Friday, May 4, 2018

Urban Poverty Law Center, All In For Mueller And Hillary Clinton

Goodness, I have done some serious soul searching and after an extended conversation with my liberal brother in law I have converted. The Conversion of Jackson Delano Maybolt, former Clinton critic and Trump praiser, is complete. The straw that broke the camel's back for me was the recent disclosure of Bob Mueller's leaked questions for the President. Mueller must have something on Trump if he is needing to question him about his feelings and what he was thinking about this matter or that matter.

And Russia, did Russian interference push my gal Hillary out and usher Trump in by tricking everyday Americans into pulling the lever or pushing the button for Donald Trump? Mueller must have the evidence and he is holding it close to his vest and not allowing any leaks of this very important finding.

I wake up every morning tearfully and quite morose thinking of what might have been if only the world's most qualified woman for the presidency in a millineum or perhaps a millineum and one year, two weeks and three days, if one excludes Cleopatra from the contest. Of course I am speaking of the world's greatest lawyer, wife, mother, first lady, senator, secretary of state, would have and could have been or could still be the best president of the United States ever! Hillary Roddam Clinton.

I have snapped up her book and devoured it. The press was quite unfair to her, Comey shot her in the foot, Russia was afraid of a strong woman, and the rest is history when the votes were counted she fell short by a few electoral college votes. The stupid voter fell for Trump's phony nationalism and borders racist schtick and our gal for progress was sidelined. Boo!

Think of the progress the world and America could have made in the 15 months the ogre has held power with Hillary at the helm? North Korea, mission completed within a month of Hillary's inauguration. The economy humming along with 5 to 7% GDP, a stock market of 50,000. Unemployment at negative numbers. Border walls torn down and immigrants streaming in from all over the world to enrich every day Americans with their wonderful and rich, compared to ours, cultures. Gun crime would be limited to those who were unwilling to turn theirs into the proper authorities and death from firearms would be just a bad memory. Taxes would be raised to near confiscatory levels and people would yammer to pay more for health care would be free for all yet available to none under the new rules. Abortion for certain races and sexes would be manditory but free. And the Clinton Foundation could continue its important philanthropoic work begun all those years ago.

My heart is heavy with the grief the Trump presidency has caused me and my candidate! But I am hopeful, ever hopeful by the great strides Bob Muller and his team of crack prosecutors are making towards ending our national nightmare brought on by a basket of deplorables who do not have the sense to come in out of the rain or recognize greatness when it is laid out for them.

I will only be happy when he is impeached and Hillary is proclaimed president for life!

Hillary Clinton is that good.


I am JDM President, Urban Poverty Law Center

Sarcasm is a weapon of weazles.

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