Tuesday, April 24, 2018

A Most Peculiar Dream, Comey, McCabe, Hitler And Hillary, Oh My!

I am not prone to recalling my dreams, but I awoke this morning after suffering a rather odd one. I will try to relate it to you as best I can.

It follows: I landed my small plane at an airport not known to me where I was placed in a large limo whose occupants were the four notable indivuduals mentioned above.

We were taken to a fancy bar where we were seated and drinks were ordered. The conversation was polite but not particularly memorable. Hillary Clinton was the first to get up from the table.

She stated she needed to finish another book on why she lost to Donald Trump and only had a few more excuses to come up with and she was inspired by her conversation with Herr Hitler. And with this she

waddled away.

Next Adolph Hitler excused himself from the group stating he wanted to go to his room and paint some circles, and off he went in full uniform.

This left three of us at the table and the conversation lagged with only myself, a commoner in the presence of the former Number 1 and Number 2 in the FBI. After what seemed to be a very pregnant pause

in the conversation, the statuesque James Comey, rose up from the table, chugged his beer and informed us he was going to consult his lawyers about taking a Leak. This left only Andy McCabe and myself at the table.

I fiddled with my drink not knowing what to say when McCabe broke the silence, "You know they are all lying, except for Hitler that is."

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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