Friday, November 17, 2017

Al Franken Is A Poser, Never Elected Senator, A True Recount Winner Cheat Creep And Not Very Funny

I have never been a big or little fan of Creepy Recount Winner, Senator Al Franken. His humor is lower than Junior High levels, he is uglier than Harvey Weinstein, and he is a sexual predator! Voters knew about the first two items, but only now is Senator Franken being exposed as the Creep of Minnesota.

I am shocked and awed by recent news items which hint of a $15 million pay out so far to people who have endured sexual harassment at the hands of our greatest legislative body of lewdness. Do these esteemed leaders, the cream of America's High School Student Councils, have no sense of propriety? Have they no morals? Have they no class? Do they think the pass they drew from Obamacare gives them 0069 privileges? 0069 is license to sexually harass, usually granted by the queen of England to 007 holders.

Well, looking back on my High School years the folks in politics were mostly over looked by the girls who at that time in life were more interested in sport figures, and spilling testosterone in the back seats of Chevelles and Mustangs. They were not interested in the ones who voted on the theme for this year's Prom. Now this is not to say these nerds of the student council did not get it right because after high school and college, the gals began to get the big picture that money and power were a greater aphrodesiac than some pencil necked footballer, because after the 2 minute bumping of uglies there were still 23 hrs and 58 minutes left in the day for some serious shopping, and shopping takes money, a whole lot of money, spending money! Credit George Harrison.

Mature women are not stupid they have weaponized the Clam. The Clam is the ticket and has been the ticket since Eve took the bite out of the forbidden fruit and Adam was the first ever man Clam struck. And the rest is history as they say and here we are. Generations later and Eve's desendants have prefected the Clam Shake and Bake and fools like Al Franken, and almost every other straight male falls for it hook line and sinker.

Now the Judge Roy Moore imbroglio is a smear tactic against a religious and pious man from Alabama who will win the senate inspite of Mitch McConnell's best or should I say his worst efforts. The judge has been in the political light too long for this nonsense to be coming out now. It is a political hit piece by the eunuchs at the Washington Post in a weak willie effort to stain Moore's brand. Alabama will not fall for it. He is the best candidate to send up to the swamp. He will probably start a bible study to occupy some of the 5 days these tireless overworked legislators have off each week. Less time to get into trouble.

The calls for Creepy Senator Al Franken to resign are warranted. This is new material on Al. No one knew he was a sexual predator, a sexual harasser, and a dunderpate when he ran for the senate and ballot boxes were found in the back seats of a late 60's Mustang and Chevelle giving him his recount win over the republican who was clearly cheated by the Minnesota democrat machine. He must go. Old dunderpate Franken must go.

But what about President Trump and his past shenanigans? It is different. Trump was outed before the election, thanks to NBC and its Billie Bush tapes, and the people voted for President Trump warts and all over that very weak Democrat candidate. What was her her name? What Happened? To my memory. Was it Hillary Sanders?

Seems she did not use her last name enough and she has lost her brand. She is the wart on the democrat party. She and her so called husband have pushed the limits of legality with their foundation and the contributions from entities around the world seeking favors. And now Donna Brazile has begun looking for a way to remove the warts from the party and has become a one woman wart wrecking ball. Nothing detracts from a brand like a well placed wart or two. Perhaps the Trump Justice Department is not seeking legal action because they want to save the warts and leave them in place for as long as the democrat party will have them. Election security?

How are those Sanders Foundation donations flowing now? I am sure they raked in billions since the failed election last year.

I have nothing left to write but that never stopped me.

I was a footballer not a student council geek, and my knees hurt every day.

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center The first organization to call the Southern Poverty Law Center a wart and a hate group.

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