Saturday, December 4, 2010

UPLC's Jack Maybolt and W


I have always admired President Geo. W. Bush. I find his faith in God to be refreshing and believable. As a political watch dog, I did not always agree with his decisions, but I know he only did what he thought was best for the country, first and the world, second.

My home health nurse floored me day before yesterday when she said her boyfriend, Tiny McNulty, who drives truck, and is also a W fan learned of the former president's visit to speak at a local Church of Christ faith-based University and he won the peanut gallery tickets first and then a pair of the golden tickets which included dinner and pictures with the former president. Anyway, since there were only two of them, she asked me if I would be interested in having the lesser pair of tickets, and I jumped at the opportunity!

I washed up and put on a fresh adult diaper, the fancy ones with baking soda to mask any odors, and put on my best polyester leisure suit called my brother, Lester T. Maybolt, Esq. and we struck out for Herderson, Tn, which is about 50 miles south on highway 45. If you keep going South on hwy 45 you get to the Gulf of Mexico in about 450 miles. We got there about 15 min before the program started and we waited through the obligatory speeches and choir renditions, and then WOW! There he is, W Bush!

He has the greatest manner with the people and he is one of us. He is a Methodist and a believer in the force of God in everyman's life. His proudest accomplishment?
Fighting the spread of Aids and malaria in Africa. His underlying premise? That all life is sacred and God is with us if we allow him into our lives. His underlying philosophy that shaped his foreign policy? All men are endowed with freedom by their creator. Hopes for a democratic Middle East which will help establish peace in that region.

He spoke of the presidency being about making decisions. Said he made his decisions from his solid American foundation of beliefs of what was right. He had many moments of self-deprecating humor. He spoke from a page of notes fluidly and with great ease.
He should not ever be misunderestimated!

I believe the American public was cheated out of who and what this man really was by the filters placed on him by the godless press and media. He is truly a jewel and one of America's national treasures! I am going to buy his book and read it. If his book is anything like his persona, it will truly delight and entertain!

Jack Maybolt President, Urban Poverty Law Center

"If all men are created in His image, W must look an awful lot like God."
Mother Maybolt, 1923-2008

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