Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The Nobel Peace Prize, Un, Rodman, Trump and Obama

This week's events in Singapore have captured the whole world's imagination, if one can exclude the never do wells of the America Haters on the Left, folks like Billy Maher, Barack Obama, Bobbie DeNiro,and the puppet masters of these bobble heads.

Dennis Rodman in an interview with Chris Cuomo on CNN tearfully recounted his attempts to get Obama to open a dialogue with his Nork pal Kim Un, which according to Rodman, fell on deaf big ole floppy silly Obama ears. Cuomo was speechless at this revelation. President Trump on the other hand, hands reportedly larger than they seem, listened intently to Mr. Rodman and yesterday was attributed to this Rodman good will and Trump's good judgement to listen and take Rodman's advice about Kim Un.

If the Singapore Summit between Kim and Trump is successful in bringing about a more peaceful world, then these three, Kim, Dennis, and Don deserve to share the Nobel Peace Prize.

That Obama would not listen to Mr. Rodman is more evidence that this past President is perhaps the lamest CEO America has had or hopefully will ever have.

I thank God above that the Obama daze is over and Donald J. Trump loved America enough to ruin an otherwise great life, to jerk this country back on course to the greatness it deserves. I am thankful everyday this great man is leading us and saved us from the great malaise the Hillary Clinton Presidency would have been to America.

God bless Trump, Un, and Rodman, and yes to steal a line from Obama's pastor, "No, No, No not God Bless Obama, but Goddamn Obama! Obama's chickens are coming home to roost!"

Obama's weaponization of the Justice Dept, State Dept, FBI, CIA, and IRS and its use against his political enemies will be exposed and he will be lucky to avoid the gallows when it is all out.

He should work out more and pay attention to those scrawny neck muscles of his. His day in court is coming.

I am,

JDM, President UPLC

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