Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Time For Nancy Pelosi And Chuck Schumer To: Stop The Stall, Build The Wall!

Pelosi and Her Nanciboy in the senate, Chuck Schumer, are not interested in compromise with President Trump.

The 800,000 nonessential workers who are about to be without paychecks for two consecutive pay periods mean nothing to these two colossal career kleptocrats.

They are just pawns in a pissing contest they are having with the president.  The border and the wall are just props and symbols of a deeper rip in the fabric of America's weave.  A weave of many into one, taken by these democrats and pulled thread by thread to weaken America into balkanized factions who we are told are victimized by the strongest thread in the cloth, the conservative American patriot!

Patriots, who if you listen to Nan And Chuck, hate blacks, browns, gays, and any other self-identifiers but heteros, and want to close the nation off to all comers save White Christian heterosexuals.

Google warning!  But I will continue at my own risk.

The Native American drummer v the MAGA hats who happened to be Catholic school children is a great example of "Very Fake News", as president Trump has dubbed it.  Big Chief Nathan Phillips, aka Lying Eagle, set these boys up by confronting them  because of their headgear, and the rest is big media anti-Trump hysteria.   Sad, sick, and pure anti-white religious bigotry and the only hatred that is sanctioned by the lame stream media.

These anti-Trump people in the media, who are mostly themselves whiter than Ivory soap, are kidding themselves if they think America would be better served by its most radical elements than by its majority Christian middle class.

Antifa thuggery is what you get when the aggrieved minority takes over control from the placid majority.  Masked bandits who were unpopular in high school and found their voice with other near do wells, who found like minded idiots and joined this radical faction which will eventually cause real strife in America.  Sad, these people need to be taken seriously now and placed on the other side of our new big beautiful wall if convicted of treason against America.

The health or lack of this by the left's favorite supreme court justice is causing a stir among the political pundits on the Left.  Fear of RBG's death causes liberal bowels across America to loosen.
Simultaneous flushing in our capital caused the water in the water pipes to flow backwards last week.
Trump already has a conservative picked out for her position.  RGB bet the farm on a Hillary win and seems to have been too clever by half.  RGB is about to buy the farm and the Left is apoplectic that Trump will get another pick.

And the suborning perjury charge baked up by "Buzzfeed" a well known very fake nuse source, and the talk of impeachment was rich!  Never saw so many gleeful lefties since the clouds rolled in on their Hillary Clinton Parade November 8, 2016 and the bottom fell out the next January.  Life can be hard when your side is out of power.  Taxes, favors, parties, all change.   All dressed up and nowhere to go.  So Sad.

Elections have consequences and the middle class got tired of being ignored, and the black voters are becoming woke, can you say Kanye West, about Nan, Hill and Chuck's insincerity about helping them and now the Hispanics are seeing how Trump is better for America than the set aside crowd in the democrat party.

Trump has united the happy middle class, the hopeful, the hard working, the people who see America as the best place in the world to follow dreams and not just dream dreams.

The democrats have cobbled together a unhappy cadre of misfits and near do wells who blame another's success on their failures and short comings.  Antifa, if you want larger biceps, do some push-ups, go to the gym.   Don't blame successful Americans for your weakness.  If you want to move out of your parents basement, get a job.  Wake up before noon.  Quit blaming the man.   Chuck and Nan give less than two cents about you.  To them your are a pawn.

I will be the first to admit that America is not perfect, but I am certain it is much closer to perfection than any socialist claptrap country where thugs gravitate to power and rob the people who submit to this kind of ideology.

Middle America is too smart to fall for this crap.  But if we open the borders and do not demand a strong National Voter ID law the rabble en route from south of our border will vote America into destitution.  Americans are not racist, just realist.

Here's hoping President Trump stands firm on his commitment for the wall.

And Nancy, when your mess with the President, like dis inviting him to give the State of The Union Address,  do not be surprised if free junkets with 93 of your closest relatives to Europe are curtailed when there is important legislative business to attend here in America.  You control one sixth of the government.  Get with the program, make a deal not a squeal.

Nancy and Nanniboy.  No more squealing, start the dealing!


Nancy and Nanniboy, stop the stall build the wall!




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