Monday, February 19, 2018

Reputations Lost Incompetence Revealed: Money For Nutting And The Chits For Free And The FBI

What good can one say about the FBI?

The lesson we have learned with 17 more added to its charnel house does not bode well for this once greatly respected American institution of law enforcement.

Peeteer Strzok needs to change his name for a couple of reasons, and Richard must not be on his short list, nor Stroke for the obvious reason.

Is the new motto down at Obama/Clinton FBI, "Money for nutting and the chits for free"?

The FBI is the new American Barney Fife of law enforcement. They are pruty good at it if you are a Wacko Waco Cult who sells guns to help fund the church, or if you refuse to be bullied by the ATF or the BLM. Obama even weaponized the EPA and I personally heard of this fine public entity sending an armed swat unit into the field to a gold mine in Alaska demanding weekly water turbity testing, or else.

Does the EPA really need fully automatic weapons to encourage compliance with water turbity testing? Obama, you are some kind of stupid!

And what of the rumor about the 1.5 billion bullets you purchased for the government? Show me the government that needs that many bullets for a population of 320 million and I will show you a government needing some serious target practice!

And how is it that now the ammunition stocks at Walmart are filled to overflowing with 22 caliber shells now that Trump has taken the reigns?

Under Obama, the government hated the people more than the people hated the government. He was truly a stain on America.

A thousand Miami area FBI agents and many credible warnings about the Cruz boy and his plans to shoot up a school and no one can look into it? One wonders if this office is filled with over sexed agents busily sexting back and forth just putting in their time until that 1.8 million dollar retirement package kicks in as it seems it will for old number 2 at headquarters, Andy McCabe. The same Andy, but not of Mayberry, who fiddled with FISA and took a bribe of more than a million dollars from Hillary for his wife's so called run for the Virginia state senate.

Hum? While investigating Hillary's private email server? That smells fishier than Madonna's panties after an evening with A Rod.

I never said I was not sick, did I?

And Jimmy Comey, his corruption is only equaled by his height. Six foot, eight inches and he cannot see the truth that he was not America's greatest law enforcement officer. He is a political bag man carrying water for the Obama/Clinton team. Turns out, he's a long tall Obama/Clinton toady. A deplorable if ever there was one.

Comey is a compromised government servant who was compliant with the dirtiest pols ever to get into the White House and the filthiest pol to miss the White House by that much!

Thank Grandma and God for Donald J. Trump. In Trump Americans saw a chance to turn Washington, DC around because congress is fully incapable of even admitting: "America, we have a problem".

These happy representatives of the people are not taking care of business and extremely good at doing nothing all day.

In closing it seems the FBI must be evaluated to determine if it has any hope of redemption, for like Jimmy Swaggart, they have sinned against the American public by acts and acts of omission.

Sometimes it is better to junk a car too broken to fix and just get a new one. The FBI under Obama/Clinton has become the American Edsel. Time for a better model.

If the TSA is not a joke, then a School Security Administration is a government dream come true whose time has come. Hire lots of under employed US citizens, give them uniforms and badges, and James Comey, Andy McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce and Missy Ohr, and others involved in the FBI collusion case against President Trump can opt for jail or staffing the new SSA in a Chicago area Public school. On the ground in the school, uniformed security, not administration.

I bet they choose jail.

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President,

Urban Poverty Law Center

Chauffer: I thought I was hiring a driver but when it arrived it turned out to be a small stove and I had to drive myself.
Damn you, Daniel Webster!

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Paging Carter Page, Please Pick Up The Orange Jump Suit Reserved For Your Use

If Carter Page was a plant on the Trump campaign in the hire of the FBI and used to get a fake FISA document approved to spy on Trump, Mueller needs to resign immediately because this proves he was in on the conspiracy with the higher echelons of the FBI. Shame on them. Obama and his lackeys in the White House have their fingerprints all over this mess as well as the Clinton mafia.

Examples must me made of all these traitors. Lives must be ruined and fortunes must be forfeited to insure no other public servant feels the compulsion to replicate this most grevious crime. The Rosenbergs were executed for giving nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union, but that is the harshest punishment and disinsentive to potential repeat offenders.

A fitting punishment may be have these above the law breakers to wear a Scarlet Letter "S" for sedition. People required to wear this letter could be refused service with impunity, and would be forced to live in Chicago in a Cabrena Green type of public housing and subsist off the going rate for the welfare recipients in the neighborhood. Any person or entity caught trying to improve the guilty party's lives would be subject to confiscation of all their assets and be subject to the same living standard and location. So then the tendency for ones rich and powerful friends to bail you out would be frivilous. No presidental pardons least the president lose his/her pension and be subjected to the fate he/she tried to subvert. Any books or movie deals and profits would be confiscated and donated to the US Treasury.

Persons who would be subject to this type of punishment include James Comey, Barack Obama, Lois Lerner, Val Jarrett, Eric Holder, Mueller, Rosenstein, Strzok, McCabe, Page, James Baker, Carter Page, Chris Steele, Hillary Clinton, Syd Blumenthal, Huma, Cheryl, Loretta Lynch, and any others whose names and actions have not been made public as yet.

Time for a clean up in our government. Out with those who are not of the people, by the people or for the people, in with some fresh patriots. Judges must be held to the same standards. Is Contrares really the FISA judges name who recused himself from the Flynn case?

God blessed America with Donald Trump, a man who fought off a poisonous press, a malignant White House, a corrupt FBI and DOJ, and the biggest criminal enterprise ever cobbled together to push the most despicable and dishonest woman to ever win the nomination for president in our nation's history, Hillary Clinton.

Her corrupt run for the presidency was thwarted by the man with the golden hair. The man with the golden tongue who only told the truth about what was wrong with our country. The people heard and reacted to place this true hero and patriot in the presidency.

A bad day for criminality in government, but a great day for America.

The rule of law was back in style.

The idiots who planned and executed this attack against a duly elected president better begin to make deals now and I expect the squealing will begin soon.

If you do not cop a plea and turn state's witness your fate may be worse than death. Ask those poor folks trapped in Chicago's ghettos.

But remember when you agreed to be a willing conspirator you tacitly agreed to the punishment which will fit the crime.

When will the birds sing?

Who will be the first to sing the song of confession?

Too many people involved to keep a story straight.

The cat is out of the bag and the fat lady has sung.

Clinton's pack your bags for the Chicago ghetto.

Comey work on your break dance moves so your pastey white 6ft 8 inch frame blends in well, in the ghetto.

Lisa, you and Peter can hook up again sans spouses.

And finally if Mueller is not part of the conspiracy he should bow out now with grace and an apology to President Trump and the American people.

Time to put this Russia investigation to bed. And without any supper.

I am,

JDM, President UPLC

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Time For FBI And Other Agencies To Honest Up, The Stench Is Overwhelming

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is a governmental agency. And governmental agencies tend to grow because some political big wig has a nephew or son-in-law who needs a job. Nevermind qualifications.

And this agency has been around for over 109 years and is filled with many who may or may not be honest in their dealings with America's citizenry. Just to use a couple of examples of questionable bureau interactions with citizens a few of the almost 15,000 agents have participated in wretched actions.

From far to near: The bureau sought to blackmail Martin Luther King, jr about his alleged marital infidelities as many young men of any generation may manifest, many great and not so great men were strongly attracted to the opposite sex like JFK, MLK,jr, and BJC, and even some would say our own DJT, president. Barack Obama only missed this label because of his sexual orientation and this has been hidden better than FDR's lameness and predilection for attractive blondes over an extremely homely wife. And FDR would not be the only president not attracted to his wife to occupy that house on 1600 Penn. Ave.

Flash to the era of Monica and Paula, the agency had a show down with a wierd preacher of the Branch Dividians in Waco, Texas and managed to get a few of themselves shot up when they attacked the "compound" to arrest David Koresh, a man known to travel to the post office every week. Seems some knuckle head with the Bureau or the ATF felt a Sunday morning armed raid guns blazing would be a great idea. The compound resisted and four of Bill Clinton's former Arkansas body guards lay dead and the Bureau incenerated 83 innocents including 57 children on windy day out on the Texas Plains. I recall the feeling I got in the pit of my stomach when I saw this live on TV back in 1990's. I realized what an evil institution our government, or certain of its components had become. The usual lies that the Dividians had immolated themselves and the gas being pumped in had nothing to do with the fire were proffered to a gullible public and for a while the stories of child molestation and others reports of sexual deviancy involving Koresh quelled the public's outrage for a time.

Then a man in Idaho, labled a white supremacist, named Randy Weaver was entrapped selling a couple of short long guns to an ATF mole and was charged accordingly and when he failed to show up to his arraignment the bureau sent armed agents to his homestead to bring him in dead or alive. The element of surprise was spoiled by Mr. Weaver's 14 yr old son and his dog who barked at them as they snuck up on the house. An agent shot and killed the boy's dog and he returned fire and struck one of the agents and turned and ran for home. In flight back to his home he was shot in the back and killed, all because of a sale of a short gun to an agent and the desire of some pencil necked government agent to make an example of people our betters do not agree with which we now know seems to be Black civil rights leaders, and religious sects who do not trust the government, and now white supremacists.

The FBI received orders to shoot to kill any adult seen at the Weaver cabin and some FBI sharp shooter named Hiro Hito or something like this obliged when Randy Weaver's wife holding her 18 month old daughter appears at the cabin door on the way out to view the body of her murdered son by an out of control governmental agency. Hiro was a good shot and Mrs. Weaver's brains were splattered all over her daughter and the cabin. She did not know she was dead. But Mr. Weaver and his pal surely did. Again Americans took note and I do not care if he was an orange supremacist or liked to jaywalk on Sundays the Weavers were denied their civil rights by an out of control federal agency or two. A government that can and will kill its citizens with impunity was not well received in the 1930's in Germany by the rest of the world and now America was moving down that slippery slope Herself!

Believe it or not, these two events struck fear and concern in American patriots and many of us began to fear for our country and our lives given what we witnessed during the early days of the Clinton reign of error. No meaningful investigations of these two events until the Al Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City which housed the agents involved in the Waco raid was bombed on the 2 year anniversary of Waco and then congress paid attention and held public hearings and only then did the FBI and ATF pull back and lay off American citizens even those which the prevailing political culture disagreed.

Randy Weaver and his friend were acquitted by an Idaho jury of their peers, and the government settled with him in his wife and son's wrongful death suits for 3.7 million dollars. Money is nice but a wife and a son are priceless.

The FBI pulled back and its assault against citizens of all races, creeds and political beliefs was back burnered for the time being.

Now fast forward to more recent events, the Bundy ranch and the standoff with a 5 generation Nevada ranching family who had a dispute with the Bureau of Land Management over grazing rights granted the family before Nevada was a state and granted to the family by the territory. Armed agents came out to round up and kill the Bundy's cattle herd and were met with a posse of patriots who had by this time gotten sick and tired of the shenanigans of the government and its heavy handed ways. The government wisely backed off on the violence but used the full force of the law to punish those they felt had infringed on their God given government rights to do what they want, public be damned. And the Oregan standoff resulted in the death of a man named Finicum, shot outside his car by an FBI agent by orders of the Obama Administration, would that be Comey or McCabe? That trial is making its way to the courts. And the DoJ trial against the Bundy's et al has been plagued with dishonesty on the DoJ part and a mistrial has been declared by perhaps the only honest Obama judge left in America.

What part did the FBI play in the Las Vegas masacre? They are very quiet on this act of terrorism.

And now we find our finest law enforcement agency with shit on their boots traipsing around in our living room with the FISA corruption and its attempt to take out Donald Trump.

Those included with the smelly gumshoe label include Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Paige, Ohr n Ohr, Mueller, Wray, and others who have slipped my fetid mind.

These higher echelon dunderpates of the FBI and DOJ and their directors of the Obama/Clinton administration have broken laws and stepped on the rights of American citizens to protect the racket our trusted leaders have undertaken. The Clinton Foundation, a crimianl enterprise, protected by these clowns were shocked Americans rejected their criminal business as usual and elevated a political neophyte and outsider, Donald Trump, to take a close look under the cloak of secrecy which surrounds our betters in Washington DC.

The light of day is exposing this corruption and Americans are waking up to a better day and the world is celebrating the rule of law rearing its great big beautiful orange head again in America which has gone missing for the better part of three decades.

America works best when it works honestly. The rule of law is not negotiable. It is not turned on and off depending on one's status, it is on for all or off for all.

Good bye and good riddence, Comey and others, you will not be missed and you have lost your greatest treasure, your integrety and your honor. Pray Americans will forgive you for your poor judgement and your transgressions. What have you gotten for your loss of integrety from the Clintons? If you have been bribed with money from the Clinton foundation you are a criminal, if you have been blackmailed you are a victim as we are all victims of their duplicity. Come clean and turn on these evil corruptocrats! Is it fair for you to take the hit and them to skate. Think about it.

So you see the FBI has been on a slippery slope for a long, long time. They only reflect the values of its leadership and Obama and Clinton and others were poor examples to emulate.

Every lower level agent must look deep inside and ask one question, am I honest and an agent of the people by the people and for the people or am I with Her and against the people.

If you are not with us, you must resign for we do not need any more shit in the people's living room.

Clean your shoes of the Clinton, Obama, Comey, McCabe, and Mueller fetid stew and put the gum back on the gumshoe.

It's your call. America needs you but it needs the rule of law more.

I am,

JDM, president UPLC