When one group, and by this I refer to the Never-Trump cabal of reporters, democrats, government plants in the alphabet soup of the government and Jim Acosta, acuses one man, a very successful man, who by all accounts is really, really smart, smart enough to defeat an entrenched establishment Hag, Hillary Clinton, with all her favorable press, a couple billion dollars of campaign money, for the presidency, when these whose desires were rebuked by the voting public, acuse this man, Donald J. Trump, President, of mental deficiency, THIS IS PROJECTION, PURE AND SIMPLE!
The public needs to look into the mental health of those casting dispersions on our duly elected and genius president. What can be the source of all this animus and infirmity?
We all know the elites on both coasts have been isolated from "fly-over country" for three generations and twelve minutes, at least. They have spirited their spawn to the Ivy League schools where they learn about global warming, women's studies, safe places, veganism, anal sex, and meet their future wives and husbands. After 4 or 5 years they are given a degree and are ready to go out and find a six figure entry level job with one of father's friends and they marry one of their cousins and have a family or two.
The tribe of American elites have screwed the pooch! Their family trees have been headed straight up for decades and the product, their spawn, is becoming the dullard dolts of our society. Idiocracts. What else can explain the nonsense? Pussy hats? Screaming at the sky on the anniversary of Trump's election, Robert DeNiro threatening to punch the president, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page( who is no Pussy Galore from her pics), Hillary Clinton's book tour and excuse-arama, The Clinton Foundation, a corrupt money laundering scheme out in the open and no one says a word?
Come on folks. This is not how you run a first world country! Without the rule of law society will break down.
Enter Donald J. Trump, the last honest man left amoung America's elites. He comes from humble beginnings from smart, really smart people. He has married well more than once and his children suffer from the anti-elite plague of hybrid vigor. His Slovakian women are genetically far different than his anglosaxon genome and the combination had excellent results. His children are fine, smart and poised.
It is time to have all the anti-Trump chest thumpers tested both IQ and the MMPI for smarts and stability, and these results should be published so we can consider the sources of our news.
Of course beautiful news readers would be given a pass, because human beans like beautiful people, but everybody else needs to be tested.
Time for America to stand up for our president and make his detractors prove they are not mentally unsound.
Jim Acosta acts cra-cra!
I have been given the signal from google I am not writing what they like so I must close here and try to get this on my blog.
I will apologise to my Google Master, may he go in peace.
One last thought: President Donald J. Trump has super powers. He could give two shits about what the press or the Idiocracy thinks of him.
He is impervious to criticism. This comes from being the smartest and greatest man in the world. No shit!
I am,
JDM, President Urban Poverty Law Center.
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