Sunday, March 12, 2017

Quiz For The Diversity 101 College Students, Or What $200,000 Student Loan Debt Gets You Today

In a dark and joyless post-Obama America college students spend more time in safe spaces than studying for their diversity classes.

Let me see, transgendered 101, a discussion of transgendered individuals and their plumbing has nothing to do with which bathroom they choose? T or F.

I am a dog if I am a cat and declare that I am a dog, do I still have to use the liter box? T or F.

Mike and Tom have been dating serioulsy for 3 months. Is it too soon for them to ask a Christian Bakery to bake them a wedding cake? T or F.

Lisa is 13 and she has started her menses, if she declares herself a boy will her periods stop? T or F.

Bobby is a happy healthy 10 yr old boy who declares he is a bird. Should his parents let him jump off the barn and fly or would stopping this lead to worse problems for little bobby in the future? T or F. Your reasoning here_______________________________________________________________.

Little Susie has loved the ocean since she could barely walk. One day she announces to her parents she is a fish and wants to swim out to sea with others of her kind. Should Susie's parents drive her to the beach next weekend and buy her some flippers? T or F.

Robert Throckmorton IV, is a senior in high school in Middlebury, Connecticut and decides he is a muslim woman. Should his family allow him to wear a burka to school? T or F.

If Bruce Jenner is a woman, where is Bruce Jenner, the man? Is Bruce Jenner, the man, trapped in a man's body thinking he is a woman? Does it matter to anybody with half a brain? T or F.

If I know the multiplications table, having committed it to memory when aged 8 does that make me a dinosaur? T or F.

Is it only backward hillbilly Nazis who believe marriage is between a man and a woman and diversity is the pablum of fools and the mentally defective? T or F.

Is it just me or has the press dropped the Russia-Trump cabal conspiracy theory? T or F.

Have you read enough of this meaningless script? T or F.

I am

Jackson Delano Maybolt, PhD. President Urban Poverty Law Center

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