The biggest loser of the 2016 election cycle which saw Donald Trump slaughter Hillary Clinton in the electoral college votes was of course not Hillary Clinton, but the fake news media which has controlled who was elected president since 1992 and perhaps before that. They were instrumental in Bill Clinton's wins, and nearly toppled Bush, Jr to Gore with the Florida kerfuffle, and pushed hard for the weakest of weak Republican candidates to go up against the greatest president of anyone's lifetime, Barack Hussein Obama, noticing how they did not use his full name until he was safely elected, and the negative stories out about McCain, not hard to do, with McCain who is a loser cloaked in the senate with his only claim to fame being at one time a POW in Viet Nam, 20% of the Keating Five corruption, and 12.5% of the gang of eight, and 100% of the man who killed the killing of Obamacare. Not a record to be proud of in American Politics.
King Hussein was re-elected essentially unopposed in 2012 when the WA Post Mortem helped guide Mitt Romney to be the Republican, throw away candidate to hold the losing spot on the 2012 GOP ticket top. He folded like a wet noodle in the second debate and refused to push the Clinton Obama Benghazi screw up which cost the lives of one better than average ambassador and three American patriots. The spontaneous bullshit about the video was allowed to stand unquestioned.
Shame on you Wash Post Mortem!
And now you at the media want to meddle in Alabama's election to replace senator Sessions. Your boy Luther Strange was rejected as a monkey on strings controlled by the lobbyist class there on K Street and Alabama has opted to vote on a Christian Conservative to replace Sessions and the Post Penis Patrol has cooked up some cock-a-maybe story from nearly 40 years ago about Judge Roy Moore and released it 4 weeks before an election knowing full well it cannot be proven or disproven. Hoping it will place just enough doubt in the voters of Alabama's psyche to change the election and keep Alabama from having the representative they want and give the swamp what it wants.
I believe the Washington Post will ulitmately fail to ruin this fine judge and he will be elected by a wide margin. Alabama knows the great swamp and its mouth pieces do not have America's best interests at heart.
Come on Alabama, stick it to the liberal douche bags at the Washington Post, vote twice for Judge Roy Moore and send the swamp a message about collusion and meddling in your politics.
Hey, one of my great grandfathers was 35 when he married my great grandmother who was 18. Love is a many splendid thing and age is an artificial barrier. Many men in the South first wanted to establish careers before seeking out a suitable partner. To try to stain Roy Moore with the same brush as Harvey and the Hollywood perverts is dishonest.
In the South courtship follows certain rules and I assure you Judge Moore followed those rules to the T or we could have heard about them before now.
Nice try Washington Post Mortem.
You Suck!
Alabama knows it, and America knows it and this is why Donald Trump is president and your panties are in a wad!
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
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