If there is one thing we can agree upon, then there is no need for me to continue typing the drivel which follows.
Hillary Rodham Clinton is a political zero. She is a dullard. She has the charisma of a Burmese python at a small animal petting zoo. My dog has acquired infinitely more people skills in her 5 short months of life than Mrs. Clinton has accrued in her fetid lifetime of nearly 70 years.
To give her a break, albeit, only a small one, it was not in her make up to have any natural people skills, when her mother took seriously something her father, Hugh, poked at her in fun. She has no ability to exude warmth, kindness, or the kinds of things one expects from a woman. She could not nurture her way out of a wet paper bag.
Successful politicians have the ability to convince the voters they are people, "just like them." Bill Clinton, with all his perverse defects, comes across as genuine to 99% of the voting public. Being in the 1% I saw through his façade and believe to this day he is a phony. But this is another chapter and one which needs not be told given his rapidly declining state of influence on the world stage. Both Bubba and Hubba Clinton are no longer forces of any consequence other than in the movie which is playing in their heads.
The world has moved on. The Clinton decade began nearly 30 years ago, and ended nearly 20 years ago. Hubba Bubba and their bear cub, Cubba, will not accept this reality. To them Fleetwood Mac is hip and they are going to party like it's 1999. Surprise, it's 2017 and we are into Donald Trump's presidency a breathtaking 4 plus months and the world is into fresh artists and aren't looking for a pig in a pantsuit to lead us back to the 90's.
That Hubba is on this great blame tour after losing bigly to Donald J. Trump illustrates my point. She has not been able to accept she was a deplorable candidate who ran a despicable campaign and would not have been the democrat nominee if the game had not been rigged against a 74 yr old socialist by stacking the super delegates in Hubba's corner to assure her coronation. Even Vlad Putin questioned the fairness of the democratic process of our presidential race as played out by the Democrat National Committee.
Everyday Americans took a look at what Hubba Bubba offered and her sordid history of playing fast and loose with the truth and her mishandling of the country's top secrets and she was rebuked for a no-talent businessman with an ego the size of Bubba Clinton's list of sexual indiscretions.
Now who in their right mind would lose to Obama, then nearly lose to Sanders only to be defeated by Trump, and still believe in their viability as a candidate for leader of the free world?
Hubba is on her great excuse tour. It was the deplorable voters who were too stupid to see through the Wikileaks via the Russian subterfuge and Putin's hatred of the Clintons since they had played a major hand in the destruction of the Soviet Union. James Comey squeezed the very life out of her chance to become the president with his handling of her email server scandal.
In reality she should be held accountable for her flippant disregard of our top secret documents and to the fullest extent of the law... leakers are leakers be it malicious or from stupidity, the damage is done.
Hubba is an embarrassment. She is the political equivalent to Betty Davis in "What Ever Happened To Baby Jane". It is time for someone with gravitas in the democrat party to approach Hubba and let her know it is time for her to let it go.
The world will be a better place with Hubba, Bubba, and Cubba sitting on the sidelines and cheering for their preferred replacements.
Time for some new blood.
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
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