is ever written is only re-written as there is not a single new human thought or phrase ever penned.

And so it is I too must repeat what has been writ a thousand, nay, a million times through out the ages, nay time immemorial.

For it is far, far better to have loved and lost than to never have been the target of an IRISH Audit!

There Mark Twain, look for that one in the reams and reams of published works!

I have been dutifully watching those who would watch us.

I will return when I have finished reading Twain's last masterpiece, spoken from the grave with nary a care in this great big old world and my "ignorance covers the whole world in a blanket with very few holes in it."

Look for me in mid November or do not look for me at all.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Monday, October 21, 2013

What An Unlimited Debt Ceiling Means: Free Beer Tomorrow! Why The Election's In 2014 Is Critical.

This latest deal to slither out of congress and the senate giving our trusted servants in government unbridled access to borrowed monies is financial suicide. Not the quick cyanide death preferred by 9 out of 10 defeated Nazi leaders at the end of WWII, but the slow painful suicide one might experience after lying too close to a fire ant mound.

Now the word is out, government debt ballooned by a third of a trillion dollars the first day after the debt ceiling was lifted! Whew, that was close! The bankers at the Fed were hanging out on a limb for several months in their conspiracy with the treasury department to keep the monies flowing behind the scenes and out of the daylight of the public eye. No large task given the corruption and willingness of our national press patsies to go along with their government masters.

Save for a few Teabaggers and a handful of public servants in the house and senate there is nobody ringing the alarm. I got my phone and my internet access and my retirement account looks pretty good on paper so who's worried? Certainly not me.

Besides, I have more moons behind me than in front of me and have done pretty much what I wanted for entertainment and work since coming of age at three.

I have swum in the lakes of life's opportunities. Adventures first around the house, the creeks of Nashville, the shores of Lake Michigan, the mountains of Norway, excelled on sports teams in the south, hunted the old growth woods of Tennessee, collected reptiles in its swamps, rode bikes all over my small town, picked up arrow heads in Wyoming, Colorado and Tennessee, wooed and married some fine women and sired enough children to field a baseball team if the parents, as it was, were pitcher and catcher, I studied both chemistry and medicine, I read and admire Mark Twain. And I have owned some really fine dogs!

I am grateful to my parents who had the good sense to let me roam free and not worry in 1960's small town America. In 1966 they bought their children tickets to see the Beatles in Memphis and at 13 my life hit a pinnacle after which I brag since that concert "my life has been nothing but a series of setbacks and disappointments" but I am lying.

The only one who has ever disappointed me in my life was me. I did not always make the right choice in the fog of war if you will. But I did what I did and have been able to make the best of it so far. And I will stop this line of thought before my demons escape putting me to bed for a week.

The debate over the debt needs a shift of public opinion. Clearly the federal government assumes the parental role over the people and dismiss the notion of serving the people completely. The surly Obama use of barricades to public lands and monuments speaks to his administrations total disregard of the governments proper relationship of the government and its masters, the people.

That they are feeling threatened and have been arming all factions of the government including swat teams for the Department of Education is alarming, but they sense something has changed in America. The sheep are willing to be sheared if the farmer provides the proper conditions to grow the hay in the meadows and aids and abets the stream from which to drink.

The meadows in America are drying up and many of the sheep have lost their way. Our shepherds are selling sheep to the wolves.

Corporate wolves have taken control of the shepherds to the detriment of our national flock. At 20% unemployment and millions of Americans ruined under the current system of crony capitalism, the media should lead with bleak employment numbers each and everyday, but there is no people's media, only the corporate piggies who are in bed with our masters in Washington, all corporate puppets, and the crickets chirping in the cool of darkness is the only sound we hear out here in fly over country.

John Kennedy in his 1961 inaugural address got his line almost right with: "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country!"

Today we need someone to point out: "Ask not what your country can do to you, but what you can do to your country!"

It is now obvious our political class can borrow from future generations of Americans without check. It can inflate our currency. It can write laws to favor its friends. It can ignore the laws which made America a great place to do business. It can thumb its nose at our constitution. It can pretend to be masters of the people, but not without the people's permission.

I believe Americans are waking up and if I am wrong and the Teabaggers do not bag many of these progressive pols in the next two election cycles, then patriots all over the country must come together to form a more perfect union and dissolve this relationship which is clearly not working out in the best interest of the people.

Governments are fungible. The land is permanent. When this government, which was founded under our constitution, no longer complies with the constitution it is no longer legitimate. The best bet for continued good government is that set forth in the constitution.

Our founders set limits on government because there needs to be limits. There are very few angels in government.

The advertisement in early 20th century bars featuring "Free Beer Tomorrow" rings as hollow as today's government promise to serve its people well.

The corruption must be halted. If not this national debt combined with our current crop of corrupt Washington Pols will rob the next 5 generations of Americans of the opportunity to make something of their lives. We are all being sold out for 30 pieces of silver.

A national suicide!

Wake up, America.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Ted Cruz: Taking Republican Politics To "Risky Business." Call For The Privatization Of All Nonessential Government Functions

Candy "the bulk" Crowley interviewed Texas Senator Ted Cruz on CNN's Sunday morning news show "State of the Nation" and did not score any political points against this true patriot. Using all the might of her 150 kilogram corpus humungus and her 1 kilogram brain, and fed querries from the finest commie minds CNN has to offer in its editorial staff, she appeared exhausted after appearing in the ring with Senator Cruz and a sigh of relief was heard to bellow from those callous partisan vocal cords of hers when the interview finally ended after Senator Cruz pointed out Harry Reid's nonsensical rejoinder to the perty gal who asked about what harm would be done in funding cancer riddled children and their treatment at the NIH.

Score one for Ted Cruz!

He is probably the brightest intellect in Washington and thank the Lord above he is on our side!

Say what you will about President Obama and his intellect, but it cannot hold a candle to the wattage Senator Cruz is packing inside his calvarim. Senator Cruz can publicly speak without a teleprompter. President Obama cannot speak to a grade school class without one. Cruz does not need a script, the President cannot go off script without making a fool of himself.

Cruz started the republicans on their course of a whopping 17% government shut down of all the nonessentials that this government in its great big heart provides as service to its masters, the American people.

The President of this Spite House closes national monuments to veterans and stops disability payments to veterans, but the National Mall is opened for a rally to the Union goonies and their Illegal Alien charges who only need grants for US citizenship so they too could be blocked from our national parks and malls like the rest of us commoners, but then they could become Union members and democrat voters and help complete the nationalist socialist vote of more of America's treasure to government coffers and out of the private sector. The rape of America will be complete.

I might suggest that Ted Cruz put a vote to the American People on whether or not we close these monuments and parks permanently to the government and sell them to the people to manage them.

It seems we should off load some of the burden our poor politicians and our over worked bureaucrats are feeling.

They have way to much on their plates managing to keep opposition political operatives from having tax free platforms from which to voice their opinions and spying on all Americans, including this piece as it is written, and taking over 1/7 of the nations GDP with the new healthcare law.

If we privatize our national monuments and parks and take these tasks off these public servants who are running our nation these bureaucrats will be free to manage the essential operations of government like border patrol and CO2 emissions from wood burning stoves, and school lunches.

I say privitize all nonessential government functions. I know a lot of Americans that would like to own Yellowstone and have a chance to operate it as it should be for the delight and enjoyment of our American people and not as a bargaining chip to close willy-barackie by the Spite House anytime the political parties have a disagreement.

Pawns unite! It is our chess board.

Ted Cruz is the man who can make it happen. Tangling with him will be the real "Risky Business!"

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center Defines Governments True Function, Brilliant, But What Did You Expect?

My nephew, Kolby Cobb Boatswain, III, is taking civics in middle school and came over to ask me what purpose the government played in our lives. It was an assignment from his teacher, Mrs. C Lamphrey Lighthurst, who can trace her heritage all the way back to the famous Martin Luther King March on Selma, Alabama. She claims her mother slept with one of Reverend King's aides that night in the jail, claiming it was the most exciting 15 seconds of her mother's life and she came away with little C Lamphrey and a wonderful memory.

Mrs. C Lamphrey Lighthurst has bug eyes and is an irritable woman but I will not slander her mother to guess which follower of Dr. King fired the shot in her mother's direction that hot summer night in the Selma City Jail, but his initials are JJ.

Back to Kolby's querry.

I will quote as near as possible what I told young Kolby:

"Kolby, as I see it, the government hires the barely employable to take care of the completely unemployable by taking from the eminently employable."

"Can you be more specific?" Said Kolby.

"Yes, the TSA, Transportation Security Association, and Homeland Security are recent additions to our fine


"Thank you Uncle Maybolt."

"You are welcome."

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center