Yes the first words out of Obama's Chief of Staff, the Iranian plantress, Val Jarrett during the transition was something to the effect " we want to get our people in place soon so we can hit the ground ruling!"
Notice the reptilian hagfish did not use the preferred American term "leading", but the third world term used in the darker regions of the world "ruling". Right there is a foreshodowing of that was to become of America under this dark baratone usurper of American freedoms and wealth. He promised to fundamentally change America and he almost did. Obama was the fever and Donald J. Trump was the cure.
Obama's world apology tour to the middle east was both strange and unnecessary. Sending the bust of Winston Churchhill back to England was peculiar and antiAmerican by any standard. Now that the light of day is pouring over this most unAmerican of administrations ever in our short history there are many more things that give pause.
In no particular order or significance:
First official act was to tax tanning booths 10%. President Obama flummoxed Mark Levin with this act. Levin spent a half hour trying to fathom this most senseless of taxations. I felt it was a signal to some of his supporters of his anti-Anglosaxon bigotry as it would only affect the lighter pigmented peoples of our country.
Calling for a date to pull out of Iraq.
Support of the Muslim Bros in Egypt.
Working against the re-election of Netanyahu.
Arming Isis.
Arming Mexican Drug Cartels via Fast and Furious.
Politicizing the IRS via Lois Lerner against the Tea Party.
Picking Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State.
$6 billion missing from Clinton's State Department and unaccountable.
Shutting down an investigation of drug smuggling into the US by a Mexican-Hezbolla cartel.
The Iranian Deal. $450 million dollars in cash to Tehran. And this is where I believe his administration was bribed by Iran.
The Iranians had Obama over a barrel with their knowlege of his collusion with their vassels in Hezbolla. Pay up or we squeal on your duplicity and your schemes against America.
These and more of the same we have no clue about are why Donald J. Trump delivered this country from evil for a Hillary Clinton administration would have been able to keep her cabal in power and nothing of these acts of treason would have come to light.
The swamp would have been allowed to slime America and the world for another 8 years. Comey, Mueller, Strzok, Page, Ohr, McCabe, Obama, Clinton, Fusion GPS, Steele, Lerner, Jarrett and others deep in the muckity-muck would be free to continue their black plans for America's down fall.
Trump has changed the direction by shining the light on these corrupt political operatives who value dollars over country.
Sad thing is the Media has been bought and paid for as they will not report on any of this.
America has a long way to pull out of this hole Obama and Clinton have dug for us, but we are on our way up and out of it. We shall persevere. We shall thrive.
Shoes are dropping all over Washington and around the world and the guilty shall be judged and truth shall shine through.
God Bless President Trump and God Blessed America.
I am,
Founded by Jackson Delano Maybolt PhD in 1988, this organization has helped many urban poor tell their stories and improve their lives. Based out of Cedar Grove, TN, the UPLC is quickly becoming a national leader in poverty law and research.New visitors are encouraged to go back to the earliest postings to get the full flavor of our important mission. You will be entertained or you are not thinking
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
This Will Be The Day President Trump Takes Office
Yes, you read that correctly. Let me explain. With Trumps tax cutting bill he is now looked upon by all fellow republicans as the duly elected chief executive officer of the United States. But for a few flakes and whatnots and deranged holdouts.
The post passage press event was warm and fuzzy with praise flowing like blood from Megan Kelley's whatever. There are enough long faces on the opposing side to deck the halls of the capital building.
Watch as Mueller begins to fade like a major league curve ball. Trump's success is America's success, and best chance for a brighter future.
Trump is no lightweight. The people who elected Donald Trump saw his potential as a great leader even through the fog of lies laid down by the mainstream media. Washington insiders could not see through that fog. Many could not lifts their heads out of the public trough long enough to see his wit, intellect, kindness and wisdom.
President Trump is real, he is honest, and he is a compassionate patriot who gave his fortune, his cushy lifestyle to battle for everyday Americans to make America great again.
With no real personal gain, I might add.
God bless him for having what it takes to battle the swamp dwellers and win big league!
And as much as I detest actor Alex Baldwin when he is playing The President in a skit on SNL I warm up to his sorry tukas.
I like Trump that much.
I am
Jackson Delano Maybolt, president Urban Poverty Law Center
The post passage press event was warm and fuzzy with praise flowing like blood from Megan Kelley's whatever. There are enough long faces on the opposing side to deck the halls of the capital building.
Watch as Mueller begins to fade like a major league curve ball. Trump's success is America's success, and best chance for a brighter future.
Trump is no lightweight. The people who elected Donald Trump saw his potential as a great leader even through the fog of lies laid down by the mainstream media. Washington insiders could not see through that fog. Many could not lifts their heads out of the public trough long enough to see his wit, intellect, kindness and wisdom.
President Trump is real, he is honest, and he is a compassionate patriot who gave his fortune, his cushy lifestyle to battle for everyday Americans to make America great again.
With no real personal gain, I might add.
God bless him for having what it takes to battle the swamp dwellers and win big league!
And as much as I detest actor Alex Baldwin when he is playing The President in a skit on SNL I warm up to his sorry tukas.
I like Trump that much.
I am
Jackson Delano Maybolt, president Urban Poverty Law Center
Friday, December 8, 2017
Who's In Charge? Who Is On First? When Will Obama Be Querried? Under Oath? Ha Ha Ha
What I find peculiar in all this Mueller, FBI, CIA, Russia collusion conspiracy against our 45th president is the lack of accountablity or suspicion directed at 44.
The titular head of the executive branch is no where to be found in the mix. Where was the darling of 1600 Penn Avenue when the decisions were made to conspire against the opposition party's presidential candidate?
Where was this same baritone voiced poser in chief when the IRS decided to thwart the Tea Party applications for Tax Free status?
Where was this bronzed colored champion of the Harvard Law Review when Benghazi went down? Who selected the least competent Secretary of State of our country's history to lead our diplomatic core and pack her husband's and her fake foundation with billions of dollars in a pay to play scheme?
Where was this skinny little man with the shifty eyes when 20% of America's uranium was being sold to a company associated with Russia?
If it were not on a teleprompter he was probably kept in the dark. He knew nothing of what was transpiring around him.
Comey, Lerner, Hillary, Strzok, Mueller, Clapper, and others in high positions all went rogue and did these things without the thin, bronzed, baritone, poser at 1600 Penn Ave's knowledge.
If you believe this then I have some uranium I would like to sell to you.
Obama is guilty as are his quislings.
Time for Sessions to shut down this conspiracy and clean up the mess our third world classless, smooth, executor of the executive branch oversaw, while the government sank into sodom and gamorah, with congress and the senate busy playing grab ass with the help and top tier executives at the FBI met and fell in love at the water cooler when they found common ground in their adoration of Hillary and hatred for Donald Trump.
Peter Strzok: "Ms Page, I love Hillary Clinton and hate Donald Trump."
Lisa Page: "Me Too!"
Peter Strzok: "Lisa, can I call you Lisa?"
Lisa Page: "Of course you can."
Peter Strzok: "Well, since we have so much in common, and nothing is going on here could we go to the locker room and, well you know?
Lisa Page: "What took you so long to ask? Do you have a condom? Never mind I have a dozen in my desk drawer."
The press needs to gets the balls to ask the question: Why is 44 given a pass with all this corruption coming to light?
Obama is the criminal. Obama is the buck stopper. He needs to be questioned under oath by congress and the FBI when we can trust them if ever we can.
I am
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
The titular head of the executive branch is no where to be found in the mix. Where was the darling of 1600 Penn Avenue when the decisions were made to conspire against the opposition party's presidential candidate?
Where was this same baritone voiced poser in chief when the IRS decided to thwart the Tea Party applications for Tax Free status?
Where was this bronzed colored champion of the Harvard Law Review when Benghazi went down? Who selected the least competent Secretary of State of our country's history to lead our diplomatic core and pack her husband's and her fake foundation with billions of dollars in a pay to play scheme?
Where was this skinny little man with the shifty eyes when 20% of America's uranium was being sold to a company associated with Russia?
If it were not on a teleprompter he was probably kept in the dark. He knew nothing of what was transpiring around him.
Comey, Lerner, Hillary, Strzok, Mueller, Clapper, and others in high positions all went rogue and did these things without the thin, bronzed, baritone, poser at 1600 Penn Ave's knowledge.
If you believe this then I have some uranium I would like to sell to you.
Obama is guilty as are his quislings.
Time for Sessions to shut down this conspiracy and clean up the mess our third world classless, smooth, executor of the executive branch oversaw, while the government sank into sodom and gamorah, with congress and the senate busy playing grab ass with the help and top tier executives at the FBI met and fell in love at the water cooler when they found common ground in their adoration of Hillary and hatred for Donald Trump.
Peter Strzok: "Ms Page, I love Hillary Clinton and hate Donald Trump."
Lisa Page: "Me Too!"
Peter Strzok: "Lisa, can I call you Lisa?"
Lisa Page: "Of course you can."
Peter Strzok: "Well, since we have so much in common, and nothing is going on here could we go to the locker room and, well you know?
Lisa Page: "What took you so long to ask? Do you have a condom? Never mind I have a dozen in my desk drawer."
The press needs to gets the balls to ask the question: Why is 44 given a pass with all this corruption coming to light?
Obama is the criminal. Obama is the buck stopper. He needs to be questioned under oath by congress and the FBI when we can trust them if ever we can.
I am
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Robert Mueller And His Unseemly Peter Tracks: The Independent Counsel Is Damaged Goods
Mueller, Robert, may I call you Bob?
Bob, you are doing the devil's work. You have committed crimes yourself you are seeking to place on others who did nothing more than give America the chance for a brighter tomorrow.
The Uranium One deal that fell under your unwatchful eye stinks up Washington, DC and its trolls and trollops like the rotting corpse of an armadillo left out in the baking sun on a long stretch of Texas highway. The Clintons, Obama, you, Bob, and God only knows who else benefited from this shady deal where millions and millions flowed into the sham Clinton Foundation to be later divided up among the conspirators. Comey and Lynch, and Holder, now in charge of security at one of the big wall street banks, as payola for his not coming down hard on them for the fraudulent mortgage bundling and sales of same to unsuspecting investment groups in fly over country, should also be included in the scheme.
Shut this investigation down, now! It is a farce. It is a crime. Flynn was entrapped by some needle dick investigator in the FBI, named Peter Strzok, who now we learn has his peter all over the Trump Dossier dust up, and in and out of an assistant in McCabe's orifices, named Page. Tell me how did Peter mark his hatred of Donald Trump in paper copy? Was it through a bent over Page? Did he text Ms Page of his disdain of the Trumps? Is this the same Peter who failed to leave any tracks on Hillary Clinton and her handling of 33,000 missing emails which she failed to turn over to congress after a subpoena? Is this the same Peter who allowed both Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills to lie with impunity about knowledge of the Clinton private server? Did this Peter fail to connect with Hillary and the server and its top secret missives?
Is this the same Peter who has sullied the integrety of your independent (bullshit) investigation currently ongoing? If this is the same Peter in all of the above claims, you have a very bad Peter on your hands and should be noticing the bad taste that this Peter has left in your mouth.
When will the stain on the blue suit, your blue suit be exposed. It is only a matter of time, for some of the big boys in the press, like the Wall Street Journal and Breitbart are starting to pay attention to your "impartial operation". Congress will hound you if you do not stop the nonsense now.
So Bob, do America a favor. See if you can beat Al Franken out the door and announce today your final findings of nothing and history will judge you more kindly.
Shut it down Bob Mueller, the jig is up, you clowns have been exposed, the rule of law must be followed and you are rogue.
Do you wish to be remembered forever more as the Disgraced former FBI director taken down by a Peter, a completely dishonest partisan Peter?
You hired Strzok. He is your Peter and he has behaved badly.
I am.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Bob, you are doing the devil's work. You have committed crimes yourself you are seeking to place on others who did nothing more than give America the chance for a brighter tomorrow.
The Uranium One deal that fell under your unwatchful eye stinks up Washington, DC and its trolls and trollops like the rotting corpse of an armadillo left out in the baking sun on a long stretch of Texas highway. The Clintons, Obama, you, Bob, and God only knows who else benefited from this shady deal where millions and millions flowed into the sham Clinton Foundation to be later divided up among the conspirators. Comey and Lynch, and Holder, now in charge of security at one of the big wall street banks, as payola for his not coming down hard on them for the fraudulent mortgage bundling and sales of same to unsuspecting investment groups in fly over country, should also be included in the scheme.
Shut this investigation down, now! It is a farce. It is a crime. Flynn was entrapped by some needle dick investigator in the FBI, named Peter Strzok, who now we learn has his peter all over the Trump Dossier dust up, and in and out of an assistant in McCabe's orifices, named Page. Tell me how did Peter mark his hatred of Donald Trump in paper copy? Was it through a bent over Page? Did he text Ms Page of his disdain of the Trumps? Is this the same Peter who failed to leave any tracks on Hillary Clinton and her handling of 33,000 missing emails which she failed to turn over to congress after a subpoena? Is this the same Peter who allowed both Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills to lie with impunity about knowledge of the Clinton private server? Did this Peter fail to connect with Hillary and the server and its top secret missives?
Is this the same Peter who has sullied the integrety of your independent (bullshit) investigation currently ongoing? If this is the same Peter in all of the above claims, you have a very bad Peter on your hands and should be noticing the bad taste that this Peter has left in your mouth.
When will the stain on the blue suit, your blue suit be exposed. It is only a matter of time, for some of the big boys in the press, like the Wall Street Journal and Breitbart are starting to pay attention to your "impartial operation". Congress will hound you if you do not stop the nonsense now.
So Bob, do America a favor. See if you can beat Al Franken out the door and announce today your final findings of nothing and history will judge you more kindly.
Shut it down Bob Mueller, the jig is up, you clowns have been exposed, the rule of law must be followed and you are rogue.
Do you wish to be remembered forever more as the Disgraced former FBI director taken down by a Peter, a completely dishonest partisan Peter?
You hired Strzok. He is your Peter and he has behaved badly.
I am.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
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