Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Storms And Hoggs Are Sucking All The Air Out Of Washington, DC While The NRA Gains Members

On February 14, 2018 a mentally ill former graduate(inmate with a 13 yr sentence to a public school system) brought his legally pruchased AR-15 to school for his version of a violent "show and tell".
When he finally stopped pulling the trigger 17 students and teachers lay dead and many others were wounded.

Benificiaries of Nick Cruz's hienous actions include the Left with its disarm America movement which has been in the dust bin of forgotten dreams since Albert Gore, Jr lost to G.W. Bush in his ill-fated bid for leader of the free world back in 2000. Even that water buffalo of a candidate, Hillary Clinton, steared clear of its poison in her ill-fated campaign against Donald J. Trump, who professed unfaltering support for the 2nd amemdment.

Gun control and the Left's attack against the 2nd amendment has proved to be its third rail of politics. Yes, as a political controversy it makes sparks fly, but the only ones who get burned are its proponents and not its law abiding opponents.

Google Monitors, set me free! I know you do not agree with me but I will defend your right to speak out against me to your death, not mine, so I do not wish give up my rights, one of which is to keep and bear arms.

When the Gun Control light was turned off by Mr. Cruz, a series of cock roaches scurried out and took their place among the fawning media which has become a non apologetic arm of the Democrat National Committee, and cheerleaders for the Left. Trump voters do not take these people seriosly anymore. They are viewed, if at all, as a form of entertainment, like George Harrison quipped to the Advertising Agent in "A Hard Days Night". "We laugh at her and throw things at the Tele." And that shirt they are pushing in the movie, "It's groady, grotesque!"

The media is grotesque in its support of left causes and the democrat. Where would the democrats be without 24/7 fawning it receives from them? A far smaller faction than they enjoy today. Goebbels knew how the lie repeated is tomorrow's truth. And now the Stormy Lie about the National Rifle Association is back in vogue and the choir on one side agrees with the rantings but the other side is not convinced.

The National March For Life, was set in motion by the Superteen David (Alien) Hogg, student at the Parkland School, who strangely resembles a youthful Adolf Hitler sans the mustache with a weak chin. Heil Hogg! Its mission: to bring some teeth to the debate in Washington and to take a large bite out of the 2nd amemdment, and restrict the people who take self-defense seriously and the constitution literally from choosing the weapon which they feel would best serve their needs.

The AR-15 is a safe weapon. It is no different than a box truck. Millions of drivers of box trucks have never harmed anyone with this make of truck, but give one to Mohammet, the terrorist, and he can make a bike trail in NYC a scene of carnage. Give an AR to Mohammet or Nick Cruz and they can make a night club and a school into a scene of death and carnage.

The problem here is not the choice of weapons, the problem is society. Not every person born in this world is free of evil or insanity. The loose screws must not be allowed to change laws for the majority. If one was to apply these kindergarden rules of fairness to our society, then the box truck and the AR-15 must be banned for the threats to life they pose.

Freedom and safety, including the right to defend one's self with an AR-15 or a Box truck, or a claw hammer for that matter must be left up to the individual. It's a right.

Stormy Daniels, the porn star, is looking and sounding like Hillary Clinton without the falls and all the fails.

We did not elect Donald Trump to be a role model for our children. We elected him, warts and Smarts to lead us back to greatness. If a man wants to spend $130,000 for a piece of tail, so what?

Stormy, you were a businesswoman and made the best deal you could with a billionaire 12 yrs ago. Now forget it, and move on and stop interfering with this great man's quest Make America Great Again.

Grow old and stale gracefully. Americans do not care that you now feel you were not paid enough for one use of your slip n slide.

Be sure to get 6 figures from the Left and its hysterical billionaire schemers like Soros, who, like President Trump has paid dearly for his slip n slide rides in the past. It is the sad blight of rich men. They do not seem to enjoy the free rides the rest of us peasants enjoy.

With great wealth comes great responsibility but at great cost.

I am,

JDM President, Urban Poverty Law Center

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