Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Blocked But Not Bullied Or Bereft Of Bull

Why the absence, you may querry? I do not know but I was held hostage by my computer and its masters at Apple for lack of installing some software that is sure to cause me problems with speed and lead to my buying a new Apple computer. Time will tell. Goobels has blocked my blog for about 2 years now and I do not care, I compose therefore I am. You read therefore you are. And so it goes. I did not plan on this composition today so it is probably going to be more like a Biden campaign event than a Trump event. There is nothing there. Sorry. Biden continues his slow motion slide towards the presidency with the running mate whose voice makes Hillary Clinton's seem acceptable. The horrible candidate Senator Conman-ala Harris has a laugh that would scare a troop of baboons. More powerful than twice potency bear spray, that voice has been used to break up the Antifa riots in Portland. Tympanic membranes subjected to her guffahs at 4x volume bleed. Small children vomit. Grown men weep and many times sphincter control is lost. Women faint, and dogs run. Conman-ala Harris should only be brought out in public in times of war or famine, and then only be allowed to laugh if the nuclear option has already been played without the intended result. President Trump, meanwhile, has contracted the Corona virus and has spent a few days in the hospital where he was treated with the best combination of meds and came out as a 54 yr old, feeling better than he has in 20 yrs. RGB has assumed room temperature and liberals all over this country secretly hate her for not resigning her position during Obama's ill-fated rule, and selfishly hanging on the court position for life, and risking her spot to a Trump nominee. Epic fail! Now Trump has nominated and the senate will confirm Amy Coney Barrett to replace RGB and be the 5th conservative vote on the Supreme Court as John Roberts has been compromised by his love triangle involving Putin and Xi and cannot be depended upon to judge fairly. Should he resign? An honorable man would consider it. So no, he will not. Joe Biden has promised, if elected president, to ban the fourth note in music to honor those taking the fight to the streets in the massively underperforming organization called Antifa. Hillary Clinton has not aged well looking more like Sean Connery after nearly 4 yrs of the Trump presidency and Trump is looking younger. The hag factor is high on Hillary. She still spews as much garbage but the hagism makes it seem worse. Her advice to Biden, do not concede under any circumstance especially if you win seems good advice to a man of Biden's slippage. Just think how painful it would have been to watch her wither as President. Her face would have become the new model for prunes everywhere. Hillary do something with that hair. James Comey cannot seem to recall the major events surrounding the illegal spying on the Trump campaign and his administration. He is 6foot 8 inches of corruption. He will have to duck going in and out of his cell at roll call. Andrew McCabe has a convenient fear of corona and refuses to answer questions about his roll in Obamagate. President Obama is playing quiet mouse still mouse and hoping his hand in the shenanigans against Trump will be over looked. Good luck dumbass. Unless those bit players who were assigned parts in this play all fall on their swords, someone will squeal and true goes the old saying pigs squeal and hogs get slaughtered. Not a good time to be a hog. Biden, Obama, Rice, Jarrett, Holder? The Biden Family Crime Syndicate has gained some exposure of late and I suspect what has come out so far is only the tip of the iceberg. Hunter Biden is a complete goof sired by a goof who has nothing to show after 47 years in public (self) service. Meanwhile Trump plows on. Ending Climate agreements which are bad for the US, pulling out of non strategic wars in the middle east, ending the Iran Nuclear deal, making deals in the middle east working towards peace, making America energy independent, halting Chinese unfair trading practices, lowering taxes, building up our weakened military, neglected by 8 yrs of Biden/Obama, starting the Space Force, and replacing an average first lady with one of the most beautiful women in the world, Melania. Trump even caught corona so we do not have to catch it. Socialists and the media hate this man because they are envious. Who would not want to be rich, smart, good looking, funny, married to a super model, have smart well heeled children and the presidency. And they want to replace this man with whom? Joe Biden, you got to be shitting me? In a fair election it ain't gonna happen. I am, Joseph Biden Chancre, jr fellow Urban Poverty Law Center

1 comment:

  1. Sorry bout no paragraphs goobels interference. JBC,jr
