Monday, February 19, 2018

Reputations Lost Incompetence Revealed: Money For Nutting And The Chits For Free And The FBI

What good can one say about the FBI?

The lesson we have learned with 17 more added to its charnel house does not bode well for this once greatly respected American institution of law enforcement.

Peeteer Strzok needs to change his name for a couple of reasons, and Richard must not be on his short list, nor Stroke for the obvious reason.

Is the new motto down at Obama/Clinton FBI, "Money for nutting and the chits for free"?

The FBI is the new American Barney Fife of law enforcement. They are pruty good at it if you are a Wacko Waco Cult who sells guns to help fund the church, or if you refuse to be bullied by the ATF or the BLM. Obama even weaponized the EPA and I personally heard of this fine public entity sending an armed swat unit into the field to a gold mine in Alaska demanding weekly water turbity testing, or else.

Does the EPA really need fully automatic weapons to encourage compliance with water turbity testing? Obama, you are some kind of stupid!

And what of the rumor about the 1.5 billion bullets you purchased for the government? Show me the government that needs that many bullets for a population of 320 million and I will show you a government needing some serious target practice!

And how is it that now the ammunition stocks at Walmart are filled to overflowing with 22 caliber shells now that Trump has taken the reigns?

Under Obama, the government hated the people more than the people hated the government. He was truly a stain on America.

A thousand Miami area FBI agents and many credible warnings about the Cruz boy and his plans to shoot up a school and no one can look into it? One wonders if this office is filled with over sexed agents busily sexting back and forth just putting in their time until that 1.8 million dollar retirement package kicks in as it seems it will for old number 2 at headquarters, Andy McCabe. The same Andy, but not of Mayberry, who fiddled with FISA and took a bribe of more than a million dollars from Hillary for his wife's so called run for the Virginia state senate.

Hum? While investigating Hillary's private email server? That smells fishier than Madonna's panties after an evening with A Rod.

I never said I was not sick, did I?

And Jimmy Comey, his corruption is only equaled by his height. Six foot, eight inches and he cannot see the truth that he was not America's greatest law enforcement officer. He is a political bag man carrying water for the Obama/Clinton team. Turns out, he's a long tall Obama/Clinton toady. A deplorable if ever there was one.

Comey is a compromised government servant who was compliant with the dirtiest pols ever to get into the White House and the filthiest pol to miss the White House by that much!

Thank Grandma and God for Donald J. Trump. In Trump Americans saw a chance to turn Washington, DC around because congress is fully incapable of even admitting: "America, we have a problem".

These happy representatives of the people are not taking care of business and extremely good at doing nothing all day.

In closing it seems the FBI must be evaluated to determine if it has any hope of redemption, for like Jimmy Swaggart, they have sinned against the American public by acts and acts of omission.

Sometimes it is better to junk a car too broken to fix and just get a new one. The FBI under Obama/Clinton has become the American Edsel. Time for a better model.

If the TSA is not a joke, then a School Security Administration is a government dream come true whose time has come. Hire lots of under employed US citizens, give them uniforms and badges, and James Comey, Andy McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce and Missy Ohr, and others involved in the FBI collusion case against President Trump can opt for jail or staffing the new SSA in a Chicago area Public school. On the ground in the school, uniformed security, not administration.

I bet they choose jail.

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President,

Urban Poverty Law Center

Chauffer: I thought I was hiring a driver but when it arrived it turned out to be a small stove and I had to drive myself.
Damn you, Daniel Webster!

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