Friday, June 23, 2017

Time For Trump Bitch To Stop Or Advice To Hollywood

Attention Trump bashers, I AM SICK AND TIRED OF HEARING BOUT THE LATEST NEAR GREAT HOLLYWOOD PERSONALITY TAKING SHOTS AT PRESIDENT TRUMP. The few I can remember, and excuse me if I get some names wrong because I am not all that into them, follow.

Alex Baldwin, my suggestion stop eating you are getting as big as the piano you were named after.

Rosie O'Donnel, see above suggestion to A. Baldwin, NYC. When I listen to a seashell, I do not hear the ocean, I hear your thighs rubbing together.

Johnny Depp, keep your wine bottles dry and your Trump threats to yourself. You need therapy. Get it.

Madonna, I know aging is really bad for women, especially for those who earn their livings with their looks, but do not take it out on Trump. He has married well three times and Melania makes every woman feel bad, not just the homely ones like you. See JD's advice above so that you might enjoy your golden years without the internal strife age has brought you.

Ashley Judd, you are right you are a Nasty Woman, have you considered joining a church?

Steven Cobert, you were funny when you used to make fun of Obama's big ears and his inability to string a cogent sentence together without a teleprompter...oh snap you never were funny, I was thinking of that other Steven.

Ugly Female Comedian with Trump's Bloody Head, Somebody Griffin? Do something note-worthy so I can remember who you were. Never go out without make up unless you want the attention of all the neighborhood dogs. And try comedy, its funnier.

Dixie Chicks, I know you have spouted off but your following would fit in a minnie size Dixie Cup so no one cares what you say. Carry on, girls.

Robert De Niro, Bob, can I call you Bob? You play a tough in a lot of movies but I feel certain one of Trump's SS uzies, or Suzie could take you and make your day really really bad. Stick to your script lines and your life will be good, wanting to take Trump out behind the gym and beat him up is a bit juvie for a grown man of ? seventy-six. Look in the mirror man. This is not what a man says.

I am tiring of recalling this since I am not Dear Abbey.

Listen all ye Trump haters. Like it or not, Donald J. Trump was elected by his fellow Americans in a fair process which followed the rules established by our founding fathers. He is there because our duly elected leaders in congress and the senate and the presidency under Obama were allowing America to be fundamentally changed in unnatrual ways. Believe it or not most in fly-over country are glad to live in a country where the rule of law applies to all equally. The tea party recognized Washington's slide towards corruption and wrongly assumed the democrats were responsible and were shocked to learn the Rhino's were completely complisant in this plan. Trump was another shot at righting the ship.

Washington, DC has a fever, Trump is the tylenol.

Hey Hollywood, stop your bitching. It has been 8 months and Trump is still the president like it or not. It is not going to change. Get back to what you do best which is read lines for our entertainment.

So STFU so we can get along with our lives and not have to hear the depressing state of your life, and believe me your life is shit if you think the president makes that big a difference in it.

Sad note that the best shit coming out of Hollywood these days is its bitching, the movies suck.

Calm down everything will be ok.

And Meuller, Mueller, Muler, Russia, Russia, Russia is Hillary's lawyer cabal's only hope at meaningful work but let's not go overboard with the budget. Hillary lost and to the victor goes the spoils. Eight years will fly by and maybe old Hillary can take one more bite at the apple, if her dentures will stay in place, and some of you democrat lawyers will have your turn at the trough again.

Let it go, let it go.

I am

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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