The national nightmare for white men in America is ending on January 20, 2017 at noon. Donald J. Trump will place his tiny white hand on the bible and raise his other tiny white hand and be given the oath to protect, defend, and respect the constitution of the United States of America. Sworn in by Chief Justice John Roberts who passed Obamacare on to millions and millions of unwilling Americans. When is a tax not a tax?
The Great Pirate Roberts who with his apish decision to deny the undeniable has crippled the US economy and stunted her growth all because some slim near-do-well community organ grinder from the mean streets of Chicago, by way of Kenya, Indonesia, the Mosque, and Hawaii just had to give those uppity white folks their comeuppance!
Barack Hussein Obama never met a white man he liked. He hated his grandfather, egads a white man, who probably resented his daughter's choice of paramours and took his frustrations out on little Barack. Little Barack did not get even with his old Granddad, but chose instead to unleash his own pent up frustrations from a lifetime of low expectations and affirmative actions foisted on him by all he met in his journey from Occidental College, to Columbia, to Harvard. He believed the hype.
But his intellect was just shy of keen and the affirmative actions were justified since merit based promotions for him would be impossible. The affirmative action thumb on Obama's scales in life catapulted him to the most unlikely position as President of the United States.
None the less, Americans of all colors and flavors cheered his selection as the first black American President. Could it be America was now far enough beyond that awful blight of slavery to be a post racial society? Well it did not take long for little Barack to show his true colored side. His first act was a 10% taxation on tanning booth patrons, most if not all of whom were fair skinned or in a word, white. Next came his Moslem apology tour across the middle east, which I believe was not an apology for what America had done before Obama, but a pre-emptive apology for what he, and the whitest of whites, Hillary Roddam Clinton would soon do to them over the next four long and agonizing years. Turmoil and destruction that will take a hundred years to mend.
Seeing that his tanning tax was insufficient punishment for the whites in America, he next set out to destroy the best medical care in the world by dictating that all Americans must buy health insurance or face a penalty collected by the world's most vicious collection agency, the IRS. And the democrats complied and passed the Affordable Care Act of treason against Americans without a single republican vote. Voters took note and promptly voted the democrat majority out of the house in 2010, placing a wise stop gap on the actions of a Color-conscious tyrant in a White House.
The petulant half white noted his new circumstance and laughed and boasted of his pen and his phone and began a reign of regulatory terror over everything American. Nothing was safe from his sanctions. Oil, pharmaceuticals, cigarettes, banking, automobiles, dairy animal effluents, gay marriage, guns and ammunition, everything was regulated but Islamic terror was not regulated and his failure to protect his charges is proven in spades with the acts in San Bernadino, Orlando, Fort Hood, Chattanooga and now Ft. Lauderdale.
Obama crippled home energy with his regulations and his $4 a gallon gasoline spurred the American entrepreneur into action leading to the greatest oil and gas boom the nation has ever witnessed. Over night the strangle hold OPEC has held over our energy costs evaporated, strengthening our position in the world at the same time weakening that of our former suppliers in the middle east. The paradyme shifted and now in our new energy independent state, the struggle for control in the middle east is less our concern than President Obama's golfing handicap, which may be just shy of his IQ.
Obama, the great scientist, has bought hook line and sinker into the globull warming hoax. A carbon based tax is good for governments and bad for people. And with any tax or regulation that one principle seems to be the senaquenon for all politicians.
The American people took note of Obama's slip-shod acts and voted control of the senate over to the republicans in 2012, but oddly left Obama in place to continue his reign of incompetence for another 4 years.
Obama has had a war on Americans and especially the White Men of Colorlessness. Men like the lone ranger, superman, batman, and the American white, heros no more because America has become not a post racial society, but a post racist society where minorities have been given permission by President Obama to attack Whites not because of the content of their character but because of the color of their skins and their political beliefs, Black Chicagoians Beat White Trump supporter.
America's minorities must not take Obama's race baiting or a white block of voters will insure their kind will have less and less to say in matters regarding government. The electoral college negates the mob ever controlling the electorate and talk of rescinding it is ludicrus.
Did Donald Trump win election by appealing to America's new villain, the offspring of the original founding fathers? Why, yes he did. I suggest if Barack Obama and his supporters want to live in a land they shaped and founded, they should immigrate to a frontier and settle it and have it their way.
Mars is up for the taking. I hear Elan Mosk will take you there if you have enough money. But once they got there they would have to come up with another nickname since some might take offense to "the Red Planet." My bet is these dips would not have the guts to start from scratch or the brains. Mars will be settled by whites if at all.
God Speed, President Obama, may your days as ex-president be as fullfilling as your days as president, I'm sure they will be just as productive.
Talk to Jimmy Carter for some tips. And do not be awed by your successors successes, what would you expect of a white man?
With Donald Trump, there has never been any affirmative action, only his personal action to get him where he is today.
On the cusp of Making America Great Again!
I am, "Egads, A White Man!" No apologies! No excuses. Live with it.
Jackson Delano Maybolt PUPLC
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