Thursday, January 10, 2019

Trump Rocked. Schumer And Pelosi Rolled

A childhood friend, text me the following after Trump's wall speech from the Oval Office and the Schumer/Pelosi post presidential talk screech.

"Trump rocked.  Schumer looked like a corpse.  Pelosi was stiff as a board."

I was working and was unable to view.   Now that I have seen the speeches, I must agree with my pal's assessment.

Make up for the C and P could pass for a funeral home, but an address on national TV to rebutt President Trump cogent riff for a border wall, not a good look.   Schumer had all the glow if an over ripened Chaquita banana and if Pelosi's facial expression was any tighter her skull would pop out of that botox riddled puss.

Goobles (google) is warning my content is not appreciated by it's referees.  So I have struck a liberal nerve.

I will continue at my own peril.

The Trump and Schumer/Pelosi meeting yesterday which ended abruptly after Nancy said President Trump would not be enjoying any Congressional support for his 5.7 billion for the wall was priceless.

A temper tantrum said Schumer.  Immoral said Nancy of the proposed wall.  Trump is too busy to fool with these two putzes and needs to have one of his interns negotiate with these two wall-eyed nation hating pols.

No one is saying this in public, but I will.

The democrats have lost the nation's confidence.  They cannot get Americans to vote for them and their socialist policies so they must replace the American voter with voters they can count on.  The poor and the uneducated.

Their policy has always been, If you can't win a fair race, cheat!

President Trump must implement a voter ID program before the next election and citizenship must be proved or else no voting.

The republic is on a precipice.  We are close, very close to being destroyed from within.

The dems under Pelosi and Schumer have learned they can vote other peoples money to their constituents and this is not a good thing for hard working Americans.

Productive Americans will band together to vote against this political theft.  Their ideas are stale and their look at the rebuttal speech gave it all away.

Schumer the corpse and Nancy the face of progressive Nation bilking had a bad night, and their next day with the President quickly walking out of their non negotiations meeting made them look even smaller.

Trump is not to be trifled with.  He stares down heads of state who have huge nuclear arsenals.

How many missiles do Chuch Schumer and Nancy Pelosi control?

Do yourselves a favor, S and P, accept defeat and next try to block a national voting ID law.

You will lose on this as well.

I am,

JDM, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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