Thursday, January 26, 2017

Trumpnado, Washington Did Not See That Coming -Madonna And Assley Judd Meltdown

Week one of Trumpnado in Washington has Americans cheering and liberals in the media wringing out their panties or buying new ones after soiling themselves. What we are witnessing is the peaceful/hostile take over of the federal government by business via the American voter. Donald John Trump is the greatest American Patriot to come along in our lifetime. He is one of the best and brightest our baby boom generation produced. He is part Julius Ceasar, Alexander The Great, and Nathan Bedford Forrest all rolled into one colossus! Like Forrest he has "gotten to Washington with the firstest with the mostest", bigly! His first week has "put the skare in them." Like Ceasar and Alexander The Great, he inspires men and is a natural born leader. Trump's vision for America is spot on.

Trump looks at government with a business man's eye and can determine with superhuman clarity which parts are fundamendally necessary and which are "chicken-shit". Many of the regulations enacted by the unelected bureaucrats in the alphabet soup agencies that spread and grow like a malignant tumor on host America have been determined to be nothing but bird droppings and Trump has already taken steps to clean up the barnyard these agencies have become. Look for Trump to shrink the tumor. His federal hiring freeze is already helping, and the little advertised Obama policy of no whites hired in the federal government has been broken by the freeze.

I have long felt government is make work for the barely employable paid for by the eminently employable. Face it folks, many government workers are on the gravey train which has lead America to crisis with Trillions of dollars of debt, a stagnant economy, and an atmosphere most businesses avoid due to the mountains of regulations. Trump has changed all this in a week. He promised winning and boy has he delivered.

The wall, immigration reform, pulling US out of Transgender Pacific Partnership, renegotiating NAFTA, the Keystone Pipeline, stopping all EPA contracts, halting the CDC upcoming confab on health and global warming, unleashing the dogs of hell on ISIS, the purge of the globalist Muslim infiltrators in our highest levels of government, who are clearly not there for America or its security, are all examples of Donald Trump's skills as a deal maker. Business will flock to our shores because if you trim all the regulations and bureaucratic nonsense away, America is still the best place in the world due to its rule of law and its Judeo-Christian ethic. With Trump America just got better, way better. Our government was out of control. The Trump trim is necessary and will be seen as brilliant.

He is Making America Great Again, not by adding anything new, but by taking away the barriers erected by the unelected nimcompoops that make work for the most unproductive members of our society who have become what I feel are the parasitic class.

Think of Bill and Hillary Clinton. What is she selling that you can actually touch or use or resell to another consumer? Chicken shit? Even chicken shit can be spread on a field and fertilize it. But product Clinton is not physical nor can it be described. They represent what is malignant and unctuous about our federal government. Her rejection by the voters in 2016 will be judged as the greatest event of the 21 century, not just for America, but for the world. Our great grandchildren will sit on our knees and praise our good sense.

Grandpa, what did you do to save the world from tyranny? Well, little Suzy, it was quite simple. I voted for Donald J. Trump. Can I see your Make America Great Again hat?
Why, yes you can.

The million woman march had some howlers and some bitches. I think Madonna, or that decrepit bag of bones with flesh, has aged poorly but still dresses like a teeny-bopper in heat, belongs in the bitches category. Her Fuck laden rant and her poorly thought out screetch on "blowing up the White House" may land her in some legal jeopardy if the Department of Justice gets its new attorney general, but Chuck-a-luck Schummer and Ms. Feinstein are in delay mode while I am sure the shredders and the hammers are jacking the records over at Obama Justice 24/7. In my world Madonna would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and if she had to go outside and blow the homeless during recesses at her trial to help pay her lawyers, then I believe justice will have been served. She is a hag in the Hillary Clinton sense of the word. Madonna's 15 minutes of fame are over. There is nothing worse than a woman who refuses to grow old and stale gracefully, unless it is two women.

What an ass! And I am not referring to Madonna's droopy backside!

And Ashley Judd, where did that come from? Is she stupid or just auditioning for it? The adage about opening ones mouth and removing all doubt about your intelligence applies to Ms. Judd. From what I can tell Ashley can play Wheel of Fortune and sell her "J" and buy a "D" and become Ashley Dudd. Her future is all in the past. She, Madonna, and Hillary all represent the 60's feminist movement and America is on a new journey lead by new leaders with new dreams and ideas. The feminist movement has rung all the gold out of the goose and should be allowed to die in peace. Feminism died on the mall last saturday replaced by iconoclastic stupid bitchism.

I understand peoples rights to protest, but what do women want? Unfettered access to jobs, health care, and no responsibility for becoming pregnant or raising an unwanted child? I do not understand liberals. The poorest ragamuffin who steals over our southern border is more precious than the goo from Madonna or Ashley's womb scrappings? Well, perhaps that is not the best comparison, but I have a point.

Women, and to a lesser extent men, need to know, with sex comes great responsibility. Raising a child, like that shitty tattoo is a lifetime commitment. Selfish people and hedonists need not apply. An abortion is not like pulling a tooth or popping a pimple. It should not be taken lightly. This day and age, any unwanted pregnancy is a sign of stupidity. Hey Madonna, its your uterus baby. Tie your tubes, take birth control, use a condom, or abstain. But do not force the rest of us to pay for your irresponsible act, pay for your own damn abortion. Some of us believe in the sanctity of life and in God. An awful lot of us were born before Roe v Wade to mothers who cried when they learned of the trouble down there, but were thankful they had us after we were born and they saw how wonderful we were. Not in my case, but mother did like my older brother.

And this last screed is to our glorious leader, the man with the golden hair, President Donald J. Trump. Please look into the billions of rounds of ammunition the non militarized departments of government procured and see if you might confiscate these and hand them out to your voters ala "government cheese program". I am interested in .556/223, 9mm, and 22lr calibers. And thank you for making America great again. At this rate your job will be done by February and your actions have shown America what a complete mess politicians make of government probably by design, make a mess, fix a mess it never ends. I believe you could get everything done in the first quarter and send congress home only to meet for national emergencies and everything would run swimmingly.

America loves Trump and Trump loves America! God bless you Donald Trump and your beautiful family.

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center Peace and Love!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The Battle Of Good V Evil, Chalk One Up For Good, Trump, The Man With The Golden Hair, Was Chosen By God

"I am going the be the greatest job creating president God ever created." Donald J. Trump

So saieth Donald of Mar-A-Lago and so it will be done. Does anyone doubt Donald Trump's love of God? Is this the real reason those who worship satan are having such a conniption over his election? Hollywood, LGTBEIEIO, Soros, Hillary Clinton, The Media, Planned Parentlesshood? Anyone who is afraid of Trump should be fearing for their souls and not this brave Christian warrior who is surrounding himself with like-minded individuals whose goal is to bring America and its people back to moral and economic greatness.

This election was about devine intervention. God often works through imperfect men to obtain his perfect works. America has been slouching towards Gomorrah for at least three possibly more generations. The election of the pagan pig in a pant suit, Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton, would have been quite possibly the last straw and satan's plan for world domination would be done. Thank God Almighty He has not gotten bored with us and still considers us His children.

Trump will be the vehicle through which He has His way. Look for great things, bigly!

For now satan and his followers will have to lick their wounds and hope they can out smart the Creator. The people can be swayed by satan's golden tongue and the debauchery his followers so enjoy including loose morals, no norms, no limits on depravity. Hillary, Soros, Hollywood, and the media are apoplectic over her loss and will fight tooth and nail every move President Trump makes over the next 4 years.

But the American people who elected Donald Trump chose God over Satan and God has enlightened His people and we no longer hear what the siren sounds the Satanic Press are shouting. The best way to survive these next four years is to apply this simple formula to everything you hear from the malignant main stream media about President Trump.

Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton, George Soros, CNN, CNBC, NYT, WP, NPR, ABC, Disney, CBS, ABC, LATimes, Facebook, Google, acolytes of satan, disregard and ignore.

Donald Trump, Mike Pence and company, Christian warriors! Listen and be enlightened

Trump's Tweets, devinely inspired.(get thee behind me satan in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior!) I was just admonished by google's satanic words monitors!

I, personally, and collectively am hoping President Obama fades from the scene quicker than monkey sex at the zoo. I hope he becomes a dervish somewhere in the middle east and we never hear from him again. But those of us who know our bibles are aware satan does not give up. Expect the petulant peevish piccolo to pontificate prolifically on the satan news networks, but the people will not be swayed.

Look, Hillary Clinton and her cultists spent $1.5 billion spewing negative ads about Donald Trump, but God cloaked His choice to lead this nation in a shining light of truth and protected him from all the slings and arrows. And I am not a religious nut, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express once. Even the "grab em by the pussy" tact failed to dim Donald J. Trump's appeal with the voter.

There are only two more days left of the Dark Age of Obama! The dark one has a few more insults to throw at Christian America before he slithers out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue on Friday, but we can take it. He can insult us but he can not break our faiths or kill our hope for a better future under the man with the golden hair.

God's will be done and Trump and Pence are His will and both will Make America Great Again!

I am,


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Obama Has Secured His Place In World History And It Ain't Looking Good

I read the news today, oh boy! About a lucky man who made the grade. He threw out the Washington establishent with wise-cracking tweets and bold admonishments of his opponents. Next, he crushed the wicked, crooked Hillary Clinton who was unable the hack, cackle, lie, or cheat her way through the thick glass ceiling, though she was hoisted violently upwards on her own petard fueled by her illegal use of and lying about her home server, and a wickedly partisan press. Total fail!

The Glass Ceiling held and all Hillary Clinton got was another concussion from crashing into it without a helmet. And now we learn the Global Clinton Initiative is closing shop due to a lack of funding. Seems the interest in the CGI has waned since Hillary slipped off her broom on the way to the White House and interest and donations have dropped faster than Bill Clinton's shorts in Madonna's dressing room back when both were young enough to engage in such colorful acts.

Peddling influence when you have none is surely intrepid, but buying influence from someone who has none is insane. With regards to the Clinton Global Initiative the world has regained its sanity. Bye bye Clintons. Hello, Trump. Good-bye sleaze, hello brother golden hair! Donald Trump is so rich even his hair is gold. Mr. Trump would you consider sending me your hair clippings, I have a daughter who I feel certain could spin them into gold.

And now Barky, the clown president, is nervously peevish about his legacy given the new situation... In just over three days there will be a new pen and a new blackberry in the White House. President Obama knows his attempt to fundamentally change America has failed if you measure by his goal. But if you look at the complete and near total destruction of the democrat party and it is not difficult to see that Barack Obama has wakened a Sleeping Giant, not stirred so successfully since that day back in 1941. America is not ready for what Obama and the democrats had planned. Third world status for our great country must wait a few more generations and millions more poor immigrants to ever hope to take hold of our proud people. Perhaps Trump will drain the swamp that has us slouching towards Gomorrah.

And what will become of Lord Barack Hussein Obama? Will history equate him to a Nelson Mandela or a Robert Mugabe? Did Obama's policies bring us closer to South Africa, or Zimbabwe? On race relations Lord Barry has screwed the Portuguese Waterhound, who apparently took out his frustrations on a white teenage visitor to the White House last week by biting her on the face. Tensions have never been higher between the races, black on white violence has risen 1004% under Lord Hussein with the "knock-out game" as practiced in our largest cities by "If I had a Sons" of Obama at record highs.

Is the world a safer place after Lord Hussein's reign of error? Would you, as an American of founders descent, feel safe traveling anywhere in the middle east but Israel?

Of course not!

The world is a much more dangerous place after almost 8 years of failed Lord Obama policies and missteps. Eight years ago who would have dreamed Iran would be jettisoned into the Nuclear Age with American money and America's blessings? And who would have dreamed Cuba would be brought back into the civilized world by a petulant sniveling community organ grinder from the mean streets of Chicago?

And who would have dreamed our Lord Hussein Obamo would leave Iraq and Afghanistan in such a rush to enable a JV group like Isis to grow and thrive. His wars and policies in the middle east have given rise to the greatest migration of barbarians into Europe since before the fall of the Roman Empire. Obama has destroyed Europe, they just do not know it yet. He is a caliphate clown and America was complacent with his evil plans.

But in three days, the jig is up. A real American patriot will be in charge and America will get back to being great again. Being an American will be something to be proud of instead of having to apologize to every substandard group in the world who cannot cut the mustard. The hand outs will become hands up. If you want to make something of yourself or your country, get off your ass and do something. It is called work, Hillary, you twit.

Please stand for the Star Spangled Banner.

Finally, I wonder if the dust bin of history is large enough to accommodate both Lord Barack Hussein Obama and his ego? We gratefully get to find out in a little more than three days.

Where was Barack Hussein Obama, 2009-2017, the world wonders?

Answer: betting and working on the wrong side of history.

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

If Meryl Streep Wants To Challenge Donald Trump The 2020 Democrat Field Is Wide Open!

Hollywood held another grandy self-flagellation event last week which I hear was televised and viewed by dozens of star-struck sycophants and the usual suspects from Variety and The Rolling Stone. Word in the alternate right press has the latest grand old dame of Hollywood, Ms. Meryl Streep, insulting the president elect, Donald Trump. Meryl could double for the former democrat candidate for president, who ran a losing campaign to a clown way back in 2016. No, I am not refering to Bernie Saunders, but the one and only, Mrs Hillary Dianne Rodham Clinton. The Clinton Doppelgänger would merely need to shed about forty pounds, the $40,000 dollar Gucci evening gown and pant up with one of Hillary's $40,000 Gucci pant suits. They appear to have similar pear shapes given their age and lack of that hormone, which makes women feminine and when it is in short supply, causes the coarse appearance and the masculinization of our grandmothers.

There is a reason Madam Streep is no longer a headliner in the movies. The public, while not watching Cage Fights or football, will not pay to see a leading lady like Meryl who could just as easily play the leading man's role. As they say in fly-over country, "why would I pay good money to go see a movie with an unattractive leading lady when I can go to Walmart and get my fill there for free."

Meryl has opened herself to critical opinion here in fly-over country. She has just "Dixie Chicked" herself with many former fans and Trump supporters. She fell on her own sword and was lifted on her generous petard by falling for fake news that was rebuked many months ago when the alleged Trump imitation of the retarted reporter was first headlined. Trump uses that move to imitate all who are confused and clueless, Rubio, Cruz and the retard reporter all got that treatment from Mr. Trump. The retard got the Trump treament for changing a story he had written about Trump 16 year ago just to make Trump look bad. The retard should have not lied.

Now when I say "retard" I do not mean to insult people with true mental handicaps, but only to demean the weak willied reporter who thought it proper to change his reporting to please Meryl Streep and her Doppelgänger HDR Clinton.

Finally, we would never have been subjected to the rantings of Streep at the Hollywood gala event if her fat friend, the democrat nominee, had actually mustered the strength to campaign in all 8 to 10 toss up states. She did not understand the frustrations out here away from the gleam and glitter of Washington, DC and Hollywood.

As Rush Limbaugh is fond of saying, "Politics is Hollywood for ugly people."

Meryl Streep, have you given any thought to entering politics? Your time has come and with the movie door closing on your career Washington, DC is calling. I am certain Hillary would sell you her pantsuit collection at a very small discount.

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center and sometime exMovie Starlet critic

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Egads, A White Man! Why Donald Trump Is White Bread And President Obama Is Whole Cheat.

The national nightmare for white men in America is ending on January 20, 2017 at noon. Donald J. Trump will place his tiny white hand on the bible and raise his other tiny white hand and be given the oath to protect, defend, and respect the constitution of the United States of America. Sworn in by Chief Justice John Roberts who passed Obamacare on to millions and millions of unwilling Americans. When is a tax not a tax?

The Great Pirate Roberts who with his apish decision to deny the undeniable has crippled the US economy and stunted her growth all because some slim near-do-well community organ grinder from the mean streets of Chicago, by way of Kenya, Indonesia, the Mosque, and Hawaii just had to give those uppity white folks their comeuppance!

Barack Hussein Obama never met a white man he liked. He hated his grandfather, egads a white man, who probably resented his daughter's choice of paramours and took his frustrations out on little Barack. Little Barack did not get even with his old Granddad, but chose instead to unleash his own pent up frustrations from a lifetime of low expectations and affirmative actions foisted on him by all he met in his journey from Occidental College, to Columbia, to Harvard. He believed the hype.

But his intellect was just shy of keen and the affirmative actions were justified since merit based promotions for him would be impossible. The affirmative action thumb on Obama's scales in life catapulted him to the most unlikely position as President of the United States.

None the less, Americans of all colors and flavors cheered his selection as the first black American President. Could it be America was now far enough beyond that awful blight of slavery to be a post racial society? Well it did not take long for little Barack to show his true colored side. His first act was a 10% taxation on tanning booth patrons, most if not all of whom were fair skinned or in a word, white. Next came his Moslem apology tour across the middle east, which I believe was not an apology for what America had done before Obama, but a pre-emptive apology for what he, and the whitest of whites, Hillary Roddam Clinton would soon do to them over the next four long and agonizing years. Turmoil and destruction that will take a hundred years to mend.

Seeing that his tanning tax was insufficient punishment for the whites in America, he next set out to destroy the best medical care in the world by dictating that all Americans must buy health insurance or face a penalty collected by the world's most vicious collection agency, the IRS. And the democrats complied and passed the Affordable Care Act of treason against Americans without a single republican vote. Voters took note and promptly voted the democrat majority out of the house in 2010, placing a wise stop gap on the actions of a Color-conscious tyrant in a White House.

The petulant half white noted his new circumstance and laughed and boasted of his pen and his phone and began a reign of regulatory terror over everything American. Nothing was safe from his sanctions. Oil, pharmaceuticals, cigarettes, banking, automobiles, dairy animal effluents, gay marriage, guns and ammunition, everything was regulated but Islamic terror was not regulated and his failure to protect his charges is proven in spades with the acts in San Bernadino, Orlando, Fort Hood, Chattanooga and now Ft. Lauderdale.

Obama crippled home energy with his regulations and his $4 a gallon gasoline spurred the American entrepreneur into action leading to the greatest oil and gas boom the nation has ever witnessed. Over night the strangle hold OPEC has held over our energy costs evaporated, strengthening our position in the world at the same time weakening that of our former suppliers in the middle east. The paradyme shifted and now in our new energy independent state, the struggle for control in the middle east is less our concern than President Obama's golfing handicap, which may be just shy of his IQ.

Obama, the great scientist, has bought hook line and sinker into the globull warming hoax. A carbon based tax is good for governments and bad for people. And with any tax or regulation that one principle seems to be the senaquenon for all politicians.

The American people took note of Obama's slip-shod acts and voted control of the senate over to the republicans in 2012, but oddly left Obama in place to continue his reign of incompetence for another 4 years.

Obama has had a war on Americans and especially the White Men of Colorlessness. Men like the lone ranger, superman, batman, and the American white, heros no more because America has become not a post racial society, but a post racist society where minorities have been given permission by President Obama to attack Whites not because of the content of their character but because of the color of their skins and their political beliefs, Black Chicagoians Beat White Trump supporter.

America's minorities must not take Obama's race baiting or a white block of voters will insure their kind will have less and less to say in matters regarding government. The electoral college negates the mob ever controlling the electorate and talk of rescinding it is ludicrus.

Did Donald Trump win election by appealing to America's new villain, the offspring of the original founding fathers? Why, yes he did. I suggest if Barack Obama and his supporters want to live in a land they shaped and founded, they should immigrate to a frontier and settle it and have it their way.

Mars is up for the taking. I hear Elan Mosk will take you there if you have enough money. But once they got there they would have to come up with another nickname since some might take offense to "the Red Planet." My bet is these dips would not have the guts to start from scratch or the brains. Mars will be settled by whites if at all.

God Speed, President Obama, may your days as ex-president be as fullfilling as your days as president, I'm sure they will be just as productive.

Talk to Jimmy Carter for some tips. And do not be awed by your successors successes, what would you expect of a white man?

With Donald Trump, there has never been any affirmative action, only his personal action to get him where he is today.

On the cusp of Making America Great Again!

I am, "Egads, A White Man!" No apologies! No excuses. Live with it.

Jackson Delano Maybolt PUPLC