Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Paging Carter Page, Please Pick Up The Orange Jump Suit Reserved For Your Use

If Carter Page was a plant on the Trump campaign in the hire of the FBI and used to get a fake FISA document approved to spy on Trump, Mueller needs to resign immediately because this proves he was in on the conspiracy with the higher echelons of the FBI. Shame on them. Obama and his lackeys in the White House have their fingerprints all over this mess as well as the Clinton mafia.

Examples must me made of all these traitors. Lives must be ruined and fortunes must be forfeited to insure no other public servant feels the compulsion to replicate this most grevious crime. The Rosenbergs were executed for giving nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union, but that is the harshest punishment and disinsentive to potential repeat offenders.

A fitting punishment may be have these above the law breakers to wear a Scarlet Letter "S" for sedition. People required to wear this letter could be refused service with impunity, and would be forced to live in Chicago in a Cabrena Green type of public housing and subsist off the going rate for the welfare recipients in the neighborhood. Any person or entity caught trying to improve the guilty party's lives would be subject to confiscation of all their assets and be subject to the same living standard and location. So then the tendency for ones rich and powerful friends to bail you out would be frivilous. No presidental pardons least the president lose his/her pension and be subjected to the fate he/she tried to subvert. Any books or movie deals and profits would be confiscated and donated to the US Treasury.

Persons who would be subject to this type of punishment include James Comey, Barack Obama, Lois Lerner, Val Jarrett, Eric Holder, Mueller, Rosenstein, Strzok, McCabe, Page, James Baker, Carter Page, Chris Steele, Hillary Clinton, Syd Blumenthal, Huma, Cheryl, Loretta Lynch, and any others whose names and actions have not been made public as yet.

Time for a clean up in our government. Out with those who are not of the people, by the people or for the people, in with some fresh patriots. Judges must be held to the same standards. Is Contrares really the FISA judges name who recused himself from the Flynn case?

God blessed America with Donald Trump, a man who fought off a poisonous press, a malignant White House, a corrupt FBI and DOJ, and the biggest criminal enterprise ever cobbled together to push the most despicable and dishonest woman to ever win the nomination for president in our nation's history, Hillary Clinton.

Her corrupt run for the presidency was thwarted by the man with the golden hair. The man with the golden tongue who only told the truth about what was wrong with our country. The people heard and reacted to place this true hero and patriot in the presidency.

A bad day for criminality in government, but a great day for America.

The rule of law was back in style.

The idiots who planned and executed this attack against a duly elected president better begin to make deals now and I expect the squealing will begin soon.

If you do not cop a plea and turn state's witness your fate may be worse than death. Ask those poor folks trapped in Chicago's ghettos.

But remember when you agreed to be a willing conspirator you tacitly agreed to the punishment which will fit the crime.

When will the birds sing?

Who will be the first to sing the song of confession?

Too many people involved to keep a story straight.

The cat is out of the bag and the fat lady has sung.

Clinton's pack your bags for the Chicago ghetto.

Comey work on your break dance moves so your pastey white 6ft 8 inch frame blends in well, in the ghetto.

Lisa, you and Peter can hook up again sans spouses.

And finally if Mueller is not part of the conspiracy he should bow out now with grace and an apology to President Trump and the American people.

Time to put this Russia investigation to bed. And without any supper.

I am,

JDM, President UPLC

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