Friday, October 27, 2017

$6 Million Dollars Does Not Go As Far As It Used To: How I Learned To Love The Russian Dossier

If Hillary and company paid Chris Steele and his contacts in Russia $6 million dollars for the Russian Trump Dossier, they got screwed. When was the last time Hillary Clinton got screwed? How old is Chelsea? Add nine months to that and there's your answer.

What I am suggesting is the dossier funding like many other campaign expenditures seem to come at astronomical price tags. It is rumored her highness the Queen of Canklesville and Chapaqua unloaded something like 1200 million dollars on her failed campaign to defeat a weak republican, Donald J. Trump, for the presidency. How can you spend that kind of money and have nothing at all to show for it?

I contend if one were to have an honest accounting of her 1.2 billion dollar campaign expenditure, much of it would be laundered through front groups and then funneled back into her greedy needy pockets.

I believe a man with Chris Steele's talents could have easily come up with a Trump tinkling hooker meme for millions less, and the remainder could then be funneled to an off shore Clinton account.

Nobody takes money from a Clinton. When it comes to raking it in she is all arms, when it comes to turning it loose, she has arms so short they cannot reach into her pantsuit pocket.

The 145 million payola from Russia with Love to the Clinton foundation is a stark reminder of just what kind of people these two hucksters from Little Rock are.

In fact she and Billy need to be sent back to Little Rock to a place there they can make Little Rocks out of bigger rocks.

Lock them up.

Sic the federal elections commission on these two. The results would amaze.

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Time For The NBI?

Dissolve the FBI and replace it with the National Bureau of Intelligence.

The Current FBI and its leadership are compromised.

Congress must act.

They are a threat to our republic.

De-fund it and let it wither on the vine.

Place Juliani as interim head.

I am

Jackson Delano Maybolt

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Hollywood's Harvey-Hillary Problem: Bad Behavior Among Democrats, Who Cares?

I am not an anthropolgist, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express once. I am not a woman, but my mother and sisters were rumored both women. I am not in a position of power or authority in which I could garner sexual favors from young aspiring actresses or anyone for that matter.

This being said, I have observed man from the inside for over 60 years. We are what we are, driven by testosterone to pursue mates and reproduce. The orgasm is a powerful drug for a man. Not many things have been described to me over the years by other men better than that euphoric release of the ovum dog fishes. One notable exception was my business partner, a navy pilot during Viet Nam, who stated unequivocally "A catapult shot off an aircraft carrier deck is better than sex!"

Life is equally distributed among the masses, but good looks, great beauty and talent are less equitable. Harvey Weinstein was blessed with great talent. His looks compare favorably to a troll. As an adolescent male he was surely over looked by all the great beauties in his school. This is why Hugh Hefner recently died a millionaire. I am sure young Harvey kicked off his sexual debut masturbating to the beautiful women photographed in "Playboy", the print addition of today's computer driven pornography.

Many toads have become princes in the eyes of beautiful women with the addition of great wealth. I do not know when or how Harvey hit the jackpot but only that he did and he abused his position as a director and producer of film to take advantage of any poor aspiring actress.

Allegedly this began in the 1980's when Harvey was in his early 30's. He apparently found it easier to bed beautiful women with the lure of great fame and fortune, than to use the old tried and true methods practiced by the common masses, courtship, flowers, witty conversation and wine. Harvey was an important man, he did not have time to spend 2 to 3 weeks in courtship for each woman he encountered. And this was the problem for the starlet, who came into his sphere. Some men have a voracious sexual appetite. Bill Clinton and Jack Kennedy, were rumored to be such men. I suspect Harvey Weinstein is a member of this group, also.

Now prostitution has been practiced since the beginning of time and woman determined men were so stupid they would pay for the sexual act. To men it is valuable. I have spent every dime I ever made taking care of the offspring and my mates through out my life and do not feel I was cheated out of anything. I got my money's worth with 8 fine children and 6 grandchildren. But I was never tempted like Clinton or Weinstein or Kennedy. Am I here to say I would not take advantage of such a situation? No. But I am glad I was not tempted.

Could some of Harvey Weinstein's early consorts been willing participants and encouraged the younger,less hideous, version of Harvey? Some women are not virtuous and may have instigated those interactions for stardom and this may have created the monster he became, or more likely he was born the monster he became.

How can we tie Hillary Clinton, who is currently on her world crusade of blame tour because of her cuckholding by Donald J. Trump in the presidential election just past? Does she bare any blame for her husband's poor behavior with women? A man who gets laid at home will not stray. Empty nuts are a threat to no one. A piece of tail a day keeps the shenanigans away.

Some women wrongly assume since they have no real sexual drive that a man is the same. Not true ladies. We are different. I will leave it at that. So if Hillary did not service Bill regularly, every time he approached her, she made a grave mistake for it unleashed his sexual drive on the public. Shame on you, Hillary Clinton. As wife, you had the power and the responsibility to rein in your horndoggy mate. Don't say you didn't know he was like that when you met because we have all tried to wear it out with our mates when first we coupled. And you can make it sore, but you can't wear it out!

If Hillary Clinton had paid as much attention to Bill's sexual needs as she does to acquiring money and power, we would have very little to complain about this powerful political couple. She may be smart, but she is not woman smart. Smart women know how to keep a husband at home. Food and sex. Starve a husband of either and they will eat out.

In sum, Harvey and Hillary are lazy when it comes to the effort to develop and keep lasting sexual relationships and because of this lawyers and gossips are eternally grateful.

This is my rant, some of it is true. Now media, go out and get some news we need to know. The sex lives of Hollywood and Washington are of no interest. These people are just people and as Barbara Streisand was want to sing, "People who need people are the loneliest people in the world".

I bet dollars to a doughnut, Harvey and Hillary are feeling mighty lonely right about now.

I am Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Hillary and Harvey, Two Peas In A Pod Cast, Casting Diversions About Being Life's Greatest Losers: Dog Eats Homework Schtick. Mea Culpa? Nope.

Harvey Whinestain, prominent Hollywood producer, director, and keeper of the coveted crusty golden casting couch in his liddle world of stars and starlets, has screwed the pooch. His perversion and proclivity for exibitionism, watch me shower and masturbate, and unwanted sexual advances on the hot meat of Hollywood are legend. One of the best almost kept secrets of this sick, sick culture among the folks in film. Whinestain makes Bill Cosby mainstream given the culture of perversion prevalent in tinseltown. Bill Clinton could just as easily plied his trade out there amongst the readers of Variety Magazine rather than sully the Oval Office with his lewd romps with any tramp he came across.

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton continues her curious crusade criss crossing the country to any Costco that will order a hundred of her book of the Tibetan Dead explanation of her second failed campaign for the highest executive office in the land. Here is a compilation of her rantings. Just a few I have catalogued.

"The glass was too thick. My make up artist was a Christian. James Comey investigated my corruption and laid it out there for all to see. Men threatened their wives by withholding sex if they did not vote for Trump. My voice was drowned out by a Trump loving major media that took the Russian interference to the highest level. NBC held on to the Belly Bush Trump Sex Tape too long. Steve Bannon is an agent of Satan. The opiate problem sweeping middle America created a base for Donald J. Trump. The polls lulled my staunchest supporters into a false sense of security and many thought, what the heck Hillary's got this in the bag, I will skip voting for Hillary and stop at Dairy Queen after work and get a Starbucks coffee.

Well I did not have this in the bag. Bannon and Trump tricked me and many many voters with the help of that snake Vlad Putin who like many Americans could not picture the next four and possibly eight years listening to my screedie screech after a twaddling waddle to any open mic. Putin pulled out all stops to thwart my ascendency! He opened the Russian treasury spending thousands upon thousands in Russian money to collude Donald Trump into my office.

I paid 1.8 million dollars for a small bungalow next door to 1600 Penn. Ave to rent to my secret service brigade so Chelsea and my grandkids would have an extra million dollars a year of taxpayer money to do with as they pleased. I had such great plans for bigger and better pay for play schemes, and now I have nothing but a hand full of broken dreams and 3,001 designer pant suit ensembles in every imaginable color.

The stain of my husband's emissions on the blue dress of politics was too great to overcome. I am a broken woman. Shattered on the rocks of the Potomac. Wasted by a reality TV star, a man with orange hair, a caricature of a businessman, a course foul mouthed populist, with dog whistles for every white racist, Nazi, misogynist, homophobic, and ignoramus in America. And he used that whistle to blow my skirt over my head and steal this election from me as surely as night follows day.

Well I will not stand to be trifled. I am not that kind of girl. I am Hillary Rodham Clinton, hear me roar. Watch me soar. But for now I will continue to criss cross the country on my World Costco Book Tour and complain bitterly on the shit sandwich the American voters with help from the major media, Comey, Bannon, Putin and the rest have served. I have eaten worse you see as I have been married to Bill Clinton for over 40 years and even had to live in Arkansas for a while.

So America, you see, you can beat me, but you can't keep me down. I will rise from the ashes of the 2016 election like the phoenix and soar again to new and higher heights.

Is anyone interested in seeing my tits? I am offering topless speeches to all my former corporate sponsors. Just as a protest of the shabby treatment afforded women in America.

Now where is that bottle of vodka, Putin sent me?"

Well this is my story and parts of it are True.

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Friday, October 6, 2017

Zombie For A Few Hours: Jack Maybolt Had TGA, Transient Global Amnesia

TGA, tansient global amnesia, is a poorly understood affliction of older men which causes a brief, usually less than 8 hrs, loss of recent memory and the inability to form new memories during this event. It is often precipitated by vigorous physical activity.

I am a member of the rare TGA club as of this past week.

I was seated at my computer after working out in the hot sun all day when Mrs. Maybolt tells me Tom Petty died. She states I acknowleged her statement and 5 minutes later I proclaim, "Hey, Tom Petty, died!" To which she snarkily responded, "I just told you that!"

Next awareness is of my confusion. I felt as though I had just beamed down to a new home Mrs. Maybolt and I just purchased on a creek near the Tennessee River. I was lost. I got up and wandered through the house looking for anything to jog my memory but came up short, and by this time Mrs. Maybolt who usually pays me no attention as we have become the same person over the years began to question my sanity.

After a few well placed questions, Mrs. Maybolt, who has a medical background of sorts living with a physician for over 2 decades, and was a nurse before our marriage, determined I was a few cards short of a full deck. She called my son, a physician, and explained my symptoms and I am told I got on the phone with him and explained since all I was missing was my immediate memory and had no other focal neurological deficits, it was most likely Transient Global Amnesia.

Well, sonny boy and Mrs. Mayboldt would have none of that, a man who is clearly out of his mind has no business making a complex diagnosis on himself? Preposterous! I vaguely recall Mrs. Maybolt's threats of calling an ambulance if I did not get my ass in the car for a trip to the Emergency room. Time, for me ceased. It was like being asleep with eyes wide open but unable to process anything seen or spoken. I recall getting out of the car at the hospital and walking in a fog to the intake area of the ER. I got in a wheelchair to go for a CAT SCAN and no recall until about 4 hrs later when I find I am in the ER on a gurney with IV fluids and heart leads.

Mrs. Maybolt tells me I asked the same question over and over again. Specifically, "Now tell me what happened?"

I spent the night in the hospital and the next day the ability to process short term memories came back to 100% as predicted by the diagnosis. It is a very peculiar affliction. There is no treatment and its occurence in the population is 4 to 5 in 100,000 people. It usually affects those over 50 and rarely recurs.

I have been playing this up to get out of chores with Mrs. Maybolt fiening no memory on how to place dishes in the dishwasher or how to make my side of the bed. She ain't buying it.

I feel the mechanism is similar to sleep walking but you are not asleep.

Mueller needs to resign.

The press needs to lay off Trump.

And the congress needs to get with the program and pass Trump's initiatives.

The NFL will fade into obscurity and have fewer fans than roller derby if these ballerina's in padding do not repent.

And hey, did you hear Tom Petty has died?

Last dance for Mary Jane.

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, TGA survivor President Urban Poverty Law Center

Monday, October 2, 2017

Thank You Jesus: Folks Who Never Kneeled In Their Lives Have Seen The Light.

The Kneelers and kneeling at National Football League events is a belated result of Born Again Christianity taking hold among America's most talented and now publicly grateful millennials whom all appear to be following Tim Tebow's epic move of personal prayer and worship after any divinely inspired great play. The kneelers are wrongly acused of disrespect to the country when only signaling a subservience to our Heavenly Father. Though I do question their sense of timing, I will not impugn their righteous motives. Our founders clearly foresaw the need for a Bill of Rights which thankfully includes freedom of religion and freedom of speech.

That their timing is a bit objectionable to our President and 82% of the NFL's fan base is regrettable. However, let us take a step back and place this in its proper perspective.

First, kneeling is beneficial to health. It has been shown to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels by 30%. British subjects of the royal family kneel in homage to the queen in a show of respect and admiration. Catholic worshipers and Episcopalians still kneel during church services. Christians in the middle east when captured by ISIS are forced to kneel before decapitation on all the videos just to make it easier for the knife welders to reach the targeted areas of the neck. Let's face it nothing creates a greater spectacle than a botched decapitation, the quicker the better. The Japanese refused to decapitate any victim who refused to kneel during the Rape of Nanking, a little known fact.

When I was younger by 50 years, our football coach suggested we take a knee after a set of sprints to rest. He did not suggest we sit, or lie down, but to take a knee. I always placed my left knee on the ground with my right foot planted firmly in front of me and my right forearm would support my torso. In this position getting up was a snap all those years ago, now it would take a crane and an act of congress to get me out of this position so now I assiduously avoid this compromise.

Personally, I am able to look upon theses concussion addled superstars not with contempt but with admiration. Cerebrally speaking many are dullards, but their cerebellum, which controls coordination and aids athletes in their great skill sets, they are all Einsteins. This hysteria of the Kneeling by the Kneelers of the Kneeling Football League will pass and will be viewed by historians as the greatest mass hysteria event since global warming or say the American Left's love affair with Obama and Hillary Clinton, who are fading from grace with each passing State Department Email dump. The political espionage of the Obama-Clinton team against Trump is building just beneath the surface kept at bay by false flag stories such as the one mentioned here and the thin crust of irresponsible journalism and the Mueller, taxpayer money is not object, Russian Collusion Witch Hunt. In the end the truth will out the real collusion and it ain't Trump. Trump had no power, how many divisions did he have as a candidate? Well, enough to send the compromised and corrupt Obama-Clinton administration packing. Thank you, Lord!

I am a great fan of the San Francisco FortyKneelers. Mr. Kaepernick, take a bow for taking that knee! It has given the chattering classes and the working classes a harmless issue on which to disagree. Conflict sells advertising and keeps lawyers and gossips titalated. It is all part of the "bread and circus" act. And I like it.

While we can all agree that Antifa and Black Lives Matter, Kneelers and what they do before a game makes no matter unless of course you are a bug on the sideline who is squished by a big old sweaty knee. Oh the humanity!

Let us all be thankful for the great nation our ancestors begat us with the help of God and pray for the Kneelers as well as for the bug. So let us all move on and think of more important things, like when is Mrs. Maybolt going to get up and make my coffee or will congress pass any meaningful legislation this year, or what will be the next greatest nothing event in American popular culture, Charlie, E bit me finger, or will Milie Cyrus utter an intelligent line this year, or will 8 years be enough time for Hollywood to cope with Trump's election, and come up with a block buster, too? And now we've lost Jerry Lewis and Hugh Hefner, a man who photographed more beauties on bended knee than people who saved money with Geico or the Affordable Care Act combined, many, many more!

I am, only taking an imaginary knee in solidarity with our pampered NFL athletes for now and praying for America and Trump's continued success.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Hillary Clinton's picture in her head when she says "deplorable".