If reports out of Washington are true, and Eric Ciaramella and Shawn Misko, friends at National Security under Obama were openly heard plotting the impeachment of President Trump soon after his election in 2016, then the Obama holdovers must suffer the consequences of treason.
It is not the right times to stretch their necks, but reassignments to out of Washington DC locals may be just the thing.
Being part of the young hip DC crowd is part of the mystical allure for these swamp creatures. How would it be for these dupes to be relocated to say rural Tennessee or Mississippi where the only entertainment is watching the cars come and go from the local Dollar General.
I just happen to have some land off US Highway 70, formerly Route 66 which is 100 miles from both Nashville's airport and Memphis airport which would be a great facility for these holdovers who like to make mischief for our president.
It is time for President Trump to send a powerful message to these swamp dwellers. We may not have Siberia, but we sure as hell have West Tennessee and Northern Mississippi.
So President Trump, call or text me. I can offer you a package deal, say for $100,000,000 for the land and a federal building you could be proud of complete with its own living quarters for these rat bastard Obama holdovers. One summer in this green community and they would all quit. This is no place to live without air conditioning and as we all know it is a luxury.
Perhaps others could be housed and work in the new economic-zones in our inner cities.
The possibilities are endless. President Trump is right the federal government needs to be decentralized. The swamp has become its own mass which attracts the undesirables to serve.
I think former ambassador Yavanovich would do quite well in our facility here in West Tennessee.
Resignations would fly out of there faster than Boeing's new 777 aeroplane!
Relocate and resign.
There is more than one way to skin a cat!
And if you are wondering if I have any experience as a building developer or contractor, no, but we all know no experience is necessary if your relative is a Biden.
Joseph Biden Chancre Sr President Urban Poverty Law Center
Founded by Jackson Delano Maybolt PhD in 1988, this organization has helped many urban poor tell their stories and improve their lives. Based out of Cedar Grove, TN, the UPLC is quickly becoming a national leader in poverty law and research.New visitors are encouraged to go back to the earliest postings to get the full flavor of our important mission. You will be entertained or you are not thinking right.......www.urbanpovertylawcenter.org.......www.southernpoetrylawcenter.org
Friday, January 31, 2020
Monday, January 27, 2020
Nathan Bedford Forrest, a burr under General Sherman’s saddle, "the most remarkableman our Civil War produced on either side." General Sherman
After Forrest defeated the Union at Brice's Crossroads in June of 1864, General Sherman put his designs on Mobile on hold. Sherman telegraphed Lincoln's Secretary of War, Edwin Santon, "I have made necessary orders, through General McPherson, to inquire well into the Sturgis matter; also to send as large a force again as he can get on Forrest's trail, and harass him and the country through which he passes. We must destroy him if possible." 1.
In a dispatch to McPherson he says, "We will not attempt the Mobile trip now, but I wish to organize as large a force as possible at Memphis......to pursue Forrest on foot, devastating the land over which he has passed, or may pass, and to make the people of Tennessee and Mississippi feel that although a bold, daring and successful leader, he will bring ruin and misery on any country where he may pass or tarry. If we do not punish Forrest and THE PEOPLE NOW, THE WHOLE EFFECT OF OUR VAST CONQUEST WILL BE LOST."1.
And so the people of Mississippi and Tennessee were punished and not Forrest by the Union under Sherman. The heinous plan Sherman used to defeat the Native Americans a decade later was first honed on the civilian populations of the South.
In my area of West Tennessee there is a cemetery with Twin boys, aged 21, who fought for the Union and upon their return home were murdered for the crimes General Sherman's charges committed against the civilian population.
The war of Northern Aggression left plenty of scars on the land and in the hearts of its people. Only 4% of the Southern population owned slaves, yet the war was against the 100%.
I agree that slaves deserve reparations, but so do the southerners who were burned out of house and home and were noncombatants during the war.
To Sherman, this little war was a Vast Conquest. To the South the war was for its survival and the right to self rule. The North had the population advantage 2 to 1 over the South. They had the financial advantage as well. They were better equipped and supplied and they were ruthless as Sherman's march to the sea proved out.
How different might the world's history have been if States Rights would have won in 1865. The US would not have been the behemoth it is today, Germany would probably have won the first World War and Hitler would have only been a failed artist.
1. page 375 "That Devil Forrest, Life of General Nathan Bedford Forrest, by John A. Wyeth
Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr Historian Urban Poverty Law center
PS This is a great book about Forrest, who has been maligned by the Yankee agressor writers of history. The Truth about this great general is out there.
In a dispatch to McPherson he says, "We will not attempt the Mobile trip now, but I wish to organize as large a force as possible at Memphis......to pursue Forrest on foot, devastating the land over which he has passed, or may pass, and to make the people of Tennessee and Mississippi feel that although a bold, daring and successful leader, he will bring ruin and misery on any country where he may pass or tarry. If we do not punish Forrest and THE PEOPLE NOW, THE WHOLE EFFECT OF OUR VAST CONQUEST WILL BE LOST."1.
And so the people of Mississippi and Tennessee were punished and not Forrest by the Union under Sherman. The heinous plan Sherman used to defeat the Native Americans a decade later was first honed on the civilian populations of the South.
In my area of West Tennessee there is a cemetery with Twin boys, aged 21, who fought for the Union and upon their return home were murdered for the crimes General Sherman's charges committed against the civilian population.
The war of Northern Aggression left plenty of scars on the land and in the hearts of its people. Only 4% of the Southern population owned slaves, yet the war was against the 100%.
I agree that slaves deserve reparations, but so do the southerners who were burned out of house and home and were noncombatants during the war.
To Sherman, this little war was a Vast Conquest. To the South the war was for its survival and the right to self rule. The North had the population advantage 2 to 1 over the South. They had the financial advantage as well. They were better equipped and supplied and they were ruthless as Sherman's march to the sea proved out.
How different might the world's history have been if States Rights would have won in 1865. The US would not have been the behemoth it is today, Germany would probably have won the first World War and Hitler would have only been a failed artist.
1. page 375 "That Devil Forrest, Life of General Nathan Bedford Forrest, by John A. Wyeth
Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr Historian Urban Poverty Law center
PS This is a great book about Forrest, who has been maligned by the Yankee agressor writers of history. The Truth about this great general is out there.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
President Trump V Nancy Pelosi, JerrOLD Nadless, And Adamn Schiff, Oh The Humanity?
Gnats Nancy Pelosi, JerrOLD Nadless, and pencil neck Adamn Schiff are in over their heads. They are swimming against an American Riptide caused by a wave of American support for our best president in over 200 years, Donald J. Trump.
He has been impeached on the flimsiest of excuses. Obstruction of Congress? Really, Nancy, Really? What has he obstructed on the republican side? Nothing. He only obstructed your really, really bad ideas for our country.
If you and Hillary Clinton were at the helm, we would be paying American taxpayer monies into the really stupid Paris Climate Accord. Our embassy would not be in Jerusalem. ISIS and its caliphate would be encroaching on the middle east and oil prices would be $200 a barrel.
Meanwhile Joe Bidens family and your son Paul would continue to reap the financial benefits you and the Clintons have become accustom to enjoying in a really corrupt pay for play scheme where the only losers are the American Taxpayer.
Obama's spy operation against the political opposition, republicans, would still be up and running and Loretta Lynch would be on the supreme court and RBG would be dead and replaced by another liberal hag.
The FBI would be in great shape under Comey, McCabe, Storzk, and Page, and the Justice Department and Department of State would continue their stress free business as usual status.
Enter the Wrecking Ball. Donald Trump. Comey's malfeasance was met with prompt firing! ISIS was destroyed. Saudi Arabia was the first, his first, order of business and though I do not know what he said to King Whatisname, it got their attention as there were arrests aplenty and oil prices have not hit $100 a barrel yet.
Trump rejects the climate accord, ends the Iran agreement, gets into it with Lil Rocket Man in North Korea, serves China notice of the new Kid in Town, and renegotiates the NAFTA give away, manages to decrease taxation on American business by 1/3 and initiates the greatest economic boom this country has ever seen.
Meanwhile, the Gnats are biting at his ankles, trying to come up with any excuse to impeach!
The border is beginning to be tightened up, wall is being built, people are getting jobs, and the stock market predicted by the Gnat people to crash if Trump was elected, has boomed, almost as great as Swalwell CNN Fart.
The Obama spying on political opponents will not stand up to public scrutiny and the Gnat-Class impeachment will not draw attention away from the investigation into its nefarious machinations.
Who or Whom did President Trump Obstruct? The democrats and thank God and the American electorate who recognized the great potential in this man , who against a venomous and hateful media got his message out and convinced a majority of states and electoral college voters to place him at the helm.
The Democrats and the venomous media have not laid a glove on our President. They are no longer the keepers of American opinion and no longer hold sway on the Americans who matter. We, the working classes, have chosen Trump as our champion and petulant Pelosi's, nasty Nadless', and snakey Schiff's impeachment will be slapped away.
The corruption of the Washington Swamp will be exposed and corrected in Trump's second term. The Bidens and the Clintons, the Comey's and McCabes, the Pelosis and Nadless and Schiff will need the millions they have stolen to pay their legal fees.
You are desperate to impeach this man, not because he is a threat to America, but because he has pointed out how self serving and self centered you democrats and many republicans are in congress. The congress that impeached President Trump is as useless as tits on a boar.
The only checks and balances you serve the American people are the generous checks you receive in your scams with taxpayer money doled out to friends and family leaving the American taxpayer to pay the balances. Enjoy it while it lasts, Americans are tired of the one way screwing we are getting. And America is still booming, energy independent, with better trade policies, better foreign policies, better climate policies, and a President who believes in the American Constitution and more importantly in the American Dream!
This president's impeachable crime is pointing out how useless and corrupt this congress and its fawning press has become. It cannot stand once the light of truth has exposed it. The smart ones are fleeing before the Schiff hits the fan.
Americans can put up with a lot of things, but corruption rampant in congress is not high on that list.
I hope you enjoy your future. Donald Trump has made it brighter for Americans by going around this hapless, selfish and stupidly vindictive congress. We see what you have done and know what he has done.
Nancy, JerrOLD, ADAMN, you have been defeated by an honest man. Get over it!
Life's Good!
Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr President Urban Poverty Law Center
He has been impeached on the flimsiest of excuses. Obstruction of Congress? Really, Nancy, Really? What has he obstructed on the republican side? Nothing. He only obstructed your really, really bad ideas for our country.
If you and Hillary Clinton were at the helm, we would be paying American taxpayer monies into the really stupid Paris Climate Accord. Our embassy would not be in Jerusalem. ISIS and its caliphate would be encroaching on the middle east and oil prices would be $200 a barrel.
Meanwhile Joe Bidens family and your son Paul would continue to reap the financial benefits you and the Clintons have become accustom to enjoying in a really corrupt pay for play scheme where the only losers are the American Taxpayer.
Obama's spy operation against the political opposition, republicans, would still be up and running and Loretta Lynch would be on the supreme court and RBG would be dead and replaced by another liberal hag.
The FBI would be in great shape under Comey, McCabe, Storzk, and Page, and the Justice Department and Department of State would continue their stress free business as usual status.
Enter the Wrecking Ball. Donald Trump. Comey's malfeasance was met with prompt firing! ISIS was destroyed. Saudi Arabia was the first, his first, order of business and though I do not know what he said to King Whatisname, it got their attention as there were arrests aplenty and oil prices have not hit $100 a barrel yet.
Trump rejects the climate accord, ends the Iran agreement, gets into it with Lil Rocket Man in North Korea, serves China notice of the new Kid in Town, and renegotiates the NAFTA give away, manages to decrease taxation on American business by 1/3 and initiates the greatest economic boom this country has ever seen.
Meanwhile, the Gnats are biting at his ankles, trying to come up with any excuse to impeach!
The border is beginning to be tightened up, wall is being built, people are getting jobs, and the stock market predicted by the Gnat people to crash if Trump was elected, has boomed, almost as great as Swalwell CNN Fart.
The Obama spying on political opponents will not stand up to public scrutiny and the Gnat-Class impeachment will not draw attention away from the investigation into its nefarious machinations.
Who or Whom did President Trump Obstruct? The democrats and thank God and the American electorate who recognized the great potential in this man , who against a venomous and hateful media got his message out and convinced a majority of states and electoral college voters to place him at the helm.
The Democrats and the venomous media have not laid a glove on our President. They are no longer the keepers of American opinion and no longer hold sway on the Americans who matter. We, the working classes, have chosen Trump as our champion and petulant Pelosi's, nasty Nadless', and snakey Schiff's impeachment will be slapped away.
The corruption of the Washington Swamp will be exposed and corrected in Trump's second term. The Bidens and the Clintons, the Comey's and McCabes, the Pelosis and Nadless and Schiff will need the millions they have stolen to pay their legal fees.
You are desperate to impeach this man, not because he is a threat to America, but because he has pointed out how self serving and self centered you democrats and many republicans are in congress. The congress that impeached President Trump is as useless as tits on a boar.
The only checks and balances you serve the American people are the generous checks you receive in your scams with taxpayer money doled out to friends and family leaving the American taxpayer to pay the balances. Enjoy it while it lasts, Americans are tired of the one way screwing we are getting. And America is still booming, energy independent, with better trade policies, better foreign policies, better climate policies, and a President who believes in the American Constitution and more importantly in the American Dream!
This president's impeachable crime is pointing out how useless and corrupt this congress and its fawning press has become. It cannot stand once the light of truth has exposed it. The smart ones are fleeing before the Schiff hits the fan.
Americans can put up with a lot of things, but corruption rampant in congress is not high on that list.
I hope you enjoy your future. Donald Trump has made it brighter for Americans by going around this hapless, selfish and stupidly vindictive congress. We see what you have done and know what he has done.
Nancy, JerrOLD, ADAMN, you have been defeated by an honest man. Get over it!
Life's Good!
Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr President Urban Poverty Law Center
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Iran's Mullahs Are Holding Iranians Back From Leading In The Middle East
In the middle 1970's I taught general chemistry as a teaching assistant while in grad school. There were many Middle Eastern students in attendance there to get chemical engineering and other degrees with science requirements.
General chemistry was an entry level class for many of these students. I found the Iranian students to be bright and friendly. They all spoke excellent English whereas those from other ME countries had poorer English speaking skills. I recall one swarthy Iraqi with a mono brow who never spoke. The Iranian students said he was crazy.
The Shah of Iran was hated by these students, but I never really knew what their complaint was and did not feel they were radical muslims. They said the Shah was corrupt. Who knows, I had no political leanings back then and cared not.
I recall the look one college aged female pollster gave me when she asked whom I supported in the 1976 presidential race, when I declared Apolitical. "You can't be serious!" Well, yes I was.
These students were Soleimani's contemporaries and I had a great relationship with these Iranians.
I wonder what happened to these Iranian students after leaving the University. Some may have died in the decades long war with Iraq, others may have gone on to work in the Iranian oil fields. But none had the last name Soleimani.
And now Soleimani has moved on to his afterlife, after a life of creating mischief and problems for many around the world.
The future will not miss poor old Q. Soleimani. At least those who believe in peace and goodwill towards man.
With the faux missile strike on our coalition base in Iraq by Iran, maybe some of the new leadership in Iran is thinking more clearly now. Iranians are the most intelligent in the area. Their 7th century Mullahs are stifling their potential and throwing it away on religious feuds.
Hey Iran, stop the nonsense, sell your oil and join the civilized world where there is room for all religions and money enough for all to live well.
Post Soleimani Iran is set for a boom. Only the Iranian people can choose which type. Can they cast off the undue influence of the radical mullahs and do the right thing?
We shall see.
Joe Biden Chancre, Sr President Urban Poverty Law Center
General chemistry was an entry level class for many of these students. I found the Iranian students to be bright and friendly. They all spoke excellent English whereas those from other ME countries had poorer English speaking skills. I recall one swarthy Iraqi with a mono brow who never spoke. The Iranian students said he was crazy.
The Shah of Iran was hated by these students, but I never really knew what their complaint was and did not feel they were radical muslims. They said the Shah was corrupt. Who knows, I had no political leanings back then and cared not.
I recall the look one college aged female pollster gave me when she asked whom I supported in the 1976 presidential race, when I declared Apolitical. "You can't be serious!" Well, yes I was.
These students were Soleimani's contemporaries and I had a great relationship with these Iranians.
I wonder what happened to these Iranian students after leaving the University. Some may have died in the decades long war with Iraq, others may have gone on to work in the Iranian oil fields. But none had the last name Soleimani.
And now Soleimani has moved on to his afterlife, after a life of creating mischief and problems for many around the world.
The future will not miss poor old Q. Soleimani. At least those who believe in peace and goodwill towards man.
With the faux missile strike on our coalition base in Iraq by Iran, maybe some of the new leadership in Iran is thinking more clearly now. Iranians are the most intelligent in the area. Their 7th century Mullahs are stifling their potential and throwing it away on religious feuds.
Hey Iran, stop the nonsense, sell your oil and join the civilized world where there is room for all religions and money enough for all to live well.
Post Soleimani Iran is set for a boom. Only the Iranian people can choose which type. Can they cast off the undue influence of the radical mullahs and do the right thing?
We shall see.
Joe Biden Chancre, Sr President Urban Poverty Law Center
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