Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Does Everybody Who Marches With Antifa Have Parasites? Or Are They Parasites?

Dressed in flat black, filled with hatred and the kind of energy that goes with too much youth coupled with leisure drawn from daddy's trust funds enter the new American Fatwa soldiers. Ready to board flights at a moments notice and travel anywhere to protest Donald Trumps presidency and the good people of America who elected him against all the good advice from the main stream press and all the cacaphonic incantations of the Clinton machine. Here they are, the toughs of our newest generation who have never labored with their hands and only been pampered and babied by nannies as mumsey and poppy jet off to wonderful destinations in the South of France or Somolia's Eastern coast, where the beaches now are getting harder and harder to distinguish due to the world's new migrants.

These black figures with their flags and batons and backpacks filled with yogurt laced high colonic solutions and the tubing for same strike a daunting countenence with their masks and toothpick sized arms and legs. Is their weight controled by diet, exercise, or meth? ATM's and bank windows tremble at their sight. Beefy red blooded American patriots who assembled in Berkley to march for Trump met these black clothed parasites and were not intimidated by the sticks, the masks, the backpacks or the fruit flavored high colonic solutions.

Rocks and sticks were hurled about along with insults against both side's mothers, and a cutsie little pornstar took a shot to the face but not with a friendly baton, but the fist of a Fascist. She could be anybody's daughter but thankfully not mine nor hopefully yours, and she is anybody's pleasure queenie which is a funny line of work for a self-professed Social Justice Warrior.

My bible says there are whores of the flesh as well as whores of the mind. I believe little miss porny-puss may qualify as both. Her face the day after the shot was normal and the fellow who threw the punch must have held back since she looked somewhat like a girl under that mask.

I have a suggestion for the Trump supporters when dealing with these threats. Go full Alinsky on them. Isolate one of them, remove their backpacks, masks, clothing, and spray MAGA with red letters on their backs and send them back to the crowd. One nude casualty would tie up 9 other Antifa idiots and pretty soon they would shut the party down and retreat back to their homes in the Napa valley.

Just a suggestion. Nobody gets hurt just humiliated when the world gets to see how small these protesters are without masks, sticks, flags, and high colonic containing backpacks.


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