Thursday, January 25, 2018

Elections Like Erections Have Consequenses, Woe Be The Blue States, Woe Be To DOJ And FBI Conspirators

They don't call em "Blue States" for nothing. Those rock solid states are clustered around bodies of water, seaports, on both coasts, with a few scattered in the nation's interior all democrat controlled bastions of banality. Hollywood, where the wood was place there on the casting couch by creeps like Harv W. and Kevin S. where the 90's and Billy C. and Hillary C.'s new normal normalize sex with unwilling partners, no not just normalized but celebrated it. Where one iconiclastic feminist bragged publicly she'd happily kneel before President Clinton and hum his meat flute "just to keep abortion legal."


The republicans have struck a wooden spike deep into the heart of the Blue States with the new tax law which limits personal tax exemptions on federal forms to $10,000. This will have the effect of increasing the federal tax burden on those who live in these Blue states and whose politicians love higher taxes. Well that's what they got, higher taxes and they are not happy. Seems they are unhappy they are the target and not the little people in fly-over country who have screamed and voted for lower taxes and smaller government for at least as long as Governor Blue Moonbeam has been alive.

Lesson: Be careful what you wish for you may just get it. And President Trump and the republican controlled congress just gave it to them good and hard. Almost a balance of the Obamacare taxes forced on everyone in fly over country with its 3.9% tax on every dollar earned to "pay for the health care for the 40 million uninsured Americans, half of whom did not need insurance due to youth and the good health associated with youth. Obamacare is a tax pure and simple, a way to increase taxes without having to admit you have increased taxes.

But guess what? The rubes did not fall for it. The internet has made lying a very difficult proposition. Obama and Hillary learned the hard way with the Benghazi narative, and the lie was exposed in no time.

And the census is threatening to count only U.S. citizens in the next big 2020 accounting and Big Blue California is frightened its 11 million illegals may cost it a congressional spot or two! Great way to shrink the size and scope of government. And the ICEing on the cake is the threat of sanctuary states and cities losing federal funds for law enforcement and legal jeopardy for its leaders.

How does it feel? It has been a long time since, if ever, the Big Blues got the treatment reserved for the lil' Reds when the majority Christians were told their morals were obsolete, you have no rights to object to Gay Marriage and would be fined if you did not want to bake a cake, or take wedding photos of an event you felt was an abomination. And the celebration of every freakish human quirk did nothing to ingraciate Obama and his anything goes policies on morality with the Reds.

And the Reds fought back, hard and fiercely. First Congress in 2010 switched from D to R. Then in 2012 when the House seemed powerless against the Obama Sunami of government regulations and executive orders, Ted Kennedy's senate seat went Republican to stop Obama Care, but to no avail. Obamacare was passed over Christmas break with nary a single Republican vote. The Rape of Reds was complete with the trans bathroom ruling from King Barry America's greatest Bathroom Monitor. And the people saw it and jettisoned Hillary the enabler and crook and voted for the greatest American since George Washington.

Donald J. Trump. He promised to control the borders, clean up the swamp and stop illegal imigration, repeal Obamacare, cut personal income taxes and corporate taxes and give the country back to its rightful owners. US. And did I mention his promise to bring back jobs?

Hillary Clinton was a known criminal and it was a no brainer to vote for the promise of a brighter tomorrow with Trump than the same old drab policies of the failed Obama-Clinton regime, where taxes were promised to go higher, jobs would be lost in the energy sector and the military would be weakened even more than already under the goof in the White House. Meanwhile the Clinton Foundation would thrive and continue to rake in bribes in the billions and billions. And who would say anything? Certainly not the corrupt Obama DOJ or its corrupt FBI. The crooks could cement their control of the levers of government to insure they would never be brought to justice. And these criminals had been just a wee bit too brazen, too many things slipped out in public. Wikileaks for one, and Seth Rich's murder, which showed America the fix was in against Bernie and all in for Hillary, and rumors about the Clinton Foundation rape of Haiti were bubbling up and not deniable. Add Hillary's poor health and no plan for what she would do for America v the Trump promise of economic growth and military power and stopping illegal imigration and Hillary only won the popular vote and not the all important electoral college vote.

Thank God Hillary came across as America's shrill ex-wife and not its fairy god mother. Her voice is as grating as fingernails across a chalk board. Truly cringe-worthy.

And now the insurance policy cooked up by the criminals in the apolitical DOJ and FBI is coming to light to deny Trump his election victory and it is an obvious affront to all of us who voted for him and his promise of a brighter future. Mueller needs to be charged with his failures in Uranium One and all these snakes need to be placed in sacks and tossed out of government service for they are not interested in the rule of law but only what is in their best interests... Peter Strzok you are a cad. And Lisa Page, you have slept with a cad. James Comey, you make Benedict Arnold seem like a patriot. Mr. Ohr and Mrs. Ohr where is your sense of morality? Debbie Wasserman Schultz, you madam are a whore. What about Aman and your slipshod handling of secrets, almost as bad as HRC's private server and her being directly responsible for the death of our ambassador to Libya?

There are too many transgressions for me to fathom and I have tired of my list.

Suffice it to say it is time for the Rule of Law, honest law, to rear its head and strike back at the serpent. The serpent can not be allowed to flourish in a free republic. It will wither in the light of day when the people have the truth.

God Bless President Trump and Devin Nunes, for without them none of this would have come to light.

I am,


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