Friday, February 12, 2021

Did The Chinese And Iranians Know Something We Didn't?

Mike Lindell's Vote Dominion Steal documentary seems to nail the Chinese and Iranians for interfering in our election. Shifting millions of votes for Donald Trump to the curmudgeon Chinese puppet Joe Robinette Biden Jr, or "Asshoe Joe" as he is fondly known at the CCP. To point out how to use this term for JRB, I will use it in a sentence. Pelosi: "When should we vote for the new infrastructure?" Schumer: "I don't know, Asshoe Joe. He'll know." Finally, I hope the Chinese and the Iranians had our best interest at heart when they stole the election from President Trump. Bye, bye energy independence, hello endless wars. New World Order Here We Come, Whew! Asshoe Joe Chancre, Jr Fellow Of The Urban Poverty Law Center since 2017

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