Tuesday, March 28, 2017

House Folds No Repeal Of Obamacare Taxes Cover Lifts

No politician will trim government and it's largess. This is the reason Trump is feared and loathed universally in DC.

Trump is no pol. He is a savy businessman looking at the mess in Washington with an eye towards profits. Government is run like a big old taxpayer ATM with no concern for fiscal responsibility or frugality.

Trump knows profits go to the shareholders of the country who just so happen to be the ones who chose him over the Hillary.

Paul Ryan is drunk with power. He will fight Trump over every proposal. Do not expect meaningful tax relief, repeal of the ACA, or funding for a border wall or any cuts to the federal behemoth.

Congress is playing a stall on Trump and do not want him to succeed. If a non pol like Trump is successful all of congress could be swept out in a voter's tsunami.

The taxed are watching the taxers.

We are beginning to get irritated.

I am

Jack D. Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Quiz For The Diversity 101 College Students, Or What $200,000 Student Loan Debt Gets You Today

In a dark and joyless post-Obama America college students spend more time in safe spaces than studying for their diversity classes.

Let me see, transgendered 101, a discussion of transgendered individuals and their plumbing has nothing to do with which bathroom they choose? T or F.

I am a dog if I am a cat and declare that I am a dog, do I still have to use the liter box? T or F.

Mike and Tom have been dating serioulsy for 3 months. Is it too soon for them to ask a Christian Bakery to bake them a wedding cake? T or F.

Lisa is 13 and she has started her menses, if she declares herself a boy will her periods stop? T or F.

Bobby is a happy healthy 10 yr old boy who declares he is a bird. Should his parents let him jump off the barn and fly or would stopping this lead to worse problems for little bobby in the future? T or F. Your reasoning here_______________________________________________________________.

Little Susie has loved the ocean since she could barely walk. One day she announces to her parents she is a fish and wants to swim out to sea with others of her kind. Should Susie's parents drive her to the beach next weekend and buy her some flippers? T or F.

Robert Throckmorton IV, is a senior in high school in Middlebury, Connecticut and decides he is a muslim woman. Should his family allow him to wear a burka to school? T or F.

If Bruce Jenner is a woman, where is Bruce Jenner, the man? Is Bruce Jenner, the man, trapped in a man's body thinking he is a woman? Does it matter to anybody with half a brain? T or F.

If I know the multiplications table, having committed it to memory when aged 8 does that make me a dinosaur? T or F.

Is it only backward hillbilly Nazis who believe marriage is between a man and a woman and diversity is the pablum of fools and the mentally defective? T or F.

Is it just me or has the press dropped the Russia-Trump cabal conspiracy theory? T or F.

Have you read enough of this meaningless script? T or F.

I am

Jackson Delano Maybolt, PhD. President Urban Poverty Law Center

Monday, March 6, 2017

Bugging and Buggery, The Obama Legacy Just Got Messier

Former President Barack Hussein Obama will go down in history as America's only president known for bugging half the electorate with his policies and bugging a presidential candidate during a hotly contested election cycle where Obama is depending on the election of Hillary Clinton to insure none of his anti-American buggery sees the light of day.

Obama, the half black, half white, all bugger, former commander in cheat pulled out all stops in his mission to sabotage Donald John Trump's run for the presidency. The FISA requests for surveillance of Trump was first made in June of 2016 after Bill Clinton, a former president himself, famous for thuggery and not buggery, married to the former Secretary of State, known to her many detractors as the SOS, Hillary (My Turn) Clinton, who is perhaps the least qualified person to ever hold public office with a vagina, met with Obama's Attorney General Loretta Lynch, another incompetent nag on the tarmac in Arizona one week before FBI director Comey lets Hillary off her treason charges for using an insecure internet server in her bathroom for State work and deleting 33 thousand emails which belonged to the American people to hide her nefarious dealings with money and bribes with her other operation the Clinton Crime Foundation.

Conicidence? I don't think so!

Fast forward to yesterday's tweet by DJTrump. In it he alleges Obama bugged his office during the campaign and after his legal and legitimate election as the 45th president of the United States. This is an unconscionable abuse of power! It is the reason so many fought so hard against the NSA act in the first place and it did not take long for the NSA to be abused by a politician against his enemies, I mean the opposition party.

What is in the make up of Barack Hussein Obama which would cause him to consider persons with different political views as the enemy? Is it a white or black trait? Or is it a good v evil trait shared by all races equally?

The Hutu's and the Tutsies hacked it out on the subcontinent of Africa many years ago, but then whitey has to answer for Hitler and his horrendous assault upon the Jews and Gypsies in Europe, and the little yellow man Pol Pot slaughtered millions in Cambodia to prove his race is a contender, and of course no man's inhumanity toward man would be complete without mentioning our government's attack on the North American Indian tribes....

Must just be a man thing planted in Cain based on envy of the other who you feel has it better than you and taking his life is your only recourse. Sad, really sad human trait.

With the leaks coming out daily from the Trump Administration from Obama's bugs, both human and survelance technology based, designed to weaken and destroy his presidency, President Trump and congress will have no choice but investigate and charge all those who are responsible for breaking the laws against sedition.

Jeff Sessions will be a busy man looking into all this Obama based buggery. Time to drain the swamp and swat the flies away from our man, President Trump. President Trump has proven himself a man whom must not be trifled with. His skin is thin and his patience with buggery even thinner.

The slim man of Kenya via Indonesia and Hawaii and the mean streets of Chicago under the tutalage of Frank Davis and idiot of the weather underground, disciple of Alinsky and puppet of George Soros, the Hungarian hater of free men and the new world order boy, will spend most of his and Michelle's book advance on lawyers trying to keep his skin out of orange.

What better way to pay him back for his crimes against America than bankruptcy. He is needs to lawyer up and do so soon. He will not be able to rely on those in his administration because they have problems of their own, Lynch and Holder will be pins in the machinery of what will become known as the most unethical American presidency in history.

Does Congress have the initiative and the nerve to fully investigate the corruption of Clinton/Obama? Some will say not.

Throwing Stones in glass houses is problematic.

Trifling with the President of the United States is like teasing a pair of pit bulls in a cage fight with your wedding tackle exposed.

The Obama people are up for some hard times if anything can be proven. The small fry will finger the fingerlings, who inturn will spill the beans on the big tunas who will rat out the king Mackerel Obama and his school of slimy fish are set for trapping. It is not a good time to be a fingerling in Washington, DC. These expendables should run to your nearest congressman and make a plea so you cannot be silenced like Seth Rich was last summer.

The Thugs of DC are not known for playing nice. They play for keeps.

Trump is a keen fisherman. He has laid the bait and the hook has been set. Now Jeff Sessions needs to reel them in and send them to the cannery, lock, stock, and Barry.

Trump was elected to drain the swamp and end the Clinton/Obama Banana Republicesque tumble into lawlessness we witnessed from these unscrupulous vile politicians.

Money, the root of all evil.

Trump made his, Clinton and Obama cheated to get theirs selling government favors and taking kick backs and bribes.

In the old America, with crimes came punishment. We will see if Trump and Sessions can bring America back and make America Great Again by reestablishing the rule of law for all, the weak and the powerful.

I am ever hopeful President Trump is up to the task.

The liberals have a fondness for referring to President Trump's administration as "The Orange Presidency" a seemingly knock on his hair coloring. I believe when it is all said and done it will refer to the jumpsuits his predecessor donned for his crimes.


I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Saturday, March 4, 2017

President Obama Jumped The Shark Tapping The Trump Campaign Illegally!

President Obama is a petulant pissant who illegally tapped Trump's phones before a contentious election. He has lowered, no burried the bar for ethical behavior in presidents! Even Hillary Clinton would seem ethical in comparison. With the news of this action from the failing Obama presidency we know where some of Obama's skeletons are buried. He is not comfortable with the change Trump's election entailed and planned on Hillary to block any investigations into his nefarious actions while commander in cheat until at least the statutes of limitations ran out on his creepy dishonest anti-American activities.

Secret deals with Iran, billions to the mullahs, millions to the palestinians, trying hard to interfere with Netanyahu's re-election in Israel, fast and furious gun dealings, arming ISIS, sacrificing Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi, protecting Hillary Clinton and her secret server, weaponizing the IRS against TEA Party organizations, weaponizing the justice department and planting spies on Trump and his new administration, selling Russia our uranium, playing softball with ISIS and failing to take the threat radical islamic muslim terorists pose seriously, being such a polarizing racial figure encouraging violence of black Americans against white Americans, and a war on our nation's police departments and its officers.

In a word President Obama was and is a complete ass!

Jeff Sessions, having recused himself from the nonRussian election interference hoax is free to investigate this latest revelation to its fullest and file charges against the culpable and prosecute these traitors to the fullest extent of the law. Nixon resigned for far less.

Obama should be retroactively impeached and lose his generous pension and benefits if convicted of sedition!

I want to be the first to call for president Obama's resignation!

As an American I demand Obama cease and desist his unscrupulous acts against our democratically elected president.

Democrats in the senate, approve Trump's cabinet and Obama moles in the White House, at Justice, and CIA, State, resign now or risk being fired without benefits.

Hunting season has opened in Washington on the creatures in the Black lagoon who are trying to sabotage Trump's presidency.

Republicans in house oversight committees get off your asses and do something!

This is the biggest scandal in the past 100 years! It should not be allowed to be swept under the carpet.

I am sure Russia can give you some pointers on what is the appropriate way to deal with traitors.

What would Vlad do?

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center