Friday, July 31, 2020

Hello? Obama? You Are Of Little Consequence, Now. Sunsets Are Westward, Go!

The Trump Tempest has blown the Obama Presidency off the pages of relevancy and into the stark desert of irrelevancy.  Did BHO miss the lecture about ex-presidents?  Based on his campaign styled speech at the unmistakeably dead John Lewis's DNC pep rally, he hasn't got a clue.

His presidency (Obama's) has been forgotten like the nightmare it was.  ISIS, destroyed, Obamacare, on life support, Paris Climate Accord, left out in the sun too long and gone, Iran Nuclear Deal, kaput, his plan to destroy property values in the suburbs, inked away by DJT's more powerful pen.  His rules of engagement to insure no muslims are killed in the ME, toast!  America is energy independent and not depending on the low IQ sultans and shieks of the ME.  The rule of law is gradually coming back under Trump and his justice department.  The supreme court is closer to the constitution than ever before.  RBG is the only thing stopping  complete conservative rulings.  A weak reed, indeed.

His legacy candidates, Hillary Clinton, rebuked by middle America, and now his VP Biden is too feeble to fuse two complete thoughts together in a sentence.   America mocks him.

The election of Donald Trump was the equivalent of Middle America sticking its tongue out and both middle fingers up at Barack Hussein Obama.  How much more of a complete repudiation can there be politically?

Obama presided over the worst economic recovery in our history, he stoked the fires of racial discord,  the only thing he did for America was to be such a sorry president that he paved the way for Donald Trump to succeed him.

And for this Barack Hussein Obama, Americans are truly grateful.

Thank you, now like Horace Greeley once quiped:  "Go west young man!"

The rendezvous with your sunset is waiting.

More golf, less complaining, no campaigning, keep that pie hole shut.  BHO, your time to fundamentally change America has passed, and I like it.  You gave us Trump.  And you were so bad we could not accept more of the same with Hillary and I will bet Biden, like Hillary, will be rejected on your coattails.

You were truly a transformative President, but not in the way you envisioned.

I am just glad John Lewis did not have to sit through your self-aggrandizing faux tribute.

Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr  Fellow Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Reclaiming My Time! Time For Trump To Declare Martial Law And Postpone The Election

The Nadler hosted Dog and A-hole show to Roast AG Barr has come and passed.   Not unlike ice cream processed by Pelosi's 80 year old gastrointestinal tract unhindered by that 80 plus yr old anal sphincter,  gross, I know, it spewed hatred and vitriol at an honorable man, AG Barr.

Hatred of all things Trump and vitriol towards AG Barr.  Is this the kind of representative government we deserve?

"Reclaiming my time" was the democrat screetch of the day.  AG Barr was muzzled by the silliest pols in DC.   Precipice Paypals, the congress person from Washington State, who is most concerned with pronouncing her name correctly, is an embodiment of Adult Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.  Her look, though acceptable for democrat, would never pass for republican.  She has a pinched face with narrow set eyes and should see Pelosi's and Kamala's plastic surgeon before she takes center stage on the Judicial Committee again.

If she does not she is truly not thinking of those of us who were forced to look at her when she was starting to lose her temper, a fetal alcohol syndrome symptom.   Where is her sense of decency and her sense of empathy, again missing in the personalities of FAS.   Puisne Paypals D, Washington is representative of the kind of dysfunctional pols placed in DC by the misinformed democrat voter.

A voter who watches CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNBC, FOX, and listens to NPR, and believes what he/she/xe hears and sees.  Orange Man Bad, the good peoples hoax, injecting clorox into patients, the Russia collusion hoax, the impeachment hoax, and now the China virus is Orange Man's fault hoax.

Who but Orange Man has made America energy independent and brought back $2 a gallon gasoline down from $4 a gallon under Obama biden?  Who has defeated ISIS and its caliphate in less than a year.  Who got us out of the Iran Nuclear Deal, the bogus Paris Climate Accords, the bad for America NAFTA, and placed trade tariffs on China, and placed the American worker at the head of the line?

Who has built the wall to stop the flow of illegal immigrants, illegal drugs, and human trafficking?

Who has been hamstrung for his entire presidency by the Trump hating media and the democrats?

It is time for President Trump to reclaim his time and postpone the election until 2024.

Declare a national emergency and just do it.

It is justifiable.   It is the law.

Google has posted its warning and I will close this now.  Not that many will ever read this.

I protest Google's war against conservative thought and writings.

Joseph Biden Chancre, Sr  Fellow of the Urban Poverty Law Center

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

We Will Give You DC Statehood, But Trump You With Russian Statehood

The world needs to form alliances against the growing CHINAHeaze hegemony.  Statehood for Washington DC is part of the answer.

Everyone on the left would agree that Putin and Trump are BFF's.   Now would it be unusual for BFFs to look out for one another?  I'll scratch your back and you scratch mine?

Not too long ago President Trump was chided for his call to purchase Greenland from Denmark.
It was a fantastic idea.  Minerals galore, borders the Artic, now known to be rich in petroleum products, and countries are positioning themselves to be in on the production of said riches when the time comes.

Trump might want to make Russia the 52nd through 72nd US American state which would strengthen our position vs CHINAH, and give us 130 million more conservative citizens.  They would have to go along with our bill of rights,  and would get the representation in congress and the senate for each of the 20 states they must form.

Two senators from each state, thats 40 conservatives to counter the 2 liberal democrats we would be getting from DC,  and probably 120 congressmen, again more likley than not to add to the conservative roster.

Three supreme court positions from Russia, again conservatives, and they get access to American banking, business and the partnership would benefit all parties but the democrat party.

If the Russian experiment works out well, next is India.

Russia has Siberia if we run out of room at Gitmo.


Vladmir Scarcoma, MPH  Intern, Urban Poverty Law Center