The Kneelers and kneeling at National Football League events is a belated result of Born Again Christianity taking hold among America's most talented and now publicly grateful millennials whom all appear to be following Tim Tebow's epic move of personal prayer and worship after any divinely inspired great play. The kneelers are wrongly acused of disrespect to the country when only signaling a subservience to our Heavenly Father. Though I do question their sense of timing, I will not impugn their righteous motives. Our founders clearly foresaw the need for a Bill of Rights which thankfully includes freedom of religion and freedom of speech.
That their timing is a bit objectionable to our President and 82% of the NFL's fan base is regrettable. However, let us take a step back and place this in its proper perspective.
First, kneeling is beneficial to health. It has been shown to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels by 30%. British subjects of the royal family kneel in homage to the queen in a show of respect and admiration. Catholic worshipers and Episcopalians still kneel during church services. Christians in the middle east when captured by ISIS are forced to kneel before decapitation on all the videos just to make it easier for the knife welders to reach the targeted areas of the neck. Let's face it nothing creates a greater spectacle than a botched decapitation, the quicker the better. The Japanese refused to decapitate any victim who refused to kneel during the Rape of Nanking, a little known fact.
When I was younger by 50 years, our football coach suggested we take a knee after a set of sprints to rest. He did not suggest we sit, or lie down, but to take a knee. I always placed my left knee on the ground with my right foot planted firmly in front of me and my right forearm would support my torso. In this position getting up was a snap all those years ago, now it would take a crane and an act of congress to get me out of this position so now I assiduously avoid this compromise.
Personally, I am able to look upon theses concussion addled superstars not with contempt but with admiration. Cerebrally speaking many are dullards, but their cerebellum, which controls coordination and aids athletes in their great skill sets, they are all Einsteins. This hysteria of the Kneeling by the Kneelers of the Kneeling Football League will pass and will be viewed by historians as the greatest mass hysteria event since global warming or say the American Left's love affair with Obama and Hillary Clinton, who are fading from grace with each passing State Department Email dump. The political espionage of the Obama-Clinton team against Trump is building just beneath the surface kept at bay by false flag stories such as the one mentioned here and the thin crust of irresponsible journalism and the Mueller, taxpayer money is not object, Russian Collusion Witch Hunt. In the end the truth will out the real collusion and it ain't Trump. Trump had no power, how many divisions did he have as a candidate? Well, enough to send the compromised and corrupt Obama-Clinton administration packing. Thank you, Lord!
I am a great fan of the San Francisco FortyKneelers. Mr. Kaepernick, take a bow for taking that knee! It has given the chattering classes and the working classes a harmless issue on which to disagree. Conflict sells advertising and keeps lawyers and gossips titalated. It is all part of the "bread and circus" act. And I like it.
While we can all agree that Antifa and Black Lives Matter, Kneelers and what they do before a game makes no matter unless of course you are a bug on the sideline who is squished by a big old sweaty knee. Oh the humanity!
Let us all be thankful for the great nation our ancestors begat us with the help of God and pray for the Kneelers as well as for the bug. So let us all move on and think of more important things, like when is Mrs. Maybolt going to get up and make my coffee or will congress pass any meaningful legislation this year, or what will be the next greatest nothing event in American popular culture, Charlie, E bit me finger, or will Milie Cyrus utter an intelligent line this year, or will 8 years be enough time for Hollywood to cope with Trump's election, and come up with a block buster, too? And now we've lost Jerry Lewis and Hugh Hefner, a man who photographed more beauties on bended knee than people who saved money with Geico or the Affordable Care Act combined, many, many more!
I am, only taking an imaginary knee in solidarity with our pampered NFL athletes for now and praying for America and Trump's continued success.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Hillary Clinton's picture in her head when she says "deplorable".
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