Tuesday, March 28, 2017

House Folds No Repeal Of Obamacare Taxes Cover Lifts

No politician will trim government and it's largess. This is the reason Trump is feared and loathed universally in DC.

Trump is no pol. He is a savy businessman looking at the mess in Washington with an eye towards profits. Government is run like a big old taxpayer ATM with no concern for fiscal responsibility or frugality.

Trump knows profits go to the shareholders of the country who just so happen to be the ones who chose him over the Hillary.

Paul Ryan is drunk with power. He will fight Trump over every proposal. Do not expect meaningful tax relief, repeal of the ACA, or funding for a border wall or any cuts to the federal behemoth.

Congress is playing a stall on Trump and do not want him to succeed. If a non pol like Trump is successful all of congress could be swept out in a voter's tsunami.

The taxed are watching the taxers.

We are beginning to get irritated.

I am

Jack D. Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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