Yes, you read that correctly. Let me explain. With Trumps tax cutting bill he is now looked upon by all fellow republicans as the duly elected chief executive officer of the United States. But for a few flakes and whatnots and deranged holdouts.
The post passage press event was warm and fuzzy with praise flowing like blood from Megan Kelley's whatever. There are enough long faces on the opposing side to deck the halls of the capital building.
Watch as Mueller begins to fade like a major league curve ball. Trump's success is America's success, and best chance for a brighter future.
Trump is no lightweight. The people who elected Donald Trump saw his potential as a great leader even through the fog of lies laid down by the mainstream media. Washington insiders could not see through that fog. Many could not lifts their heads out of the public trough long enough to see his wit, intellect, kindness and wisdom.
President Trump is real, he is honest, and he is a compassionate patriot who gave his fortune, his cushy lifestyle to battle for everyday Americans to make America great again.
With no real personal gain, I might add.
God bless him for having what it takes to battle the swamp dwellers and win big league!
And as much as I detest actor Alex Baldwin when he is playing The President in a skit on SNL I warm up to his sorry tukas.
I like Trump that much.
I am
Jackson Delano Maybolt, president Urban Poverty Law Center
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