Train Trump is still on the tracks and steaming liberals from New York to San Francisco. Soros, Obama, Clinton and the sorry media which toadies their evil plans for the new world order are apoplectic.
Meanwhile as the Russian conspiracy loses steam, Susan Rice, Obama's sister from another father, serial liar and mother of the Benghazi Sunday Morning News maker lie-in, has been placed in the steam cooker by her unmasking the names of Trump and his associates long before the election began, perhaps when their insider poling showed an overwhelming support for the Orange Man. This places the shenanigans at the top of the White House infrastructure and if Michele Obama did not give the order to release the names, then her more feminine partner did.
The smooth telepompter reading Baratone from Chicago's mean streets knows how to play in the rough and tumble world of cut throat politics. If anyone in the administration balked at the criminality involved in the Obama administrations action to unmask innocent US citizens, it had to be met with loud whoops of laughter and disbelief.
"Hillary Clinton would not investigate this?" She is one of us!"
We have huge dossiers on Comey, McConnel, Ryan, and anyone else who could potentially compromise our position.
So the unmasking may be the unmaking of the most dishonest and unAmerican administration in the history of our fragile republic.
Trump and his band of nationalist patriots have a lot of work ahead since the media with its cozy imbred relationship with the enemy of the American people will not support his cause.
The media is cheering for and working feverishly for One World Governance. A new world order where there will be no freedom, no law, no guns for the people, no rights from God, and no choices.
Gone will be the 31 flavors of ice cream and in its place will be a shit sandwich brought to you by a hand full of powerful media moguls, a few power hungry politicians, and a couple of evil billionaires who believe they are smarter than anyone they have ever met. A contract on the people of the world signed with Satan.
And all this at risk by a small time developer from New York who had the courage and the will to speak loudly and expose the evil ones who had taken control of the Washington Cabal and stolen our representative government one sorry entrenched bureaucrat and federal regulation at a time. They traded away America's future for a quick buck, a kick back, a deal.
NAFTA, TTP, open borders, failure to insure only legal American citizens had the right to vote in our elections only furthered their power and sped our destruction.
And now with Rice in the steamer, the squealing will commence.
Obama and his cohorts will be outed as the worst traitors America ever produced. The muslim connection cannot be minimized. It was an attack on Christian, Western values. It has failed.
Obama, the Muslim has been replaced by a Christian warrior.
I suggest those so inclined to weaken and destroy America back off and try again in another 50 to 100 years.
Make your best plea agreement and regroup.
The Trump train is rolling, full steam ahead, and it will not stop for you if you are on the tracks.
Listen to the noise coming from the lying media, the louder they get the sharper the pain they feel from Trump.
Americans elected a savior and rejected the terminator last November 8.
I would take Russian interference over New World Muslim Order any day.
President Trump, build that wall and tear down this hideous cabal hell bent on destroying Western Civilization and enslaving the world's people.
Trump must flush out the entrenched leftists and NWO hacks in the federal bureaucracies and replace them with either no one or great patriots.
Only then can he win the battle.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Founded by Jackson Delano Maybolt PhD in 1988, this organization has helped many urban poor tell their stories and improve their lives. Based out of Cedar Grove, TN, the UPLC is quickly becoming a national leader in poverty law and research.New visitors are encouraged to go back to the earliest postings to get the full flavor of our important mission. You will be entertained or you are not thinking
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