Monday, March 5, 2018

Trump Derangement Syndrome, Liberal Misconceptions, Nicholas Cruz And Other Frightening Apparitians, Or Guns Will Be Guns

The Hillary Clinton for president crowd and its splinter group of Bernie Sanders Bots and many conservative pundits over at National Review and their pals with the open borders cheap labor express at the chamber of commerce, have a old/new cause to attack the Trump supporting law and order strict constitutionalists on the right, GUN CONTROL. As predictable as night follows day and the Clinton Foundation follows the money and governmental graft the beat goes on and on and on. How about something new to complain about. Something important, say like, Russian Collusion? Say does the first amemendment protect the right to collude, and freely associate. In a world without borders one would surely think so.

Nicholas Cruz is a mentally challenged teen who under our constitution was allowed to purchase AR-15 rifles as long as he did not have a felony conviction in his back ground or was not ajudicated mentally ill by the mental health geniuses in Broward County, Florida. He should have never been able to legally purchase that gun or any gun for that matter. Cruz benefited from the Holder and Obama program instituted in minority dominated schools to keep future felons out of jail and free on the streets to continue preying on Americans.

Here's what happened. Obama, the community organizer extraordinaire, saw the disproportionate number of minority students getting suspensions and felonies across the nation in their minority heavy high schools and blamed the dread Anglo-American system of law and order on this, not the child criminal who managed to slip through the Liberal Abortion Gauntlet designed to sentence these unwanteds to death in the woumb with no smidgen of due process.

I am here to tell you anyone who attended American Public schools can pick out the criminals early on. Ask your teacher pals, if they have any honesty they can tell you this is common knowlege. I can still tell you the ones in my small school system who fit that mold. We knew in Junior High for whom the jail tolls. They started out with disruption in class and petty crimes and ended up with rape, robbery, and murder. Wonder if Bill and Hillary Clinton could have been fingered as school aged moppets for the criminal pair they so famously became?

Ok, the problem is discipline according to the Obama/Holder justice department and the application of laws, Anglo-American laws disproportionately against the lawless. A program was instituted to give money rewards to school districts that could show a reduction in juvenile arrests and suspensions and the liberal school district in Broward county jumped for the money and they had a 90% reduction in child related crime and suspensions by not reforming the child criminal, but by not enforcing the laws or applying suspensions to those who earned them. And Sheriff Israel went along with the plan to defraud the American taxpayer. No arrests, no convictions, no law.

It did not take long for the word to get out on the street and the gangs began to use students to help in the crimes they would have been punished for but these Obama/Holder justice department angels would only be warned and never taken to court or have to pay for their crimes, so crimes among the criminal elements in the Broward county high school student population climbed but the police reports fell and prosecutions fell and the Obama/Holder money flowed into the pockets of the Broward County School system like lies from a Clinton's lips. Nicholas Cruz was one of the unprosecuted who should have had a felony on record which would have kept him from buying his AR-15. And his threats of violence and his mentally unbalanced behavior which were forwarded to the Obama/Holder FBI were ignored.

Now we have 17 dead in Boward County and every pointy headed liberal from Barbara Streisand to Stephen Colbert is screaming for our AR-15's legally purchased by a law abiding US citizen who exercised second amendment rights to keep and bear arms. Hitler!, Nazi! these dundershots shout at us from the left. Conservative Putin-licker Rush Limbaugh numb nutz we are called. Trump is Satan goes out the cry. All the while the Liberal Abortion Mills grind out millions and millions of Americans every year without even one tear falling from their sanctimonious eyes, eyes blinded to reason by Trump Derangement Syndrome. It is a bad time to be a liberal in America and I am happy. Let those on the left get a taste of what we on the right endured from the past eight long years of Obama. What a shit show he was.

When they shout that you and the NRA are Nazis, remind them of Hitler and his disarming the Jews and the Gypsies, first, before rounding them up for slaughter and watch the gnashing of teeth and the screams of agony, agony of a reality which does not match their mind set. Prisoners have no guns but still manage to kill one another. The gun is not the problem the human is the problem in 100% of the mass murder cases. Usually mental illness. Does abortion mean the left is mentally ill? Good question but too deep for a lark treatice like this one.

To them one idiot with a gun should make guns illegal to 330 million Americans who have God-given rights to defend themselves. Human nature is not so different from nature in fact there is no difference if one is honest. Animals kill for self preservation and for food. Man kills for self preservation, food, and a few sickos for fun and sport. I have no gripe with killing for self preservation or for food, but I never enjoy watching the lion or the croc kill the wildebeast or the zebra colt on the nature channel. Man has for eons competed and killed others for natural resources and history is repleat with stories of these atrocities. The best policy for humans is to be ready to defend thyself. Our founding fathers knew arms were important, enough so to spell it out in our bill of rights. And they were right. Small fish school up to protect the many but losses are taken. A porcupine has quills to repell his attackers, a damn good defense. People have armed themselves with rocks, spears, knives, guns and what ever the technology bore through out the years. To do otherwise would be fool hearty. There are a lot of threats out there walking upright and I am not talking bigfoot here.

Now what of the ocasional mentally umbalanced near do well who takes it upon himself to kill at school? Does one duffus with an AR-15 Trump the rights of millions to defend themselves against criminals and a tyranical government, say a Hitler should one rise to power here in America?

The answer is an emphatic, NO!

Thirteen Muslims hijacked four jets back in 2001 and flew them into America's heart and the Transportation Safety Administration was born and has provided work for thousands and has kept the flying public safe from Mohammet with a carpet cutter for almost two decades.

Is it time to defund planned parenthood, and take that money and set up the School Safety Administration and end school's as gun free zones, hire thousands to protect our most precious American asset, our unaborted children? To do less would be negligent, but you see the liberal is not really interested in child safety, they are really all about taking guns away from Americans who do not hold their same views. Nick Cruz and his 17 dead in Broward County are props for the left. Excuses to bring up that old haggard Gun Control meme of the leftist. Socialism is not practiced on the armed and they the left knows this. They are not stupid, or suicidal at least.

Ask yourself if our privileged who want you to be defenseless and unarmed would accept Secret Service or other protection without guns? Oh, no. Never, but you see they are too important to risk their lives, it is only us little people out here in fly-over country who should be easy prey to the lions and crocs of our society.

In the end the gun control debate is a lost cause no matter the carnage, giving up self defense is in no ones best interest. An armed society is a polite society. Good defenses make good neighbors.
I do not trust my life and my protection to Ms. Streisand or Mr. Colbert's idea of gun ownership rights, I place my trust in Mr. Colt.

And furthermore, if and when a better self defense weapon than a piece of hot lead traveling at 3000 feet per second at an attacker is developed, I will get one or two.

Guns are only threats when in the wrong hands. The NRA believes only criminals and the mentally ill should not be armed. The liberal elites believe all Americans do not possess the right kind of hands nor the rights to bear arms, and they are fools.

My recomendation to my Liberal friends, Trump and guns are here to stay, so relax and go to therapy, this 8 years will pass just like the prior 8, but for gun right supporting Americans who voted overwhelmingly for Trump, it has been a fantastic 13 months with a president we can all be proud of, Donald J. Trump, President for ever!

The gun control mantra has not raised its ugly face since Gore lost to Bush in 2000, yes Gore was gored by his own gun grabbing views. And Chad could not fix that mistake. So the left has dusted off it old gun control for thee and not for me schtick and have enlisted a few pimplie-faced spokes screacheers, who, like Stalin's useful idiots will spew threats to gun owners, the NRA and any corporation stupid enough to let an adolescent dictate policy. Hogs are not the only pigs in America.

Delta Airlines rescended its agreement with the NRA and lost a 40 million dollar tax break in Georgia, thanks pimplie-faced adolescent for that great advice! Delta, are you listening? Here is some bald headed old man who smells funny advice: Some times the best thing to do is to do nothing. I am sure 40 million dollars is nothing to a huge Airline such as Delta, but its gotta sting just a little. Right?

Well I will file this and join the NRA again to show my support for the second amendment and hope I am ready for the lions and crocs should we cross paths.

JDL, President Urban Poverty Law Center, since 1989 helping people think more clearly

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