Let us assume the accusations against Judge Roy Moore are true. He is a pedophile. If this is true, then he would need years of therapy to break away from his sexual persuasion and the things that make him go off. Sexual addiction and preference are permanent. This kind of thing would be hard to hide away given our society's titilation and interest in gossip especially of the unusual and the queer.
Judge Moore has been in 5 state wide campaigns and nary a mention of his predilection for underage girls, nor one trip to Thialand or even a single trip on Jeffrey Epsteins Lolita Express has been documented. If Judge Roy Moore is afflicted with what the Washington Post has claimed, it is the weakest case ever.
Judge Moore has been maligned by the Washington Swamp in an egregious attempt to keep him out of the World's Greatest Deliberative Body, a deliberative body that does not want a conservative Christian having any say in what goes on in the swamp.
When Judge Moore gets to the senate he will be an independent force for righteousness and reform. He is a no nonsense former marine officer who believes in right v wrong. The senate is not used to this kind of public servant.
Senator Moore will be very hard to coral.
I personally do not buy the Post's portrait of Judge Roy Moore as a pedophile. Where are his string of victims? Where is the evidence on his computer use? The real problem Washington has with Judge Roy Moore is not his sexual proclivities as charged, for he would fit right in with the swamp if it were true, but his conservative and Christian faith that scares the hell out of the senate and its leadership.
Is God sending a Christian soldier into the lion's den of the senate to help President Trump with his agenda?
We shall see in a few days.
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Founded by Jackson Delano Maybolt PhD in 1988, this organization has helped many urban poor tell their stories and improve their lives. Based out of Cedar Grove, TN, the UPLC is quickly becoming a national leader in poverty law and research.New visitors are encouraged to go back to the earliest postings to get the full flavor of our important mission. You will be entertained or you are not thinking right.......www.urbanpovertylawcenter.org.......www.southernpoetrylawcenter.org
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Trump Dumps Farm Bill Because It Did Not Make Business Sense
This year my little farm had cotton planted, part of a rotation of crops my farmer employs to keep the soil healthy and happy. Soy beans, corn, and cotton, beans three years, corn one year followed by cotton. This year was cotton's turn. It is the most expensive of the three to plant and maintain and this year the price is marginal and many farmers are only one bad year from serious financial ruin. They make lots of money, but spend lots of money in this process.
I was talking to my farmer, whose family I have known all my life and who are 5th generation farmers in our little world and they plant about 3,000 acres of a mix of corn, cotton and beans in their way of playing the market to their advantage, if beans are good they have beans, if corn is good, they have corn, if cotton is good they have cotton, if all three are bad they have cattle, 500 mother cows who could be sold to provide the seed money to plant next years crop. If all three crops are good they buy more cows.
Well, we got into a discussion about Trump and I asked if he liked him and he said yeah, but he did not sign the farm bill to subsidize cotton this year. The congress and senate had put together a bill that would have given a payment to every farmer who planted an acre of cotton $50 to help with expenses. These crops have imput costs that are fixed and I know from personal planting of soybeans I spend about $130 per acre to plant and harvest my beans and in a good year I make a few dollars off each acre. Corn costs $350 per acre to plant and harvest and at $3.50 a bushel break even yields are 100 bushels per acre and drought corn is often 50 bushels an acre or less. Big risk. Cotton is costly to plant for it needs constant spraying for insects and a good dose of fertilizer and is relatively drought resistant as its roots dive deep for the water it needs to come to bloom. Corn and Beans are shallow root systems and need about an inch of rain per week to perform optimally.
Anyway back to Trump and the $50 dollar per acre cotton allowance. They brought the bill to his attention and he said: If cotton is such a bad deal why is there 20% more in crop this year than last?" Well the reasons are varied, and related to the above calculations American farmers must make each year, playing the market, the government, and the weather, it is a risky business, the farmer has no real control over any of these items, so from a business perspective Trump did not sign the farm bill as it pertained to cotton.
My farmer buddy understood, but still thought the payment would have been a good shot in the arm for his operation, but he has cattle to back up his crop plays this year. He said his share of the payment would have been about $50,000, enough to plant 200 acres of cotton or 400 acres of beans, or 150 acres of corn, so it is not chicken feed. I said Trump did not understand that farmers do not have yachts and sail the Carribean in the winter, to which he wisely intoned, " I just sailed my yacht across your cotton field picking your cotton."
His cotton picker cost $450,000 used. He has had it for 5 seasons and is needing to replace it soon.
Guess his yacht and Carribean sailing adventure will have to be put off another year. But for me I am delighted he loves to sail his cotton picker across my fields of white fluffy cotton.
And we both praise President Trump for his good work. Now can Trump get this mess of a congress motivated to stop playing grab-ass most of the day and legislate for the sake of the country!
I personally feel these fools have been playing slow down against Obama for so long they do not know how to legislate. All the old bulls are dead, Kennedy, Byrd, off to that greatest legislative body in the sky.
Trump is not to be triffled with. Pocahontas was just trolled and fell for it hook, line and sinker. He never mentioned her name but her screams of indignation spoke heap big trouble for Warren, the fake Native American who falsely claimed Native American status to become a Harvard professor for diversity. How petty! How dishonest! How scheming!
And this is how she greets every one: "How?"
Senator Elizabeth Warren is worse than Senator Al Franken, aka the groper, and the democrat hacks have rounded up the wagons in an attempt to "win one for the groper!", and now we learn of a slut fund to pay off all the sexual harassment claims in congress, $17 million in pay outs they admit to so far. Money wasted that could have been earmarked and sent to 340,000 acres of cotton so our farmers could sleep a little easier at night. My money is on the farmer. I have all but given up on congress.
Trump should get what he wants or send them home. I believe he has the balls to shut it down and the nerve to take the daily barrage of fake news outrage and spend the government shut down at the winter white house in Florida.
Let Nan, Chuck, Mitch, and Paul stay in DC and figure out what to do. After all it is in their job description, right after playing grab ass with the interns.
Godspeed President Trump. We got your back! Give em hell!
Maybe Trump should refer to the Democrats as "Nanchuck" and the Republicans as "Mitchpaul".
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
I was talking to my farmer, whose family I have known all my life and who are 5th generation farmers in our little world and they plant about 3,000 acres of a mix of corn, cotton and beans in their way of playing the market to their advantage, if beans are good they have beans, if corn is good, they have corn, if cotton is good they have cotton, if all three are bad they have cattle, 500 mother cows who could be sold to provide the seed money to plant next years crop. If all three crops are good they buy more cows.
Well, we got into a discussion about Trump and I asked if he liked him and he said yeah, but he did not sign the farm bill to subsidize cotton this year. The congress and senate had put together a bill that would have given a payment to every farmer who planted an acre of cotton $50 to help with expenses. These crops have imput costs that are fixed and I know from personal planting of soybeans I spend about $130 per acre to plant and harvest my beans and in a good year I make a few dollars off each acre. Corn costs $350 per acre to plant and harvest and at $3.50 a bushel break even yields are 100 bushels per acre and drought corn is often 50 bushels an acre or less. Big risk. Cotton is costly to plant for it needs constant spraying for insects and a good dose of fertilizer and is relatively drought resistant as its roots dive deep for the water it needs to come to bloom. Corn and Beans are shallow root systems and need about an inch of rain per week to perform optimally.
Anyway back to Trump and the $50 dollar per acre cotton allowance. They brought the bill to his attention and he said: If cotton is such a bad deal why is there 20% more in crop this year than last?" Well the reasons are varied, and related to the above calculations American farmers must make each year, playing the market, the government, and the weather, it is a risky business, the farmer has no real control over any of these items, so from a business perspective Trump did not sign the farm bill as it pertained to cotton.
My farmer buddy understood, but still thought the payment would have been a good shot in the arm for his operation, but he has cattle to back up his crop plays this year. He said his share of the payment would have been about $50,000, enough to plant 200 acres of cotton or 400 acres of beans, or 150 acres of corn, so it is not chicken feed. I said Trump did not understand that farmers do not have yachts and sail the Carribean in the winter, to which he wisely intoned, " I just sailed my yacht across your cotton field picking your cotton."
His cotton picker cost $450,000 used. He has had it for 5 seasons and is needing to replace it soon.
Guess his yacht and Carribean sailing adventure will have to be put off another year. But for me I am delighted he loves to sail his cotton picker across my fields of white fluffy cotton.
And we both praise President Trump for his good work. Now can Trump get this mess of a congress motivated to stop playing grab-ass most of the day and legislate for the sake of the country!
I personally feel these fools have been playing slow down against Obama for so long they do not know how to legislate. All the old bulls are dead, Kennedy, Byrd, off to that greatest legislative body in the sky.
Trump is not to be triffled with. Pocahontas was just trolled and fell for it hook, line and sinker. He never mentioned her name but her screams of indignation spoke heap big trouble for Warren, the fake Native American who falsely claimed Native American status to become a Harvard professor for diversity. How petty! How dishonest! How scheming!
And this is how she greets every one: "How?"
Senator Elizabeth Warren is worse than Senator Al Franken, aka the groper, and the democrat hacks have rounded up the wagons in an attempt to "win one for the groper!", and now we learn of a slut fund to pay off all the sexual harassment claims in congress, $17 million in pay outs they admit to so far. Money wasted that could have been earmarked and sent to 340,000 acres of cotton so our farmers could sleep a little easier at night. My money is on the farmer. I have all but given up on congress.
Trump should get what he wants or send them home. I believe he has the balls to shut it down and the nerve to take the daily barrage of fake news outrage and spend the government shut down at the winter white house in Florida.
Let Nan, Chuck, Mitch, and Paul stay in DC and figure out what to do. After all it is in their job description, right after playing grab ass with the interns.
Godspeed President Trump. We got your back! Give em hell!
Maybe Trump should refer to the Democrats as "Nanchuck" and the Republicans as "Mitchpaul".
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Friday, November 17, 2017
Al Franken Is A Poser, Never Elected Senator, A True Recount Winner Cheat Creep And Not Very Funny
I have never been a big or little fan of Creepy Recount Winner, Senator Al Franken. His humor is lower than Junior High levels, he is uglier than Harvey Weinstein, and he is a sexual predator! Voters knew about the first two items, but only now is Senator Franken being exposed as the Creep of Minnesota.
I am shocked and awed by recent news items which hint of a $15 million pay out so far to people who have endured sexual harassment at the hands of our greatest legislative body of lewdness. Do these esteemed leaders, the cream of America's High School Student Councils, have no sense of propriety? Have they no morals? Have they no class? Do they think the pass they drew from Obamacare gives them 0069 privileges? 0069 is license to sexually harass, usually granted by the queen of England to 007 holders.
Well, looking back on my High School years the folks in politics were mostly over looked by the girls who at that time in life were more interested in sport figures, and spilling testosterone in the back seats of Chevelles and Mustangs. They were not interested in the ones who voted on the theme for this year's Prom. Now this is not to say these nerds of the student council did not get it right because after high school and college, the gals began to get the big picture that money and power were a greater aphrodesiac than some pencil necked footballer, because after the 2 minute bumping of uglies there were still 23 hrs and 58 minutes left in the day for some serious shopping, and shopping takes money, a whole lot of money, spending money! Credit George Harrison.
Mature women are not stupid they have weaponized the Clam. The Clam is the ticket and has been the ticket since Eve took the bite out of the forbidden fruit and Adam was the first ever man Clam struck. And the rest is history as they say and here we are. Generations later and Eve's desendants have prefected the Clam Shake and Bake and fools like Al Franken, and almost every other straight male falls for it hook line and sinker.
Now the Judge Roy Moore imbroglio is a smear tactic against a religious and pious man from Alabama who will win the senate inspite of Mitch McConnell's best or should I say his worst efforts. The judge has been in the political light too long for this nonsense to be coming out now. It is a political hit piece by the eunuchs at the Washington Post in a weak willie effort to stain Moore's brand. Alabama will not fall for it. He is the best candidate to send up to the swamp. He will probably start a bible study to occupy some of the 5 days these tireless overworked legislators have off each week. Less time to get into trouble.
The calls for Creepy Senator Al Franken to resign are warranted. This is new material on Al. No one knew he was a sexual predator, a sexual harasser, and a dunderpate when he ran for the senate and ballot boxes were found in the back seats of a late 60's Mustang and Chevelle giving him his recount win over the republican who was clearly cheated by the Minnesota democrat machine. He must go. Old dunderpate Franken must go.
But what about President Trump and his past shenanigans? It is different. Trump was outed before the election, thanks to NBC and its Billie Bush tapes, and the people voted for President Trump warts and all over that very weak Democrat candidate. What was her her name? What Happened? To my memory. Was it Hillary Sanders?
Seems she did not use her last name enough and she has lost her brand. She is the wart on the democrat party. She and her so called husband have pushed the limits of legality with their foundation and the contributions from entities around the world seeking favors. And now Donna Brazile has begun looking for a way to remove the warts from the party and has become a one woman wart wrecking ball. Nothing detracts from a brand like a well placed wart or two. Perhaps the Trump Justice Department is not seeking legal action because they want to save the warts and leave them in place for as long as the democrat party will have them. Election security?
How are those Sanders Foundation donations flowing now? I am sure they raked in billions since the failed election last year.
I have nothing left to write but that never stopped me.
I was a footballer not a student council geek, and my knees hurt every day.
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center The first organization to call the Southern Poverty Law Center a wart and a hate group.
I am shocked and awed by recent news items which hint of a $15 million pay out so far to people who have endured sexual harassment at the hands of our greatest legislative body of lewdness. Do these esteemed leaders, the cream of America's High School Student Councils, have no sense of propriety? Have they no morals? Have they no class? Do they think the pass they drew from Obamacare gives them 0069 privileges? 0069 is license to sexually harass, usually granted by the queen of England to 007 holders.
Well, looking back on my High School years the folks in politics were mostly over looked by the girls who at that time in life were more interested in sport figures, and spilling testosterone in the back seats of Chevelles and Mustangs. They were not interested in the ones who voted on the theme for this year's Prom. Now this is not to say these nerds of the student council did not get it right because after high school and college, the gals began to get the big picture that money and power were a greater aphrodesiac than some pencil necked footballer, because after the 2 minute bumping of uglies there were still 23 hrs and 58 minutes left in the day for some serious shopping, and shopping takes money, a whole lot of money, spending money! Credit George Harrison.
Mature women are not stupid they have weaponized the Clam. The Clam is the ticket and has been the ticket since Eve took the bite out of the forbidden fruit and Adam was the first ever man Clam struck. And the rest is history as they say and here we are. Generations later and Eve's desendants have prefected the Clam Shake and Bake and fools like Al Franken, and almost every other straight male falls for it hook line and sinker.
Now the Judge Roy Moore imbroglio is a smear tactic against a religious and pious man from Alabama who will win the senate inspite of Mitch McConnell's best or should I say his worst efforts. The judge has been in the political light too long for this nonsense to be coming out now. It is a political hit piece by the eunuchs at the Washington Post in a weak willie effort to stain Moore's brand. Alabama will not fall for it. He is the best candidate to send up to the swamp. He will probably start a bible study to occupy some of the 5 days these tireless overworked legislators have off each week. Less time to get into trouble.
The calls for Creepy Senator Al Franken to resign are warranted. This is new material on Al. No one knew he was a sexual predator, a sexual harasser, and a dunderpate when he ran for the senate and ballot boxes were found in the back seats of a late 60's Mustang and Chevelle giving him his recount win over the republican who was clearly cheated by the Minnesota democrat machine. He must go. Old dunderpate Franken must go.
But what about President Trump and his past shenanigans? It is different. Trump was outed before the election, thanks to NBC and its Billie Bush tapes, and the people voted for President Trump warts and all over that very weak Democrat candidate. What was her her name? What Happened? To my memory. Was it Hillary Sanders?
Seems she did not use her last name enough and she has lost her brand. She is the wart on the democrat party. She and her so called husband have pushed the limits of legality with their foundation and the contributions from entities around the world seeking favors. And now Donna Brazile has begun looking for a way to remove the warts from the party and has become a one woman wart wrecking ball. Nothing detracts from a brand like a well placed wart or two. Perhaps the Trump Justice Department is not seeking legal action because they want to save the warts and leave them in place for as long as the democrat party will have them. Election security?
How are those Sanders Foundation donations flowing now? I am sure they raked in billions since the failed election last year.
I have nothing left to write but that never stopped me.
I was a footballer not a student council geek, and my knees hurt every day.
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center The first organization to call the Southern Poverty Law Center a wart and a hate group.
Friday, November 10, 2017
Great Washington Post Mortem Is Meddling /Colluding In American/Alabama Politics:Send In The Russians! The Judge Roy Moore Case.
The biggest loser of the 2016 election cycle which saw Donald Trump slaughter Hillary Clinton in the electoral college votes was of course not Hillary Clinton, but the fake news media which has controlled who was elected president since 1992 and perhaps before that. They were instrumental in Bill Clinton's wins, and nearly toppled Bush, Jr to Gore with the Florida kerfuffle, and pushed hard for the weakest of weak Republican candidates to go up against the greatest president of anyone's lifetime, Barack Hussein Obama, noticing how they did not use his full name until he was safely elected, and the negative stories out about McCain, not hard to do, with McCain who is a loser cloaked in the senate with his only claim to fame being at one time a POW in Viet Nam, 20% of the Keating Five corruption, and 12.5% of the gang of eight, and 100% of the man who killed the killing of Obamacare. Not a record to be proud of in American Politics.
King Hussein was re-elected essentially unopposed in 2012 when the WA Post Mortem helped guide Mitt Romney to be the Republican, throw away candidate to hold the losing spot on the 2012 GOP ticket top. He folded like a wet noodle in the second debate and refused to push the Clinton Obama Benghazi screw up which cost the lives of one better than average ambassador and three American patriots. The spontaneous bullshit about the video was allowed to stand unquestioned.
Shame on you Wash Post Mortem!
And now you at the media want to meddle in Alabama's election to replace senator Sessions. Your boy Luther Strange was rejected as a monkey on strings controlled by the lobbyist class there on K Street and Alabama has opted to vote on a Christian Conservative to replace Sessions and the Post Penis Patrol has cooked up some cock-a-maybe story from nearly 40 years ago about Judge Roy Moore and released it 4 weeks before an election knowing full well it cannot be proven or disproven. Hoping it will place just enough doubt in the voters of Alabama's psyche to change the election and keep Alabama from having the representative they want and give the swamp what it wants.
I believe the Washington Post will ulitmately fail to ruin this fine judge and he will be elected by a wide margin. Alabama knows the great swamp and its mouth pieces do not have America's best interests at heart.
Come on Alabama, stick it to the liberal douche bags at the Washington Post, vote twice for Judge Roy Moore and send the swamp a message about collusion and meddling in your politics.
Hey, one of my great grandfathers was 35 when he married my great grandmother who was 18. Love is a many splendid thing and age is an artificial barrier. Many men in the South first wanted to establish careers before seeking out a suitable partner. To try to stain Roy Moore with the same brush as Harvey and the Hollywood perverts is dishonest.
In the South courtship follows certain rules and I assure you Judge Moore followed those rules to the T or we could have heard about them before now.
Nice try Washington Post Mortem.
You Suck!
Alabama knows it, and America knows it and this is why Donald Trump is president and your panties are in a wad!
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
King Hussein was re-elected essentially unopposed in 2012 when the WA Post Mortem helped guide Mitt Romney to be the Republican, throw away candidate to hold the losing spot on the 2012 GOP ticket top. He folded like a wet noodle in the second debate and refused to push the Clinton Obama Benghazi screw up which cost the lives of one better than average ambassador and three American patriots. The spontaneous bullshit about the video was allowed to stand unquestioned.
Shame on you Wash Post Mortem!
And now you at the media want to meddle in Alabama's election to replace senator Sessions. Your boy Luther Strange was rejected as a monkey on strings controlled by the lobbyist class there on K Street and Alabama has opted to vote on a Christian Conservative to replace Sessions and the Post Penis Patrol has cooked up some cock-a-maybe story from nearly 40 years ago about Judge Roy Moore and released it 4 weeks before an election knowing full well it cannot be proven or disproven. Hoping it will place just enough doubt in the voters of Alabama's psyche to change the election and keep Alabama from having the representative they want and give the swamp what it wants.
I believe the Washington Post will ulitmately fail to ruin this fine judge and he will be elected by a wide margin. Alabama knows the great swamp and its mouth pieces do not have America's best interests at heart.
Come on Alabama, stick it to the liberal douche bags at the Washington Post, vote twice for Judge Roy Moore and send the swamp a message about collusion and meddling in your politics.
Hey, one of my great grandfathers was 35 when he married my great grandmother who was 18. Love is a many splendid thing and age is an artificial barrier. Many men in the South first wanted to establish careers before seeking out a suitable partner. To try to stain Roy Moore with the same brush as Harvey and the Hollywood perverts is dishonest.
In the South courtship follows certain rules and I assure you Judge Moore followed those rules to the T or we could have heard about them before now.
Nice try Washington Post Mortem.
You Suck!
Alabama knows it, and America knows it and this is why Donald Trump is president and your panties are in a wad!
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
How Stephen Willeford And Johnnie Langendorrf Might Do As Paul Ryan And Mitch McConnell?
One things for sure, America has not run out of cowboys, yet. Stephen Willeford and Johnnie Langendorrf came together last Sunday in Southerland, Texas to demonstrate why the second amendment is vital to local and national security.
The demons haunting the church hating codswallop swilling prick, Devin Patrick Numbnutz, or something close to that, will have to find a new warm body to call home as he is feeling the fires of hell as this is meted.
Have I told you my encounter with a 45 yr old former opiate addict whom I met about 6 months ago? He voluntarily told me of his life changing event which took place about 3 years prior. Here is a thumbnail sketch of that narrative:
"I was depressed, popping as many as 20 10 mg lortab tablets a day trying to deal with my chronic back pain problem. I was unemployed and becoming a huge drag on my family.
I took an overdose to kill myself and if my daughter had not found me unresponsive in my room and called 911 I would not be speaking with you today. I was an atheist. I did not believe in God or Jesus or any of that crap.
I was clinically dead for 8 minutes and 26 seconds in the ER while the doctor and nurses worked feverishly over my corpse. I am sure you have read or heard about the standard near death experience, but I am here to say mine was not filled with bright lights, friendly spirits, nor a sense of serenity.
First I am aware I am dead. I fell for a good long time down a black hole, no light just a sense of falling, falling, falling. When at the bottom I am in a dark area and am aware of my physical presence. I can see my feet and legs and my arms and hands. I feel excruciating pain in my feet and look down to my horror as flames begin to consume my flesh and the pain with the flames slowly roll up my legs consuming every inch of my body and I was aware of all the pain. I screamed to no avail. When the flames rolled over my abdomen, my intestines burst out of my body, when my chest was burning, my lungs came out of my mouth, then as the flames roll over my face and get to my eyes, I am suddenly whole again and not in pain, but the same process begins over and repeats it self several times. I am screaming for help, but there is no help.
I began to do something I have not done in a long while, I prayed. The fires stopped. Had it worked? I wondered. Then after a brief respite, I feel my flesh being torn away by something I cannot describe to you, they were not demons, but they had teeth and seemed to enjoy tearing the flesh from my body, and the pain was terrible. I do not recall how long this lasted but I had gotten the point and did not want to be in this place any longer. More prayer.
And then it stopped and I was out of the darkness and opened my eyes and noticed the nursing staff in the ER and asked the nurse closest to me to give me a sedative. I wanted to sleep and forget about my experience."
This fellow had his come to Jesus moment and a second chance to live right. Patrick Devin Numbnutz is stuck in his hell, probably at a lower level than described above by my messenger, in the best of company with the Vegas shooter, whose name I refuse to recall, Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao, and others.
Willeford and Langendorrf ran headlong into the fray doing battle with pure evil batshit crazy Devin who had them out armed, Willeford only had a hand full of 5.56 bullets when he ran to the church, where as Devil Devin had many preloaded 30 round magazines and other weapons fully loaded. Willeford managed to shoot Devin in the side between his body armor and thereby placing a big change in this idiot's plans.
Something about being shot, I am told gives one a whole different perspective on ones plans. I am sure many active shooters in crimes such as this have a stark change of heart when first the bullet pierces their flesh and the sting of reality sets in and they realize they have really fucked up this time. Devin Patrick Deadman got in his car and drove away to his final destiny.
Willeford aided by Langendorrf followed and phoned 911 dispatch to keep the Sheriff's office aprised of the events. Devin Patrick crashed a short time later and his sinful soul fell to Hell where he is still enjoying his punishment.
I would like to replace Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell with these two fine men and see what plan these two heroes could come up with to MAGA.
America needs more cowboy and less hat.
My congratulations to both these fine men in what they did for their community and for our country. As we have seen over and over again in this country, when there is an active shooter anywhere, anytime in America, what we need most is cowboys, and what we do not need is more politicians. Especially politicians who want to take the guns away from the cowboys.
We are already hearing the usual meely-mouthed democrats calling for gun control, banning this or that, but it is all folly. If I were King of America I would decree immediate exile for any politician who speaks against the constitution or the bill of rights. Ok, just have them resign without the fat pension they have bestowed on themselves, oh and make them get their health care insurance through the Obamacare exchanges. That would be punishment enough. Yeah, that's what I would do if I were King.
America keep your guns close and your cowboys even closer. Willeford and Langendorrf are what Makes America Great in the first place. God bless them both!
I am
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
The demons haunting the church hating codswallop swilling prick, Devin Patrick Numbnutz, or something close to that, will have to find a new warm body to call home as he is feeling the fires of hell as this is meted.
Have I told you my encounter with a 45 yr old former opiate addict whom I met about 6 months ago? He voluntarily told me of his life changing event which took place about 3 years prior. Here is a thumbnail sketch of that narrative:
"I was depressed, popping as many as 20 10 mg lortab tablets a day trying to deal with my chronic back pain problem. I was unemployed and becoming a huge drag on my family.
I took an overdose to kill myself and if my daughter had not found me unresponsive in my room and called 911 I would not be speaking with you today. I was an atheist. I did not believe in God or Jesus or any of that crap.
I was clinically dead for 8 minutes and 26 seconds in the ER while the doctor and nurses worked feverishly over my corpse. I am sure you have read or heard about the standard near death experience, but I am here to say mine was not filled with bright lights, friendly spirits, nor a sense of serenity.
First I am aware I am dead. I fell for a good long time down a black hole, no light just a sense of falling, falling, falling. When at the bottom I am in a dark area and am aware of my physical presence. I can see my feet and legs and my arms and hands. I feel excruciating pain in my feet and look down to my horror as flames begin to consume my flesh and the pain with the flames slowly roll up my legs consuming every inch of my body and I was aware of all the pain. I screamed to no avail. When the flames rolled over my abdomen, my intestines burst out of my body, when my chest was burning, my lungs came out of my mouth, then as the flames roll over my face and get to my eyes, I am suddenly whole again and not in pain, but the same process begins over and repeats it self several times. I am screaming for help, but there is no help.
I began to do something I have not done in a long while, I prayed. The fires stopped. Had it worked? I wondered. Then after a brief respite, I feel my flesh being torn away by something I cannot describe to you, they were not demons, but they had teeth and seemed to enjoy tearing the flesh from my body, and the pain was terrible. I do not recall how long this lasted but I had gotten the point and did not want to be in this place any longer. More prayer.
And then it stopped and I was out of the darkness and opened my eyes and noticed the nursing staff in the ER and asked the nurse closest to me to give me a sedative. I wanted to sleep and forget about my experience."
This fellow had his come to Jesus moment and a second chance to live right. Patrick Devin Numbnutz is stuck in his hell, probably at a lower level than described above by my messenger, in the best of company with the Vegas shooter, whose name I refuse to recall, Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao, and others.
Willeford and Langendorrf ran headlong into the fray doing battle with pure evil batshit crazy Devin who had them out armed, Willeford only had a hand full of 5.56 bullets when he ran to the church, where as Devil Devin had many preloaded 30 round magazines and other weapons fully loaded. Willeford managed to shoot Devin in the side between his body armor and thereby placing a big change in this idiot's plans.
Something about being shot, I am told gives one a whole different perspective on ones plans. I am sure many active shooters in crimes such as this have a stark change of heart when first the bullet pierces their flesh and the sting of reality sets in and they realize they have really fucked up this time. Devin Patrick Deadman got in his car and drove away to his final destiny.
Willeford aided by Langendorrf followed and phoned 911 dispatch to keep the Sheriff's office aprised of the events. Devin Patrick crashed a short time later and his sinful soul fell to Hell where he is still enjoying his punishment.
I would like to replace Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell with these two fine men and see what plan these two heroes could come up with to MAGA.
America needs more cowboy and less hat.
My congratulations to both these fine men in what they did for their community and for our country. As we have seen over and over again in this country, when there is an active shooter anywhere, anytime in America, what we need most is cowboys, and what we do not need is more politicians. Especially politicians who want to take the guns away from the cowboys.
We are already hearing the usual meely-mouthed democrats calling for gun control, banning this or that, but it is all folly. If I were King of America I would decree immediate exile for any politician who speaks against the constitution or the bill of rights. Ok, just have them resign without the fat pension they have bestowed on themselves, oh and make them get their health care insurance through the Obamacare exchanges. That would be punishment enough. Yeah, that's what I would do if I were King.
America keep your guns close and your cowboys even closer. Willeford and Langendorrf are what Makes America Great in the first place. God bless them both!
I am
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Saturday, November 4, 2017
The WeePublicans And The No Tax Cut Tax Cuts-Pitiful!
Just when you thought Paul Ryan and Mighty Mitch McConnell had each grown a pair, it seems they have not one testicle between them. Who is holding these fellows balls? Does Lindsay Grahmn have them? Or is that Cowboy hat wearing congresswoman from South Florida, who became a rock star after accusing President Trump of an insensitive phone call to condole the wife of one our fallen heroes, but for the life of me I cannot recall this rock star's name, was it Bono, Cher, Madonna, Lady Gaga? No matter she has fallen back into her own little world, big to her, tiny to the rest of the nation. Stupid can be seen coming a mile away, and I think I can see her in her hat from my position 900 miles from Washington D.C.
And the world's greatest legislature came up with a tax cut plan that will unlease the economic power of a peewee football team placing an extra $25 a week in the pockets of Americans earning $90,000 a year or less. What do you suppose they will do with all that cash? Will yacht builders get busy to take care of the extra demand, or will the American Worker buy a couple of lortabs every week and take them to escape the low wages high taxation system of slavery which replaced the one practiced before the Civil War.
The world wonders.
Hey Ryan, hey McConnell, want to cut taxes, repeal Obamacare! But you will not do this. You need every penny you can squeeze out of our economy to mete out to your vested interests. Big Tobacco, big pharma, big agriculture, big military, big Wall Street, bit Hollywood, big Hillary, where is the $6billion her state department misplaced?, oh and do not forget big media, who get to run your lame re-election advertisements every 2 years.
My suggestion is to get a line and be aggressive with tax cuts and cut the top marginal rates 25% and stop your pussyfooting around. It is unsightly. You look weak and indecisive.
Think big, act bigly, cut taxes and borrow the money from the guys and gals over at the federal reserve bank. We are good for it? Do you really think a bank would loan the money to a bad credit risk?
Now I remember that congresswoman in the cowboy hat, Flip Wilson in drag.
Give President Trump what he wants, tax cuts, bigly! If it crashes the economy he takes the blame and is a one term wonder. If it works you take the credit for the economic boom. It is a win-win.
Paul Ryan and Mitchell McConnell you sirs are cowards swilling codswallop by the buckets full. I wonder if you have forgotten how to lead let alone legislate.
Sadly you are at the wrong place at the wrong time to Make America Great Again.
I am beginning to wonder whose side you are on in this struggle?
Both your asses have flat spots on them from sitting there and doing nothing.
Get up and be men, men! Take a stand, go for it.
America is waiting for the only two people with the authority to act in our best interest and there you go.
Like Oliver Hardy told Stan Laurel all those years ago, "Well, well, well, here's another fine mess you've gotten us into."
Now is the time for you to do something and not just stand there!
I am
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
And the world's greatest legislature came up with a tax cut plan that will unlease the economic power of a peewee football team placing an extra $25 a week in the pockets of Americans earning $90,000 a year or less. What do you suppose they will do with all that cash? Will yacht builders get busy to take care of the extra demand, or will the American Worker buy a couple of lortabs every week and take them to escape the low wages high taxation system of slavery which replaced the one practiced before the Civil War.
The world wonders.
Hey Ryan, hey McConnell, want to cut taxes, repeal Obamacare! But you will not do this. You need every penny you can squeeze out of our economy to mete out to your vested interests. Big Tobacco, big pharma, big agriculture, big military, big Wall Street, bit Hollywood, big Hillary, where is the $6billion her state department misplaced?, oh and do not forget big media, who get to run your lame re-election advertisements every 2 years.
My suggestion is to get a line and be aggressive with tax cuts and cut the top marginal rates 25% and stop your pussyfooting around. It is unsightly. You look weak and indecisive.
Think big, act bigly, cut taxes and borrow the money from the guys and gals over at the federal reserve bank. We are good for it? Do you really think a bank would loan the money to a bad credit risk?
Now I remember that congresswoman in the cowboy hat, Flip Wilson in drag.
Give President Trump what he wants, tax cuts, bigly! If it crashes the economy he takes the blame and is a one term wonder. If it works you take the credit for the economic boom. It is a win-win.
Paul Ryan and Mitchell McConnell you sirs are cowards swilling codswallop by the buckets full. I wonder if you have forgotten how to lead let alone legislate.
Sadly you are at the wrong place at the wrong time to Make America Great Again.
I am beginning to wonder whose side you are on in this struggle?
Both your asses have flat spots on them from sitting there and doing nothing.
Get up and be men, men! Take a stand, go for it.
America is waiting for the only two people with the authority to act in our best interest and there you go.
Like Oliver Hardy told Stan Laurel all those years ago, "Well, well, well, here's another fine mess you've gotten us into."
Now is the time for you to do something and not just stand there!
I am
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
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