Friday, December 8, 2017

Who's In Charge? Who Is On First? When Will Obama Be Querried? Under Oath? Ha Ha Ha

What I find peculiar in all this Mueller, FBI, CIA, Russia collusion conspiracy against our 45th president is the lack of accountablity or suspicion directed at 44.

The titular head of the executive branch is no where to be found in the mix. Where was the darling of 1600 Penn Avenue when the decisions were made to conspire against the opposition party's presidential candidate?

Where was this same baritone voiced poser in chief when the IRS decided to thwart the Tea Party applications for Tax Free status?

Where was this bronzed colored champion of the Harvard Law Review when Benghazi went down? Who selected the least competent Secretary of State of our country's history to lead our diplomatic core and pack her husband's and her fake foundation with billions of dollars in a pay to play scheme?

Where was this skinny little man with the shifty eyes when 20% of America's uranium was being sold to a company associated with Russia?

If it were not on a teleprompter he was probably kept in the dark. He knew nothing of what was transpiring around him.

Comey, Lerner, Hillary, Strzok, Mueller, Clapper, and others in high positions all went rogue and did these things without the thin, bronzed, baritone, poser at 1600 Penn Ave's knowledge.

If you believe this then I have some uranium I would like to sell to you.

Obama is guilty as are his quislings.

Time for Sessions to shut down this conspiracy and clean up the mess our third world classless, smooth, executor of the executive branch oversaw, while the government sank into sodom and gamorah, with congress and the senate busy playing grab ass with the help and top tier executives at the FBI met and fell in love at the water cooler when they found common ground in their adoration of Hillary and hatred for Donald Trump.

Peter Strzok: "Ms Page, I love Hillary Clinton and hate Donald Trump."

Lisa Page: "Me Too!"

Peter Strzok: "Lisa, can I call you Lisa?"

Lisa Page: "Of course you can."

Peter Strzok: "Well, since we have so much in common, and nothing is going on here could we go to the locker room and, well you know?

Lisa Page: "What took you so long to ask? Do you have a condom? Never mind I have a dozen in my desk drawer."

The press needs to gets the balls to ask the question: Why is 44 given a pass with all this corruption coming to light?

Obama is the criminal. Obama is the buck stopper. He needs to be questioned under oath by congress and the FBI when we can trust them if ever we can.

I am

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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