Wednesday, January 16, 2019

President Trump, Add National Voter's ID Law To The Wall Demand

President Trump is so secretly involved as a Russian agent there is no proof of it whatsoever.

I have it on good authority that Vlad Putin is coaching President Trump on the border wall, and lowering taxes on business and bringing back jobs to the United States, pulling the US out of wasteful wars in the Middle East that serve no great national interest of ours now that we are the greatest oil exporting nation in the world and we are sitting on an ocean of oil.  This oil belongs to the American people and taxes from it should be spent to make our lives easier.  After all a strong America is what Russia and China dream of, right?

President Trump, suspected of being a Russian spy by Obama/Clinton FBI and Justice Department, is working overtime to Make America Great Again.  Putin and Xi are helpless onlookers whose real ally was thwarted by the amazing and unconventional Trump populist presidential blow out of America's greatest sell-out traitor since Benedict Arnold or Tokyo Rose, the pay for play Champion of the Universe, Hillary Rodham Clinton.   She is where she should spend the rest of her life, on the side lines making inane tweets critical of Trump's greatness and his unmatched toxic masculinity.

Americans chose a trader, a mover, and a shaker, over a traitor as our 45th president, wise move!

Worst candidate ever, sold our our uranium to a Russian business consortium for a 150 million dollar bribe to the Clinton Foundation, money which was used to bribe the topper most gum shoes in the FBI and some of the Clinton/Obama Justice Department lackeys.

Truth will come out about this treasonous trade deal made possible by Obama's ineptness and Clinton's world class greed and a national police force with dirty, filthy, corrupt cops at the top.  Comey and McCabe may as well have been Bonnie and Clyde for all the policing of the Clinton Email scandal they purposefully skirted around.  Really men, someone deletes 33,000 emails on a private server after receiving a congressional supena and your suspicion is not piqued?   Your investigation of this was a sham.  McCabe, $765,000 to wifie a bribe, and Comey tell the truth you got yours as well, didn't you fella?

Well guess what dudes you have money but you have lost your reputations.

You can sell a reputation, but you can't buy one.

What else have these crooked law enforcement officers turned a blind eye to?  Where did President Obama come up with 1.5 billion in cash to give to the Mullahs of Tehran?  Did anyone investigate Obama for being a secret Iranian spy?  He publicly gave billions to a regime that killed our troops in Iraq and bullied our Navy in the Strait of Hormuz.   Obama allowed one of our stealth drones to be captured by Iran.

That drone would never have been allowed to be captured under a Trump presidency.  Why would any administration give stealth technology and guidance systems to our enemies, unless it was a plant with spy ware programed into the computers and a flaw in the design to thwart the Chiranians?

And Clemson's football champions eat fast food at the White House on President Trump's tab due to Nancy and Chuckie's partial government shut down, because Melania refused to make small salads for 17 ton of Southern  Fried athletes.  The media is horrified at President Trump's show of Toxic Masculinity!

Where is the Snowflake, Donald Trump?   Check your testosterone at the campaign send off, spill it on that escalator.  Have some compassion for our testosterone challenged media and their cheerleaders like Jim NOBalls Acosta Cortez, and Chuck Low T Todd.

When asked by the No T Press about AOC's calling him a racist, High T President Trump spun left and uttered those words every patriot longs to hear :  "WHO CARES?"

President Trump is our first and only president who is unfettered by polls, opinions, being liked by the Washington Clap-Trap Elites who are out of touch with everyday WalMart shopping, fast food eating, work for pay Americans whose children still ride the bus to public schools, just hoping to have enough to get by and who cheer for the first president who has not forgotten them and their plight.

Trump loves this country and the people who descended from the people who made it great once and now works tirelessly to Make America Great Again.

The border wall will go a long way in Keeping America Great.  Trump knows failing to keep the borders secure will insure future Democrat majorities and the slippery slide into socialism with goofs like Maxine, Impede 45, Waters, and the toothy, wide eyed, Brooklyn blowflake, Alexandria Otega Cortez, in positions of power, and on TV 24/7.

But then to agree with the greatest president of all time, we all care about securing our border with the neighbors to the south.

Hey, President Trump, get the wall and a national voter ID law through congress.  Voting fraud is worse than open borders.  Voting fraud magnifies the border problem 10 fold.

Hold fast, as I know you will.  Secure the border and make sure our votes are secure!

And President Trump, your greatest asset is not caring about the small stuff, and your intuition is spot on.  AOC, Maxine Waters, Chuck LowT Todd,  Jim NOBalls Acosta, the WP, NYT, leaders NanChuck,  are gnats, you are the Man in the White House.

You are the president and they are not!

We the people love you.  You are the second "Father of our Country"!

Thank you and your family for your personal sacrifice.  For this we are grateful you were willing to take the slings and arrows of a crooked press and a crooked ruling class which was spoiled by a few rotten apples and a few misguided billionaires.

President Trump, we have your back.  God bless you and yours.


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