Thursday, December 2, 2010

Urban Poverty Law Center's Proposals For Government

Below is the letter to the editor of the Wall Street Journal that I had to write since our great country is on a slide to financial ruination. I felt I had to comment as those in Washington who are at the controls are rocketing our futures into a vacuum of sustainable poverty for all. What kind of Poverty Law Center would this be if we did not comment when we see the crash coming?

An Open Letter From The Urban Poverty Law Center To Erstwhile Bowles and Alvin Simpson:
Co-Chairmen of The Presidents Deficit Reduction and Reunification Commission.

As the President of The Urban Poverty Law Center since 1998 I have balanced my budget each year and believe you me, it has not always been easy. One year, a particularly harsh one, we had to fore go the caviar and lobster and settle for bologna and government cheese at the annual Christmas party! Luckily, Larry Simmons spiked the
punch bowl and no one complained.

To briefly summarize the commissions 12 month work, they want to eliminate home mortgage deductions, raise gasoline taxes by 15 cents a gallon, raise the retirement age, cut retirement benefits at the same time,tweak the broken tax code so it favors the government over the tax payer even more, and cut the federal work force by 10% by the year 2525! Good grief! Is that all you got? My cows could have come up with a better plan given half the time and money you bloviates blew through this past year.

The Urban Poverty Law Center plan to reduce the deficit includes:

1: Eliminate all federal pensions and apply the broken social security and medicare policies to all federal workers. This is retroactive. Sorry Jimmy Carter and Bushes, and Clinton, and Jerry Ford if you are still alive.

2: Cut all federal pay by the percentage of this years projected deficit immediately-
this would save billions a year.

3. Make all medicare payments to doctors tax free. This would take the sting off accepting and caring for medicare patients.

4. Cut the corporate income tax in half. No federal taxes on corporations that mass produce products that have federal taxes on them, ie cigarettes, and gasoline. Corporations with a heart would pass the savings on to the little guy, the consumer.

5. Eliminate campaign finance regulations for limits on contributions, but have 100% compliance on reporting who is giving and how much. Then tax 50% of these contributions so those who are buying favors pay for the cost of the government.

6. Eliminate the restriction on foreign contributors to campaigns, we welcome their money to the Treasury as well.

7. Tax all former politicians at 90% for income from speeches, board membership, books, etc that exceeds 2 million dollars a year, and no charitable foundations shenanigans to avoid this debt they owe the American People! We made them, they owe us!

8. Immediate 20 percent reduction in the income taxes by allowing each taxpayer to work 1 year in every five years tax free. Start it in a lottery with the last 2 digits of your ss number corresponding when you can take your tax free year.

9. Add a 5% national sales tax to all goods and services which would capture the underground markets and this could phase out when the budgets are balanced.

10. Do what I recommend or you are an ass-monkey.

Jackson Delano Maybolt President Urban Poverty Law Center

"We're from the government and we are here to help ourselves to your stuff."
Mother Maybolt, 1927-2008

1 comment:

  1. All good ideas; however, I think number 10 (just as the tenth amendment to the Constitution) is by far the best. Thank you for your vigilance and rectitude.
